Early registration deadline : March 1, 2016
Proposal and Abstract submission deadline : November 1, 2015
Notification of the authors : February 1, 2016


Under the theme of "Integrating clinical, community, and public health in psychiatry", this WPA International Congress will host scientific studies on every aspect of theoretical and practical issues in the fields of mental health and psychiatry.

Additionally, this congress will strongly emphasize the importance of improving the quality of our scientific knowledge, the standards of our ethical values, the quality and inclusiveness of our clinical services, and the level of solidarity between colleagues, users and carers across the world. Furthermore, the translation of scientific knowledge into our daily ordinary professional lives will be the focus of this congress. You may find the topic list sketched to help the participants in preparing their scientific contributions.

Scientific Programme of this congress will cover Key Lectures, Plenary Symposia, Special Symposia, Regular Symposia, WPA Scientific Section Symposia, PAT Scientific Section Symposia, WPA Zonal Symposia, WPA Affiliated Associations Symposia, and Industry Sponsored Courses and Symposia, besides regular Courses, Workshops, Forums, Oral Presentation Sessions, Poster Presentation Sessions, Meet the Expert Sessions, and Video & Film Sessions.


Abstracts & Proposals

Phone : +90 312 454 0000
Fax : +90 312 454 0001
E-mail : wpa2016abstracts@flaptour.com.tr
Address: 8. Cadde No: 1, 06610
Birlik-Çankaya – Ankara / TURKEY
Scientific Secretariat

Levent KÜEY

Address : Cumhuriyet Cad. Ergenekon Mah.
No: 157 K: 7 D: 7
Seyran Apt. 34365 Harbiye - Sisli / Istanbul - TURKEY
Email : leventkuey@wpaistanbul2016.org
Registration & Accommodation

Phone : +90 312 454 0000
Fax : +90 312 454 0001
Email : wpa2016ra@flaptour.com.tr
Address: 8. Cadde No: 1, 06610
Birlik-Çankaya – Ankara / TURKEY

Phone : +90 312 454 0000
Fax : +90 312 454 0001
Email : wpa2016sponsorship@flaptour.com.tr
Address: 8. Cadde No: 1, 06610
Birlik-Çankaya – Ankara / TURKEY


Editorial August 2015 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

                                                      P S I H I A T R I E

Psihiatria este o meserie.
Se invata ingrijind bolnavi psihici, cu un maestro si citind cat mai mult  si reflectand.
Dupa ani de practica si citit apare (nu e obligatoriu) o cristalizare, o conceptie, o Wrltanschaung despre boala psihica.
Din pacate comunicarea dintre psihiatri este slaba. Congresele provoaca confuzie dar exiba pe dominatori,  pseudodescoperitori si ajuta la titluri megalomanice  a unor inchipuiti.
Cu timpul memoria are limite, care se pot corecta prin efort de rememorare schematic, abstract.
Postulatul fundamental este dezvoltarea personalitatii bolnavului prin psihoterapie si psihofarmacologie si asimilarea esentelor din medicina (mai ales neurologie si endocrinologie), din psihologie si filozofie (mai ales logica).
Realitatea sociala sta pe o baza psihlologica, care la randul ei sta pe o baza psihiatrica. Asta explica lupta continua pentru existenta si ratarile.
Toata lumea crede ca stie psihiatrie ca si futbol, cu exceptia psihiatrului care inca nu a spus ultimul cuvant….

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

Zbor deasupra României pe acordurile muzicii lui Ciprian Porumbescu

Aceasta este România, văzută de sus pe acordurile muzicii lui Ciprian Porumbescu.

Filmările poartă semnătura lui Laurenţiu Bălăceanu, un alt roman pasionat de fotografie şi înregistrări video aeriale, care întâi de toate, a fost pasionat de pilotajul prin radiotransmisie, iar mai apoi s-a gândit să ataşeze mikrokopterului un aparat digital cu care să imortalizeze imagini de o frumuseţe aparte.
Zbor deasupra României pe acordurile muzicii lui Ciprian...
Aceasta este România, văzută de sus pe acordurile muzicii lui Ciprian Porumbescu.
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The British Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents for August 2015; Vol. 207, No. 2

The British Journal of Psychiatry

Highlights of This Issue

Highlights of this issue
Kimberlie Dean
BJP August 2015 207:A7; doi:10.1192/bjp.207.2.A7


Are DSM and logic not on good terms?
Peter Dome, Zoltan Demeter, Xenia Gonda, and Zoltan Rihmer
BJP August 2015 207:91-92; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.159970

Duration of psychotherapy has little association with outcome
Michael King
BJP August 2015 207:93-94; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.160978


Interventions to improve therapeutic communications between Black and minority ethnic patients and professionals in psychiatric services: systematic review
Kamaldeep S. Bhui, Rabeea'h W. Aslam, Andrea Palinski, Rose McCabe, Mark R. D. Johnson, Scott Weich, Swaran P. Singh, Martin Knapp, Vittoria Ardino, and Ala Szczepura
BJP August 2015 207:95-103; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.158899 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE

Systematic synthesis of barriers and facilitators to service user-led care planning
Penny Bee, Owen Price, John Baker, and Karina Lovell
BJP August 2015 207:104-114; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.152447 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE


