Editorial Iunie 2014 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

Fiti linistiti: a venit RESILIENTA !

 De curind s-a tinut la TIMISOARA  congresul Mondial de resilienta,cu sute de comunicari foarte interesante,cu nume vechi si nume noi, toate trecute brusc pe RESILIENTA. E greu de apreciat cate realitati aduc, dar  ma tem sa nu fie o moda de limbaj. Oricum mai au mult pana la resocializare, care este ignorata pentru ca nu se face cu vorbe. Oricum multumim celor care ne-au transmis rezumatele difuzate in revista.

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA
                                           Be still: RESILIENCE has come!

Recently in Timisoara took place the World Congress on Resilience, with hundreds of interesting communications, with old and new names, all suddenly turned on RESILIENCE. It’s hard to estimate how many realities they are bringing but I’m afraid that it is only a fashion of language. Anyway, they have a lot up to resocialisation that is ignored because it cannot be made only with words. Anyway, we thank those who sent us the abstracts published in Conference Proceedings.

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

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