International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy

International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy 

IJEPP is the official organ of the International Society for Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy (ISEPP). It is published online at and is accessible for free for its first year of publication. After that it will be available only to members of INPM/ISEPP and subsribers of IJEPP. Individual articles may be purchased online by non-members and non-subscribers. Once a year IJEPP publishes selected papers in hardcopy format.

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J.M. Stolzer - Early Childhood Experiences and the Development of Schizophrenia: An Existential Analysis

C. Daniel Crosby - Existential treatment of personal and career concerns: A case study

C. Daniel Crosby  - Baseball Fan Loyalty and the Pillars of Existence

Richard Graye - Performance and Self-Perception: Study of Self-Efficacy

Solomon Makola, Henriëtte Van den Ber - Values systems: What differentiates students with a “high” from those with a “low” sense of meaning?

Solomon Makola, Henriëtte Van den Berg - Meaning/Purpose in life and related constructs: A literature review

Alfried Langle - Suffering—an Existential Challenge: Understanding, dealing and coping with suffering from an existential-analyticperspective

Joanna Lipari - The case of "Paula": An existentially based treatment approach to chronic depression

Janette McDonald - A death is worth a thousand tellings: Transformation through storytelling

Adam Blatner - Approaches to Deepening Personal Meaning

Dmitry Leontiev - The Phenomenon of Meaning: How Psychology Can Make Sense of It

Jordan Peterson - The Meaning of Meaning

Jens Zimmermann - Meaning, Hermeneutics, and Ethics: Post-postmodern Subjectivity

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