Editorial Aprilie 2015 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

Primul nivel este cel de analiza a  functiilor: atentie, senzatie, perceptie, reprezentare, notiune, idee, emotie, dispozitie, sentiment, pasiune, dorinta.
Al doilea nivel: cunoasterea si afectivitatea.
Al treilea nivel: inteligenta si vointa.
Al patrulea nivel: constiinta de sine.
Al cincilea nivel: actiunea
Al saselea nivel: constiinta
Al saptelea: personalitatea
Al optulea: sinele si egoul
Al noualea: sinele psihosomatic si spiritual
Al zecelea: opera si valoarea
Al unsprezecelea: discernamintul si capacitatea civica
Al doisprezecelea: normalitatea si sanatea mentala
Al treisprezecelea:  subiectivitatea pozitiva si subiectivitatea negativa
Al paisprezecelea: metafizica psihicului: fals si adevar, autentic si minciuna.
Anatomia teoretica si fiziologia practica: unitas multiplex.
Metamorfozele conflictului.
Natura si cultura: lupta cu inconstientul.
Inlantuirea simbolurilor. Coerenta si disociere, total si fragmentar. 

Prof. Dr. Aurel ROMILA   
The first level is that of the analysis of functions: attention, sensation, perception, representation, concept, idea, emotion, mood, feeling, passion, desire.
Second level:  cognition and affection.
The third level: intelligence and will.
The fourth level: self-awareness.
Fifth level: action
The sixth level: consciousness
Seventh: personality
Eighth: self and ego
The ninth: psychosomatic and spiritual self
Tenth: opera and value
Eleventh: brains in and civic capacity
Twelfth: normality and mental health
The thirteenth: subjectivity positive and negative bias
The fourteenth: metaphysics psyche: false and true, authentic and lie.
Anatomy and physiology theoretical practice: unitas multiplex.
Conflict metamorphoses.
Nature and culture: the struggle with the unconscious.
Symbols chaining. Coherence and dissociation, total and fragmentary.

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

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