Editorial ianuarie 2015 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA


                                                     P S I H I A T R I E

     Nu fac parte dintre cei care cred ca totul a fost si va fi psihiatrie, atat individuala cat si sociala. Sunt de partea lui Dostoevski care vedea destinul tragic al omului din suferinta pe care i-o procura "armonia lumii". Este posibila o schimbare (si istoria ne-a aratat-o si noua cu alegerile) deci izbucnesc din cand in cand si minunile istoriei si ale lui Dumnezeu si ma zdruncina. Dar mai avem mult de suferit si de luptat. Important este ca speram! Va fi si o psihiatrie a resocializarii, va veni si timpul libertatii reale a persoanei cand comunitatea va fi reala si se va opune ratarii. Cei care intelegem omul existential si integral, chiar de nu vom mai apuca, suntem siguri. De aceea nu ne pare rau ca am gandit ceva si toti smecherii s-au grabit sa distorsioneze si sa distruga. Istoria va arata adevarul!

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA 

                            P S Y C H I A T R Y

   I'm not one of those who believe that everything has been and will be psychiatry, both individual and social. I am on the side of Dostoevsky that saw the tragic fate of human rooted on the suffering provided by "world harmony". It is possible a change (and history has shown us with the new elections) so forth from time to time both history wonders and of God and it shake me. But we still have much to suffer and struggle. Importantly is that we hope! It will be a resocialization psychiatry, and the time of person’s real freedom will come when the community will be a real community and will oppose to unfulfilment. Those who fully understand the existential and complete man, even we will not be present, we are sure. Therefore we are not sorry that we thought something and all rushed hurry to distort and destroy. History will show the truth!

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

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