World Psychiatry

To WPA Member Societies
Dear Presidents and office bearers of WPA member societies,
You will be pleased to know that WPA's publication World Psychiatry has achieved a well-deserved honour for having a new impact factor of 20.205. World Psychiatry now ranks number one among psychiatric journals. Credit goes to Prof Mario Maj for his leadership and dedication for this publication.

I am sending you a report published in the latest issue of this journal about section's activities.

I hope you will be able to share this report with your membership and please do encourage them to become members of WPA sections that enjoy a prominent position in the working of WPA especially for promoting and disseminating  scientific knowledge around the globe. Details for getting membership of Sections can be found on WPA website.


With personal regards,

Dr Afzal Javed
Secretary for Sections
WPA Secretariat
Geneva University Psychiatric Hospital,
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CH-1225 ChĂȘne-Bourg/Geneva, Switzerland
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Intalnirea lunara APLR sambata 25 iunie 2016, ora 12:00, spital Obregia

Sambata 25 IUNIE 2016, ora 12:00, la Spitalul OBREGIA, va avea loc

Intalnirea lunara A P L R

Va asteptam cu drag!

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

Genius of Nietzsche

The purpose of this book is to introduce intelligent general readers, college students, graduate students in psychology and other mental health disciplines, and especially residents in psychiatry, to the dazzling genius of Nietzsche. This genius is so haunting and seminal that it has profoundly affected the fields of literature, philosophy, psychology, religion, history, and the arts. (126 pp.)

Other books by Richard D. Chessick:

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Aurel Romila - PSIHIATRIE 

Manual de diagnostic si statistica a tulburarilor mentale - DSM V 
Manual de diagnostic si statistica a tulburarilor mentale - DSM-IV-TR
Clasificarea tulburarilor mentale si de comportament - ICD-10 
Lista tabelara a bolilor - ICD-10-AM
Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry (2009)  

Emil Kraepelin - Clinical Psychiatry (1904) 
Ernst Kretschmer - Physique and Character (1925) 
Wilhelm Griesinger - Mental pathology and therapeutics (1882) 
Ludwig Klages - Ausdrucksbewegung und Gestaltungskraft (1918) 
Ludwig Klages - Cosmogonic Reflections 

Philippe Pinel - Vol 1: Nosographie philosophique (1813) 
Philippe Pinel - Vol 2: Nosographie philosophique  (1813)  
François Baillarger - Recherches sur les maladies mentales (1890)
GaĂ«tan Gatian de ClĂ©rambault - Oeuvre psychiatrique - vol. 1 (1942) 
GaĂ«tan Gatian de ClĂ©rambault - Oeuvre psychiatrique - vol. 2 (1942)

Alfreed Binet - Alterations of personality (1896) 

D.Popescu-Neveanu - Dictionar de psihologie  
Jean Laplanche, J.-B. Pontalis - Vocabularul psihanalizei
Alan E. Kazdin - Encyclopedia of Psychology
Edward Shorter - A Historical Dictionary of Psychiatry (2005) 
Michael Gelder, Dennis Gath, Richard Mayou - Tratat de psihiatrie OXFORD
Lesley Stevens, Ian Rodin - Psychiatry - An illustrated colour text (2011)
Peter Byrne, Nicola Byrne - Psychiatry - Clinical cases uncovered (2008) 
Linda Gask, Carolyn Chew-Graham - ABC of anxiety and depression (2014) 
David Castle, Peter Buckley - Schizophrenia (2015) 
Stephen Strakowski - Bipolar disorder (2014)
Chriss Cook, Andrew Powell, Andrew Sims - Spirituality and psychiatry (2009)
Jeffrey A. Liberman, Ogi Ogas - Shrinks - The untold story of psychiatry epub(2015) 

Manfred Bleuler - What is schizophrenia? 
Frank H. Netter, John A. Craig, James Perkins - Atlas of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
Constantin Gorgos - Vademecum in psihiatrie (scribd)
V. Predescu - Psihiatrie vol. 1  
Ion I. Bruckner - Semiologie medicala  

A.Kreindler-Nevroza astenica

Serban Ionescu - Paisprezece abordari in psihopatologie (1998)

Florin Tudose, Catalina Tudose, Letitia Dobranici - Tratat de psihopatologie si psihiatrie pentru psihologi 

Constantin Enachescu - Tratat de igiena mintala  
Constantin Enachescu - Tratat de psihanaliza si psihoterapie 

