Karl Gregory Abstract : În ultimii 10 ani, psihoterapia, teologia şi neuroştiinta au început să se apropie din ce în ce mai mult, şi asta se resimte şi la nivelul r...
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Între 20 şi 27 septembrie 2014, Bucureştiul recucereşte fervoarea şi tonusul artistic al unei veritabile capitale europene la ediţia a II-a a RadiRo – Festivalul Internaţional al Orchestrelor Radio!
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Festivalul RadiRo, ediţia a II-a, va debuta la Bucureşti cu un concert extraordinar al Orchestrei Simfonice Radio din Finlanda pe 20 septembrie, de la ora 19.00, la Sala Radio!

Sibelius, Beethoven, Grieg şi Richard Strauss vor fi pe afişul primei apariţii a orchestrei radiodifuziunii finlandeze pe o scenă din România, alături de doi muzicieni de excepţie:dirijorul Joshua Weilerstein şi pianistul Jonathan Biss.

Festivalul Internațional de Muzică Clasică „Clara Haskil"

Timp de șase zile, șase nume importante ale scenei muzicale internaționale (pianiștii francezi Adam Laloum și Julien Quentin, pianistul elvețian François-Xavier Poizat, violoncelistul maghiar István Várdai, violonista franceză Marina Chiche și pianista de origine romană Alina Azario), alături de artiști români consacrați (dirijorul Tiberiu Soare, Orchestra Simfonică București, Cvartetul Arcadia) vor susține o serie de recitaluri și concerte unice, cu muzică de Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Johann-Sebastian Bach, Claude Debussy, George Enescu sau Dinu Lipatti. 


29-31 august 2014 - a II-a ediție a festivalului JAZZ AT BRAN CASTLE, care se va desfășura în ambianța unică a Castelului Bran și a Bisericii Evanghelice Râșnov.

Concertele vor avea loc de vineri până duminică, începând cu orele 19.00, în curtea interioară a Castelului Bran și sâmbătă, ora 12:00, în Biserica Evanghelică Râșnov.
Copyright © 2014 Radio România Cultural, All rights reserved.

Interviu cu prof. dr Aurel Romila in revista Lumina - august 2014

30 de proverbe indiene inteligente, care te vor pune pe ganduri
  • Rabdarea este cea mai frumoasa rugaciune.
  • Unu si cu unu fac cateodata unsprezece.
  • Poti gasi intotdeauna in rauri ceea ce nu poti gasi in oceane.
  • Un copac incepe cu o samanta.
  • Moartea este o camila care doarme in casa fiecaruia.
  • Nu te poticnesti de un munte, dar de o piatra da.
  • Printre orbi, omul cu un singur ochi este rege.
  • Cel mai rau tip de saracie este sa ai multe datorii.
  • Chiar si cainele este tigru pe strada lui.
  • Urmeaza raul si vei ajunge la mare.
  • Ce a fost greu de suportat este usor de amintit.
  • Nu iti amana munca de astazi decat pana maine.
  • Ceva facut la timpul nepotrivit ar trebui privit ca ceva nefacut.
  • Cel ce mananca o turta nu numara gaurile din ea.
  • Dependenta de altcineva este o dezamagire perpetua.
  • Adevarata fericire se afla in a le darui altora.
  • Acolo unde se duce acul, se duce si ata.
  • Perlele nu sunt de valoare in desert.
  • Sunt trei incertitudini: femeia, vantul si sanatatea.
  • Un barbat fara o femeie este doar o jumatate de barbat.
  • O problema este rezolvata cand devine mai grea.
  • Daca traiesti pe rau, sa-ti fie frica de crocodil.
  • Nimeni nu s-a pierdut vreodata pe un drum drept.
  • Mai bine 100 de dusmani in afara casei decat unul in interior.
  • Cel care are un prieten adevarat nu are nevoie de o oglinda.
  • Un singur deget nu poate sa ridice o pietricica.
  • Nu iti manca painea la masa altcuiva.
  • Marea manie este mai distructiva decat sabia.
  • Nu te targui pentru pestii care sunt inca in apa.

Love is all arround: Secretul inteleptilor - Mooji

16 conferinte despre trauma - Louis Crocq

16 conferinţe despre traumă

Louis Crocq

Ce este o traumă? Putem să o identificăm după ce a trecut şocul? Care sunt semnele ce ar trebui să ne alerteze în săptămânile şi lunile care urmează? Care este impactul asupra memoriei şi somnului? Ce trebuie ştiut despre tehnicile care permit depăşirea crizei, începând cu intervenţia imediată şi terminând cu terapiile de lungă durată?
Acelaşi eveniment poate fi o traumă pentru un individ, dar nu şi pentru un altul, în funcţie de diferenţele de personalitate, de nivelul de pregătire, de energia de care dispune individul pentru a face faţă traumelor şi de sprijinul acordat de anturaj în acel moment. Ţinând cont de aceste realităţi, autorul propune un tablou clinic al traumei în trei faze (imediată, postimediată şi amânată-cronică) şi demonstrează că trauma nu poate fi redusă la tulburarea de stres posttraumatic. El tratează particularităţile tabloului clinic în cazuri specifice, cum ar fi acela al copilului, al femeii care a fost victima unui viol şi al salvatorului expus unui eveniment potenţial traumatizant. În ceea ce priveşte domeniul terapeutic, acesta este explorat din perspectiva rezilienţei, a intervenţiei psihologice imediate, postimediate şi a tratamentului fazei cronice.

