Editorial Februarie 2014 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

     Psihiatrii isi amintesc cu ce promisiuni au luat conducerea conducatorii actuali. Ei vroiau sa faca ceva, dar pe banii altora. In plus,  s-au pus pe distrugerea realizarilor de pina la ei. Au instituit un tabu asupra RESOCIALIZARII si au promovat cadre noi destul de naive in psihiatrie.
Oricum, ei calatoresc, au - chipurile - treaba pe la congrese, firmele platesc cheltuelile si totul curge.
In spital, aprent e liniste, mult body. Didactica s-a anemiat, calitatea observatiilor a scazut, se emit documente de calculator sumare. Comunicare si comunicari nu prea mai sunt. Periodic, cite un congres in centru care nu are ce sa spuna.
 Ar trebui reluate sedinele lunare de comunicari, a se verifica biblioteca spitalului (care trebuie mutatat de la morga la Directie), ar trebui stimulati rezidentii in prezentari didactice de prestigiu, ar trebui discutate conceptiile in psihiatrie.
Ce a publicat un provincial ambitios sunt nimicuri. Speram sa se produca schimbari, sa plece unii despoti actuali iar noii veniti sa recunoasca APLR si sa colaboreze cu el.


Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA


   Psychiatrists have remember what leaders and the current leaders promised. They intended to do something but on the basis of other people expenses. In addition, they proceed destruction of the achievements up to them. They established taboo on RESOCIALISATION and promoted in psychiatry new staff rather naïve. 
   Anyway, they travel, it is supposed to have work on congresses, companies pay their expenses and everything flows. 
   Inside the hospital seems to be silence and there are a lot of bodyguards. Teaching weakened, the quality of observations decreased, the issued documents on computers are summary. Communication and presentations are rare. Periodically take place congresses which have nothing to say. 
   The monthly meetings should be reopened, the library of the hospital accessed (it has to be moved from morgue where is placed now to the central building), the residents should be stimulated eventually by means of renowned presentations, the concepts in psychiatry should be discussed. 
   What has published by an ambitious provincial are trifles. We hope that changes will happen, some current despots will leave and the new comers will recognize and work with APLR.

GOD bless Psychiatry!

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

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