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Lithium treatment and hippocampal subfields and amygdala volumes in bipolar disorder
Bipolar Disorders, 03/27/15
Hartberg CB, et al. – In this study, authors found that hippocampal subfield and amygdala volumes were reduced in Non–Li bipolar disorder (BD) patients compared to healthy controls, whereas the Li+ BD volumes were no different from those in Non–Li BD patients or healthy controls. Over the course of BD, lithium treatment might counteract reductions specifically in the left CA1 and CA2/3 hippocampal subfields and amygdala volumes, in accordance with the suggested neuroprotective effects of lithium.

Amotivation in schizophrenia: integrated assessment with behavioral, clinical, and imaging measures
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 03/26/14

Wolf DH, et al. – Motivational deficits play a central role in disability caused by schizophrenia and constitute a major unmet therapeutic need. The results demonstrate robust dimensional associations between behavioral amotivation, clinical amotivation, and ventral striatum (VS) hypofunction in schizophrenia. Integrating behavioral measures such as the progressive ratio task (PRT) will facilitate translational efforts to identify biomarkers of amotivation and to assess response to novel therapeutic interventions.

Depression and insomnia are strongest risk factors for frequent nightmares
American Academy of Sleep Medicine News, 04/03/15 

Results show that 3.9 percent of participants reported having frequent nightmares during the previous 30 days, including 4.8 percent of women and 2.9 percent of men. Frequent nightmares were reported by 28.4 percent of participants with severe depressive symptoms and 17.1 percent of those with frequent insomnia. Further analysis that adjusted for potential confounders found that the strongest independent risk factors for nightmares were insomnia, exhaustion and the depressive symptom of "negative attitude toward self." "Our study shows a clear connection between well–being and nightmares," said lead author Nils Sandman, a researcher in the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Turku in Finland. "This is most evident in the connection between nightmares and depression, but also apparent in many other analyses involving nightmares and questions measuring life satisfaction and health." Study results are published in the April issue of the journal Sleep. 

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