Editorial Februarie 2014 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

       S P E R A N T A

                                 Iubirea, rabdarea si speranta sunt considerate cele 3 mari virtuti crestine.

   Cercetatorul in ale psihologiei ar trebui sa se bazeze macar pe speranta. De ce? Pentru ca, in situatia actuala, cercetarea e aproape inexistenta. Doar neurofiziologia continua sa aduca unele date, dar nu foarte importantente, care nu schimba practica trista. Ramine speranta psihoterapiei sitematice, durabile care sa sustina resocializarea bolnavului mintal. Restul sunt vorbe. Nu poate fi progres prin inlocuirea cercetarii cu privitul la calculator, "ce mai spun americanii...". 
 Nu suntem salvati pentru ca invocam cu emfaza circuite de neurotransmitatori pe care nu le putem verifica! Asa ca suntem la mana unor farmacologi care anual trebuie sa aduca ceva pe piata, sa aibe profit si sa se agate de bugetele de asistenta sociala. Mai bine sa invatam care este forta noastra de a indruma un bolnav, ce obiective realiste ne putem propune.

Lupta continua pe doua fronturi:
  •        cel al formarii noastre spirituale si
  •        cel al progresului critic al psihofarmacologiei.
      In rest, e iluzie, masca, pretentie si impostura!

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

T H E   H O P E

                                 Love, patience and hope are considered the 3 main Christian virtues. 

The research psychologists should be based at least on hope. Why? Because, in the actual situation, research is almost nonexistent. Only neurophysiology continue to bring some data, but not enough important to be able to change the practice. Remains only the hope of systematic psychotherapy, durable to sustain the resocialisation of mentally ill patients. The rest are simple words. It is no possible to bring progress by means of replacing research with computer browse, with “what the Americans are saying…”.

We are not saved because we invoke with emphasis networks of neurotransmitters that cannot be verified! So, we are on hands of some pharmacologists that every year has to bring something new on the market in order to have enough gain to cling the social budgets. It is better to learn what is our strength to guide the patient, what are the realistic goals we can bring in.

    The fight continues on two fronts:

  •       that of our spiritual formation and
  •       that of realistic progress of psycho-pharmacology

    Besides this the rest is illusion, mask, claim and imposture!

 Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

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