Editorial Decembrie 2015 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA


Desi au backgrounduri diferite, au acelasi scop, dar metode, mijloace diferite. Primul este de formatie biologica si completeaza prin autoeducatie o psihologie practica. Al doilea, de formatie umanista, completeaza, prin autoeducatie, afirmatii despre creier si neurotransmitatori.

Sunt si buni si rai in ambele categorii. Nu avem statistici in acest sens.

Esential este sa colaboreze. De aceea, este necesar sa circule studii de sinteza care sa formeze simtul critic si respectul reciproc. Avem nevoie unii de altii, avem nevoie de controverse. Sa evitam barfele si sa favorizam progresul!

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

psychiatrists and psychologists LONELINESS

Although they have different backgrounds, they have the same goal but different methods, ways. The first has biological formation completed by practical psychology self-education. The second has a  humanistic formation completed by self-eductation about brain and neurotransmitters.

There are good and bad in both categories. We have no statistics on this.
It is essential to collaborate. It is therefore necessary to circulate synthetic studies to form the critical sense and mutual respect. We need each other, we need controversy. Avoid gossip and encourage progress!

Prof.Dr.  Aurel ROMILA

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