Daily Zen July edition On the Way

Dear Aurel,

Well into the richness of our seasons, it's a perfect time to reflect and pause.  Where are we in our balance of life and practice?  This month we return to Sheng Yen who is very easy to connect with.  Since he has been a part of our contemporary world/time, there is no leap to make in understanding a translator's version of teaching.

Come take time for a few reminders with this month's reading:

Thanks to those of you awaiting the completion of this next set of seiza benches.  Your patience is appreciated as we have no assembly line of production; there are just the two of us attending to them each day.  Each step of the process is getting the care it deserves, and each one is a study in awareness from the initial cut to the final staining.  I will be sending out an announcement on their day of shipping which I anticipate in the next few weeks.

We now have a better sense, also, of how many to make in each custom run; our next woods offered will be oak and hickory....due out later this Fall.

May your Way be clear,


P.O Box 745771
Arvada, CO 80003

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