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Antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria: Its meaning, association with typical vs. atypical medications and impact on adherence
Psychiatric Quarterly, 09/12/14
Emily Wu H, et al. – There is some evidence that dopamine blockade maybe involved in the pathogenesis of antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria. However, the limited methods of the currently available studies make it impossible to conclusively address the question of which class of antipsychotic (first- or second-generation) has a higher prevalence and severity of the syndrome.

  • Antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria is a relatively under-recognized and understudied effect of antipsychotic medication.
  • Although the term is encountered in clinical practice and in the literature, there is no consensus regarding its exact meaning.
  • This article is a narrative review of the literature on antipsychotic medication and dysphoria based on a pubmed database search.
  • The authors found that antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria is a term used to describe a negative and unpleasant affective state which seems to be more often associated with high potency first-generation antipsychotics and could potentially lead to medication non-adherence.
  • Though it is plausible to expect antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria to be related to extrapyramidal symptoms, most especially akathisia, the nature of the association remains unspecified.

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