Editorial Septembrie 2014 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA


     Si psihiatria are nevoie de un organon, adica un rezumat teoretic in consensensul profesionistilor.

Pericolul este empirismul comercial, presiunea psihofarmacologiei si narcisismul practicianului.
Cartea, congresul, computerul, dialogul pot corecta. Dar conteaza cel mai mult formarea didactica, rabdarea cu care trebuie parcursa logica meseriei.
Pana la urma, totul e posibil, ca sustinere teoretica, dar totul trebuie probat cu rezultate.
Esti bun in terapie daca resocializezi bolnavul. Daca doar il linistesti si-l externezi, n-ai facut mare lucru.
Trebuie cultivata expresia, limbajul, logica si bunavointa, umanismul si discretia.
Desigur, multi sunt chemati, dar tot multi sunt si pseudovalori galagioase cu pretentiii exclusiviste.

Seminarul lunar de formule in psihoterapie incearca sa corecteze cate ceva.
Nu-i usor...

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

                                       O R G A N O N

The psychiatry needs an organon, that means a theoretical background in professionist's consensus.
The threat is the commercial empiricism, the pressure of psycho-pharmacology and the narcissism of practitioners.
Book, congresses, computer, dialogue may correct. But, most matters the didactic training, patience along with whom may go through professional logic.
Ultimately, all is possible, with theoretical support, but all have to be proved by means of results.
You are good in therapy if you succeed to resocialise the patient. If you only calm down him and discharge from hospital, you did nothing.
It have to be cultivated the expression, language, logic and good will, humanity and discretion.
Of course, many are called, but also many are pseudo-values that have exclusive expectations.
The monthly APLR seminar by means of formulas in psychotherapy is trying to correct some things.
It is not easy...

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

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