Interesting Article from MDLinx

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War and peace (of mind)
UC San Diego Health System, 05/19/14
Meditation training may help reduce stress disorders among U.S. military personnel. Researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Naval Health Research Center have found that mindfulness training – a combination of meditation and body awareness exercises – can help U.S. Marine Corps personnel prepare for and recover from stressful combat situations. The study, published in the May 16, 2014 online issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, suggests that incorporating meditative practices into pre–deployment training might be a way to help the U.S. military reduce rising rates of stress–related health conditions, including PTSD, depression and anxiety, within its ranks. "Mindfulness training won't make combat easier," said Martin Paulus, MD, professor of psychiatry and senior author. "But we think it can help Marines recover from stress and return to baseline functioning more quickly." Scientists describe mindfulness as a mental state characterized by "full attention to the present moment without elaboration, judgment or emotional reactivity." Mindfulness training, traditionally practiced through sitting meditation, attempts to cultivate this mental state by quieting the mind of extraneous thoughts.

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