Clinical Psychology Review: Alert 26 November-2 December

Clinical Psychology ReviewClinical Psychology Review
Volume 42 ,  Pages 1-192, December 2015

Editorial Board   
Pages IFC

The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: A meta-analysis update   Review Article
Pages 1-15
Ellen Driessen, Lisa M. Hegelmaier, Allan A. Abbass, Jacques P. Barber, Jack J.M. Dekker, Henricus L. Van, Elise P. Jansma, Pim Cuijpers
Sleep-related attentional bias in insomnia: A state-of-the-science review   Review Article
Pages 16-27
Kamelia Harris, Kai Spiegelhalder, Colin A. Espie, Kenneth M.A. MacMahon, Heather Cleland Woods, Simon D. Kyle
Dyadic coping and relationship satisfaction: A meta-analysis   Review Article
Pages 28-46
Mariana K. Falconier, Jeffrey B. Jackson, Peter Hilpert, Guy Bodenmann
Risk factors for persistent delinquent behavior among juveniles: A meta-analytic review   Review Article
Pages 47-61
Mark Assink, Claudia E. van der Put, Machteld Hoeve, Sanne L.A. de Vries, Geert Jan J.M. Stams, Frans J. Oort
The effects of cognitive behavior therapy for adult depression on dysfunctional thinking: A meta-analysis   Review Article
Pages 62-71
Ioana A. Cristea, Marcus J.H. Huibers, Daniel David, Steven D. Hollon, Gerhard Andersson, Pim Cuijpers
Response rates for CBT for anxiety disorders: Need for standardized criteria   Review Article
Pages 72-82
Amanda G. Loerinc, Alicia E. Meuret, Michael P. Twohig, David Rosenfield, Ellen J. Bluett, Michelle G. Craske
Expectancy biases in fear and anxiety and their link to biases in attention   Review Article
Pages 83-95
Tatjana Aue, Hadas Okon-Singer
The role of sleep dysfunction in the occurrence of delusions and hallucinations: A systematic review   Review Article
Pages 96-115
Sarah Reeve, Bryony Sheaves, Daniel Freeman
Effective behavioural strategies for reducing disgust in contamination-related OCD: A review   Review Article
Pages 116-129
Dominika Ludvik, Mark J. Boschen, David L. Neumann
Long-term effects of prevention and treatment on youth antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis   Review Article
Pages 130-144
Aaron M. Sawyer, Charles M. Borduin, Alex R. Dopp
Sibling relationships as sources of risk and resilience in the development and maintenance of internalizing and externalizing problems during childhood and adolescence   Review Article
Pages 145-155
Melanie A. Dirks, Ryan Persram, Holly E. Recchia, Nina Howe
Meta-analysis of risk factors for nonsuicidal self-injury   Review Article
Pages 156-167
Kathryn R. Fox, Joseph C. Franklin, Jessica D. Ribeiro, Evan M. Kleiman, Kate H. Bentley, Matthew K. Nock
Treatment as usual and routine care in research and clinical practice   Review Article
Pages 168-178
Alan E. Kazdin
A systematic review of predictors and moderators of improvement in cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorder and agoraphobia   Review Article
Pages 179-192
Eliora Porter, Dianne L. Chambless

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