Latest video from Dr. Langle's talk Feb. 2013 in Vancouver - Life With Inner Consent

Latest video from Dr. Langle's talk Feb. 2013 in Vancouver 

Life With Inner Consent

Published on May 6, 2013
An existential analytical approach in the search for meaning and fulfillment
-Dr. Alfried Längle, Vienna, Austria Feb13-2013

All people have a deep desire of a life which is worth living and provides happiness -- real, lasting happiness, which is more a feeling of fulfillment. Life of course has its claims, difficulties, adversities, tragedies and needs skills to be dealt with. What are the capacities we have and need to lead life in such a way that we can feel anchored and in touch with values and meaning? What enables us to overcome the difficulties? How can we manage anxiety, depression -- and come to a deep feeling of satisfaction? What hence is happiness?

Our existence is built on fundamental motivations which enable a life with inner consent -- the key to finding meaning and inner fulfillment.

The presentation describes this access and gives practical cues for the realisation of an existentially mattering life ( 60-75 minutes). A question and answer period will conclude the evening (30-45 minutes).

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