Effect of duration of psychological therapy on recovery and improvement rates: evidence from UK routine practice
William B. Stiles, Michael Barkham, and Sue Wheeler
BJP August 2015 207:115-122; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.145565

Components of therapy as mechanisms of change in cognitive therapy for people at risk of psychosis: analysis of the EDIE-2 trial
Clare Flach, Paul French, Graham Dunn, David Fowler, Andrew I. Gumley, Max Birchwood, Suzanne L. K. Stewart, and Anthony P. Morrison
BJP August 2015 207:123-129; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.153320

Duration of untreated psychosis and need for admission in patients who engage with mental health services in the prodromal phase
Lucia R. Valmaggia, Majella Byrne, Fern Day, Matthew R. Broome, Louise Johns, Oliver Howes, Paddy Power, Steven Badger, Paolo Fusar-Poli, and Philip K. McGuire
BJP August 2015 207:130-134; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.150623

Layers of listening: qualitative analysis of the impact of early intervention services for first-episode psychosis on carers' experiences
Anna Lavis, Helen Lester, Linda Everard, Nicholas Freemantle, Tim Amos, David Fowler, Jo Hodgekins, Peter Jones, Max Marshall, Vimal Sharma, John Larsen, Paul McCrone, Swaran Singh, Jo Smith, and Max Birchwood
BJP August 2015 207:135-142; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.146415

Specific effect of the fragile-X mental retardation-1 gene (FMR1) on white matter microstructure
Tamar Green, Naama Barnea-Goraly, Mira Raman, Scott S. Hall, Amy A. Lightbody, Jennifer L. Bruno, Eve-Marie Quintin, and Allan L. Reiss
BJP August 2015 207:143-148; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.151654

Training-induced plasticity of the social brain in autism spectrum disorder
Sven Bölte, Angela Ciaramidaro, Sabine Schlitt, Daniela Hainz, Dorit Kliemann, Anke Beyer, Fritz Poustka, Christine Freitag, and Henrik Walter
BJP August 2015 207:149-157; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.143784

Neural substrates of cognitive flexibility in cocaine and gambling addictions
Antonio Verdejo-Garcia, Luke Clark, Juan Verdejo-Román, Natalia Albein-Urios, José M. Martinez-Gonzalez, Blanca Gutierrez, and Carles Soriano-Mas
BJP August 2015 207:158-164; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.152223

Incision and stress regulation in borderline personality disorder: neurobiological mechanisms of self-injurious behaviour
Sarah Reitz, Rosemarie Kluetsch, Inga Niedtfeld, Teresa Knorz, Stefanie Lis, Christian Paret, Peter Kirsch, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Ulf Baumgärtner, Martin Bohus, and Christian Schmahl
BJP August 2015 207:165-172; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.153379


Transference-focused psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder: change in reflective function
Melitta Fischer-Kern, Stephan Doering, Svenja Taubner, Susanne Hörz, Johannes Zimmermann, Michael Rentrop, Peter Schuster, Peter Buchheim, and Anna Buchheim
BJP August 2015 207:173-174; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.143842

Suicide by people in a community justice pathway: population-based nested case–control study
Carlene King, Jane Senior, Roger T. Webb, Tim Millar, Mary Piper, Alison Pearsall, Naomi Humber, Louis Appleby, and Jenny Shaw
BJP August 2015 207:175-176; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.154831 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE


Did you add the same study twice in the meta-analysis?
Andrea Cipriani
BJP August 2015 207:177; doi:10.1192/bjp.207.2.177

Authors' reply
Mathew Hoskins, Jennifer Pearce, Andrew Bethell, Corrado Barbui, Wietse A. Tol, Soraya Seedat, Hanhui Chen, and Jonathan I. Bisson
BJP August 2015 207:177; doi:10.1192/bjp.207.2.177a

Schizophrenia and mixed-handedness
Ulrich S. Tran and Martin Voracek
BJP August 2015 207:178; doi:10.1192/bjp.207.2.178


Psychiatry in Context: Experience, Meaning and Communities
Maurice Lipsedge
BJP August 2015 207:179; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.157354

The Paradox of Internet Groups: Alone in the Presence of Virtual Others
Clare Gerada
BJP August 2015 207:179-180; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.154401

Care of Military Service Members, Veterans, and their Families
Neil J. Kitchiner
BJP August 2015 207:180; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.153114

Creativity and Mental Illness: The Mad Genius in Question
Joseph F. Hayes
BJP August 2015 207:180-181; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.165910

Pathologist of the Mind: Adolf Meyer and the Origins of American Psychiatry
Allan Beveridge
BJP August 2015 207:181; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.166330


Derek K. Tracy, Dan W. Joyce, and Sukhwinder S. Shergill
BJP August 2015 207:183-184; doi:10.1192/bjp.207.2.183


Romantic suicide – in 100 words
Alexandra Pitman
BJP August 2015 207:122; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.162370

Sara's Wig – poem
Frances-Anne King
BJP August 2015 207:129; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.146951

I Must Speak for this Man – poems by doctors
Edward John Anderson
BJP August 2015 207:142; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.146993


From the Editor's desk
Kamaldeep Bhui
BJP August 2015 207:185-186; doi:10.1192/bjp.207.2.185