Editorial Iulie 2014 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA


Aproape toata lumea crede ca stie ce e sportul. Dar, pe langa conditia fizica, este tot atat de important pentru psihic si chiar pentru formarea persoanei. Si, pe langa cei care-l practica, sunt o multime cu mult mai mare a celor care urmaresc sportul ca si competitie, ca mijloc de a invinge pe altul  si finalmente a-ti onora tara si neamul. 
  Vara asta ne ofera fotbal cu 32 de tari. Ce organizare, ce fair-play, cate pasiuni! 

Dar TENISUL FEMININ? Halep concureaza pe Hagi si Comaneci. Da exemplu de stapinire de sine, de calm, de normalitate, calitati necesare pentru sanatatea mentala profund incercata a tarii noastre.
 Asa ca sportul este model psihologic. Extrapolarea in alte domenii merge pana la un punct. Desigur, chiar daca nu sunt campionate organizate in stiinte, arte si cultura,  totusi un panteon unversal imaginar tot exista. Desigur ca e cu mult mai greu decit in sport. Dar daca extrapolam ambitia, rezistenta, credinta, efortul, daruirea putem avea rezultate si extrasportive.

Pana la urma, religia si filozofia aduc pacea tardiva si impacarea unei existente oricum incercate adesea si cu ratare. Intregul insa nu moare si pasiunea Dunarii continua sa se verse in mare, desi pare absurd!

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA


Almost everyone thinks that knows what's the sport. But besides physical condition is as important the mental aspects and even for individual formation. And, besides those who practice it, there are a lot far more those who follow the sport and competition as a means to defeat the other and finally to honor their country and nation.
This summer football gives us 32 countries. What organization, fair play, how many passions!

But women's tennis?  Halep compete Comaneci and Hagi. She gives an example of the power of self, calm, normality, all necessary qualities for mental health of our hard stressed country.

So sport is a psychological model. Extrapolation in other areas go up to a point. Of course, even if there are not organized championships in science, arts and culture, there is a pantheon of universal imaginary. Of course it is much more difficult than in the case sport. But if we extrapolate ambition, endurance, faith, effort, dedication and results we can obtain also extrasportive results.

Eventually, religion and philosophy bring peace and reconciliation of an existence  often hard  tried and unfulfilled. The whole is not dying and the Danube passion continues to spill into the sea, though it seems absurd!

Prof.Dr.  Aurel ROMILA

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