Louis Crocq este psihiatru în domeniul apărării naţionale, psihoterapeut specializat în nevrozele de război şi profesor de psihologie la Universitatea Paris-V. A scris peste 250 de lucrări de specialitate şi a publicat cinci cărţi în domeniul nevrozei traumatice şi nevrozelor de război observate la combatanţi şi în rândul populaţiei civile, al comportamentelor individuale şi colective în caz de catastrofe şi al stresului.

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Interesting Article from MDLinx

MDLinx  Psychiatry

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Schizotypal personality disorder: A current review
Current Psychiatry Reports, 06/13/14
Rosell DR, et al. – The study of schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is important clinically, as it is understudied, challenging to treat, often under–recognized or misdiagnosed, and associated with significant functional impairment. In this review authors discuss recent findings of SPD related to epidemiology and functional impairment, heritability and genetics, working memory and cognitive impairments, social–affective disturbances, and neurobiology. SPD also represents an intermediate schizophrenia–spectrum phenotype, and therefore, can provide a better understanding of the genetics, pathogenesis, and treatment of related psychotic illnesses.

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Interesting Article from MDLinx

MDLinx  Psychiatry

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Psychosocial, symptomatic and diagnostic changes with long-term psychodynamic art psychotherapy for personality disorders
The Arts in Psychotherapy, 07/01/14
Eren N, et al. – In this study, authors aimed to investigate the changes in the beginning and termination phases of psychotherapy in terms of psychosocial, symptomatic, diagnostic and personality qualities in patients with personality disorders receiving long term, individual psychodynamic art psychotherapy. This study demonstrates that in the treatment of personality disorders, long–term psychodynamic artwork is beneficial and drawing is a good container that allows working through in psychotherapy.
  • This study was conducted with 17 patients at the Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Psychiatry.
  • Psychosocial and clinical data were collected with a Personal Information Questionnaire, MMPI and DSM-III-R.

  • The overall functioning (GAF) of the patients significantly increased (General: Z = -3.631, p< .001), (Highest level: Z= -3.626, p< .001).
  • There were statistically significant decreases in alcohol use (z= -2.45, p< .05), suicidal ideation (z= -3.00, p< .01), impulsive behaviors (z= -3.74, p< .001), self-mutilative behaviors (z= -2.24, p< .05), psychotic symptoms (z= -2.00, p< .0.5) and psychotropic medication use (z= -2.71, p< .01) at the termination phase.

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Interesting Article from MDLinx

MDLinx  Psychiatry

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Augmentation of clozapine with amisulpride: An effective therapeutic strategy for violent treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients in a UK high-security hospital
CNS Spectrums, 06/06/14
Hotham JE, et al. – The authors present a case series of 6 schizophrenia patients, within a high–security hospital, who have a history of serious violence and who were treated with clozapine augmented with amisulpride. They found that these schizophrenia patients with a history of violence showed clinical improvement and reduced aggression and violence with amisulpride augmentation of clozapine.

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Interesting Article from MDLinx

MDLinx  Psychiatry

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Hypochondriasis and obsessive-compulsive disorder in schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine vs other atypical antipsychotics
CNS Spectrums, 06/10/14
Grassi G, et al. – The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence rates of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) and hypochondriasis in schizophrenic patients treated with atypical antipsychotics (AAPs) and to investigate the different comorbidity rates of OCD and hypochondriasis between clozapine–treated patients and patients treated with other AAPs. Findings conclude that hypochondriasis could represent an important clinical feature of schizophrenic patients treated with atypical antipsychotics, and further research is needed in this field.
  • The authors therefore recruited 60 schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine or other AAPs.
  • They assessed the prevalence rates of OCD or OC symptoms and hypochondriasis or hypochondriac symptoms in the whole group of patients and in clozapine-treated patients versus patients treated with other AAPs.

  • Schizophrenic patients had a higher comorbidity rate of OCD (26.6% vs 1–3%) and hypochondriasis (20% vs 1%) than the general population.
  • These comorbidities were more frequent in schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine versus patients treated with other AAPs (36.7% vs 16.7% and 33.3% vs 6.7%).
  • Clozapine-treated patients showed a higher mean Y-BOCS and HY-BOCS score when compared to patients treated with other AAPs (10.90 vs 5.90, p = .099; 15.40 vs 8.93, p = .166).
  • A statistical significant correlation was found between the Y-BOCS and HY-BOCS scores of the whole group (r = .378, p = 0.03).
  • Furthermore, they found an inverse correlation between the global level of functioning and the diagnosis of hypochondriasis (p = .048) and the severity of hypochondriac symptoms (p = .047).

