Editorial Aprilie 2014 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

VINE   L A N G L E   !

            Pe 16,17,18 mai are loc la Predeal Congresul SAEL( Asociatia pentru Analiza Existentiala.)

  Fondata de dr.Furnica de la Arad, este adusa din Austria  fiind intemeiata de FRANKL.

            Succesorul  lui Frankl este Prof. ALFRIED LANGLE.
            Avem bucuria sa anuntam ca vine si conferentiaza la Predeal.
            Este, fara dubiu, cel mai important psihiatru care a fost vreodata la noi..
            Interesul pentru oricare psihoterapeut este enorm. Sper sa incapem!
            Informatii suplimentare: dr. Petre Radescu tel.0723696456

                                                       Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

On 16, 17 and 18 of May at Predeal will take place the XIII-rd SAEL Congress organized by the Romanian Existential Analysis Association.

Founded in Romania by dr. Furnica from Arad, this therapeutic orientation was get from Austria being originated by FRANKL.

     The successor of Frankl is Prof. ALFRIED LANGLE.

     We are pleased to announce that prof. Alfried Langle will come in Romania and will lecture at Predeal.

     He is, undeniable, the most important psychiatrist who has ever been in Romania.
     The interest for any psychotherapist is huge. I hope that will be enough space for all of us!
     Additional information: dr. Petre Radescu tel. 0723696456

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

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