The British Journal of Psychiatry Future Table of Contents for 1 March 2014; Vol. 204, No. 3

The British Journal of Psychiatry
BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert
A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:
March 2014; Vol. 204, No. 3
This Future Table of Contents is available online at:

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.

The Research Domain Criteria: moving the goalposts to change the game
J. L. Doherty and M. J. Owen
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

An end to psychiatric detention? Implications of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
B. D. Kelly
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Meeting the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers
P. Vostanis
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

What is is like to be diagnosed with bipolar illness, borderline personality disorder or another diagnosis with mood instability
R. B. Dudas
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Review article
Rates of violence in patients classified as high risk by structured risk assessment instruments
J. P. Singh, S. Fazel, R. Gueorguieva and A. Buchanan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Risk of dementia after anaesthesia and surgery
P.-L. Chen, C.-W. Yang, Y.-K. Tseng, W.-Z. Sun, J.-L. Wang, S.-J. Wang, Y.-J. Oyang and J.-L. Fuh
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Lifetime affect and midlife cognitive function: prospective birth cohort study
M. Richards, J. H. Barnett, M. K. Xu, T. J. Croudace, D. Gaysina, D. Kuh, P. B. Jones and the MRC National Survey of Health and Development scientific and data collection team
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Mental health outcomes in US and UK military personnel returning from Iraq
J. Sundin, R. K. Herrell, C. W. Hoge, N. T. Fear, A. B. Adler, N. Greenberg, L. A. Riviere, J. L. Thomas, S. Wessely and P. D. Bliese
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Mental disorders, disability and treatment gap in a protracted refugee setting
A. E. Llosa, Z. Ghantous, R. Souza, F. Forgione, P. Bastin, A. Jones, A. Antierens, A. Slavuckij and R. F. Grais
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Multidimensional Tretment Foster Care for Adolescents in English care: randomised trial and observational cohort evaluation
J. M. Gren, N. Biehal, C. Roberts, J. Dixon, C. Kay, E. Parry, J. Rothwell, A. Roby, D. Kapadia, S. Scott and I. Sinclair
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

One-day cognitive-behavioural therapy self-confidence workshops for people with depression: randomised controlled trial
L. Horrell, K. A. Goldsmith, A. T. Tylee, U. H. Schmidt, C. L. Murphy, E.-M. Bonin, J. Beecham, J. Kelly, S. Raikundalia and J. S. L. Brown on behalf of the CLASSIC trial group
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Evaluating the feasibility of complex interventions in mental health services: standardised measure and reporting guidelines
V. J. Bird, C. Le Boutillier, M. Leamy, J. Willams, S. Bradstreet and M. Slade
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

Psychiatric assessment of mood instability: qualitiative study of patient experience
A. C. Bilderbeck, K. E. A. Saunders, J. Price and G. M. Goodwin
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 204 (3)

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