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The potential role of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of panic disorder
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 07/18/14

Interesting Article from MDLinx

MDLinx  Psychiatry

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Metabolomic profiling of schizophrenia patients at risk for metabolic syndrome
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 06/30/14
Paredesa RM, et al. – This studies suggest that high– and medium–risk Second–generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are associated with disruption of energy metabolism pathways. The findings may shed light on the molecular underpinnings of antipsychotic–induced metabolic syndrome (MetS) and aid in design of novel therapeutic approaches to reduce the side effects associated with these drugs.
  • Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are commonly used to treat schizophrenia.
  • However, SGAs cause metabolic disturbances that can manifest as metabolic syndrome (MetS) in a subset of patients.
  • The causes for these metabolic disturbances remain unclear.
  • The authors performed a comprehensive metabolomic profiling of 60 schizophrenia patients undergoing treatment with SGAs that puts them at high (clozapine, olanzapine), medium (quetiapine, risperidone), or low (ziprasidone, aripiprazole) risk for developing MetS, compared to a cohort of 20 healthy controls.
  • Multiplex immunoassays were used to measure 13 metabolic hormones and adipokines in plasma.
  • Mass spectrometry was used to determine levels of lipids and polar metabolites in 29 patients and 10 controls.
  • They found that levels of insulin and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) were significantly higher (p < 0.005) in patients at medium and high risk for MetS, compared to controls.
  • These molecules are known to be increased in individuals with high body fat content and obesity.
  • On the other hand, adiponectin, a molecule responsible for control of food intake and body weight, was significantly decreased in patients at medium and high risk for MetS (p < 0.005).
  • Further, levels of dyacylglycerides (DG), tryacylglycerides (TG) and cholestenone were increased, whereas α-Ketoglutarate and malate, important mediators of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, were significantly decreased in patients compared to controls.

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Interesting Article from MDLinx

MDLinx  Psychiatry

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Doxepin for Insomnia: A Systematic Review of Randomized Placebo-controlled Trials
Sleep Medicine Reviews , 07/29/14
Yeung WF, et al. – Doxepin, a sedating tricyclic drug, was recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at 3 mg and 6 mg doses for the treatment of insomnia. This systematic review evaluated the efficacy and safety of doxepin as a hypnotic. The researchers concluded that low–dose doxepin for 1–2 nights appeared to be safe and effective in improving sleep. However, a clear conclusion on its short–term benefits and risks as well as withdrawal effects was not possible due to the small number of studies.
  • Researchers searched key databases and trial registers up to March 2014 and contacted pharmaceutical companies and the FDA for unpublished data.
  • A total of 9 randomized placebo–controlled trials were analyzed.
  • 6 studies were on doxepin 1–6 mg/d, 2 on doxepin 25–300 mg/d, and one on ramelteon 8 mg and doxepin 3 mg combined.
  • All low–dose studies were industry sponsored.

  • Low–dose doxepin had a small to medium effect size against placebo for sleep maintenance and sleep duration, but not for sleep initiation, at both immediate and short–term posttreatment.
  • There was no significant next–day residual effect with low–dose doxepin.
  • Headache and somnolence were the most common side effects.

Interesting Article from MDLinx

MDLinx  Psychiatry

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Risk of suicidal behavior with antidepressants in bipolar and unipolar disorders
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 08/04/14
Leon AC, et al. – The study aimed to examine the risk of suicidal behavior (suicide attempts and deaths) associated with antidepressants in participants with bipolar I, bipolar II, and unipolar major depressive disorders. Based on observational data adjusted for propensity to receive antidepressants, antidepressants may protect patients with bipolar disorders but not unipolar depressive disorder from suicidal behavior.
  • A 27-year longitudinal (1981–2008) observational study of mood disorders (Research Diagnostic Criteria diagnoses based on Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia and review of medical records) was used to evaluate antidepressants and risk for suicidal behavior.
  • Mixed-effects logistic regression models examined propensity for antidepressant exposure.
  • Mixed-effects survival models that were matched on the propensity score examined exposure status as a risk factor for time until suicidal behavior.
  • Five US academic medical centers.

  • Analyses of 206 participants with bipolar I disorder revealed 2,010 exposure intervals (980 exposed to antidepressants; 1,030 unexposed); 139 participants with bipolar II disorder had 1,407 exposure intervals (694 exposed; 713 unexposed); and 361 participants with unipolar depressive disorder had 2,745 exposure intervals (1,328 exposed; 1,417 unexposed).
  • Propensity score analyses confirmed that more severely ill participants were more likely to initiate antidepressant treatment.
  • In mixed-effects survival analyses, those with bipolar I disorder had a significant reduction in risk of suicidal behavior by 54% (HR = 0.46; 95% CI, 0.31–0.69; t = -3.74; P < .001) during periods of antidepressant exposure compared to propensity-matched unexposed intervals.
  • Similarly, the risk was reduced by 35% (HR = 0.65; 95% CI, 0.43–0.99; t = -2.01; P = .045) in bipolar II disorder.
  • By contrast, there was no evidence of an increased or decreased risk with antidepressant exposure in unipolar disorder.

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The potential role of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of panic disorder
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 07/18/14