Stanley B. Messer, Alan S. Gurman - Essential psychotherapies-Theory and practice 
Tom Clark, Ed Day, Emma Fergusson - Core Clinical Cases (2005)  
Mario Maj, Norman Sartorius - Depressive Disorders 
Stanley Rachman - Anxiety (2004) 
Richard Wessler, Sheenah Hankin, Jonathan Stern - Succeding with Difficult Clients-Application of Cognitive Appraisal Therapy 
Barry Wright, Subodh Dave, Nisha Dogra - 100 cases in psychiatry  
Christopher Bollas - Isteria
Boris Cyrulnik - Murmurul fantomelor  
Boris Cyrulnik - Mai bine mor decat sa spun Rusinea  
Martin Seligman - Optimismul se invata 
John Bowlby - O baza de siguranta  

Henri Ey - Constiinta
Henri Ey, Paul Bernard, Charles Brisset - Manuel de psychiatrie 
E.W.Straus, M. Natanson, Henri Ey -  Psychiatry and Philosophy 1969 

Erwin W. Straus, Maurice Natanson, Henri Ey - Psychiatry and Philosophy

Carti gratuite Pierre Janet:
Pierre Janet -  Psycho-analyse 

Eduard Pamfil, Doru Ogodescu -Nevrozele
Eduard Pamfil, Doru Ogodescu -Psihozele
Eduard Pamfil, Doru Ogodescu -Persoana si devenire
Eduard Pamfil, Doru Ogodescu -Psihologie si informatie

Ion Nicolae Anghel - Cartea cu Pamfil 

Karl Jaspers - General psychopatology - vol 1 
Karl Jaspers - Psicopatologia generale
Karl Jaspers - Plato and Augustine
Karl Jaspers - Reason and existenz (1957)
Karl Jaspers - Truth and symbol (1959)

Sigmund Freud - Introducere in psihanaliza
Sigmund Freud - Doiu si melancolie (1917) 
Sigmund Freud - Despre vis  

Carl Gustav Jung- Analiza viselor  
Carl Gustav Jung - In lumea arhetipurilor  


Alfried Langle - Pozitia personala
Alfried Langle - In mrejele fricii-2003
Alfried Langle - Ce anume il misca pe om?-99

Revista SAEL nr. 4/2005 a Societatii de Analiza Existentiala si Logoterapie -Culegere de texte de analiza existentiala
Revista SAEL nr. 5/2006 a Societatii de Analiza Existentiala si Logoterapie - Anxietate si isterie

Henri Bergson - Evolutia creatoare (issuu)  

Peter Fonagy, Gyorgy Georgely, Elliot L. Jurist, Mary Target - Affect regulation, Mentalization and the Development of the Self 
Christian Scharfetter - Allgemeine Psychopatologie
Franz Brentano - Descriptive psychology
Rollo May - Descoperirea fiintei  

Irvin Yalom - Mama si sensul vietii 
Irvin Yalom - Privind soarele in fata 
Irvin Yalom - Plansul lui Nietzsche 
Irvin Yalom - Minciuni pe canapea

Mihai Ralea - Explicarea omului
Mihai Ralea, C.I. Botez -Istoria psihologiei - partea 1
Mihai Ralea, C.I. Botez -Istoria psihologiei - partea a 2-a
Mihai Ralea, C.I. Botez -Istoria psihologiei - partea a 3-a
Mihai Ralea, C.I. Botez -Istoria psihologiei - partea a 4-a
Mihai Ralea, C.I. Botez -Istoria psihologiei - partea a 5-a

Elisabeth Roudinesco - Lacan - Schita unei vieti partea 1
Elisabeth Roudinesco - De la Sigmund Freud la Jacques Lacan
Elisabeth Roudinesco -La ce bun psihanaliza

Constantin Oancea - Tehnici de sfatuire/consiliere 
Gottfried Fischer, Peter Riedsser - Tratat de psihotraumatologie
Horia Pitariu - Psihoteste (scribd)
St. Stossel, D. Ogodescu - Omul si universul informational

Nicolae Margineanu - Psihologia persoanei 
Nicolae Margineanu - Conditia umana partea 1 (scribd)

Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici - Antropologia intre stiinta si cultura 

Irina Holdevici - Psihoterapii scurte
Irina Holdevici - Elemente de psihoterapie
Irina Holdevici - Hipnoterapia

Iolanda Mitrofan, Diana Vasile - Terapii de familie  
Ioan-Bradu Iamandescu -Stresul psihic si bolile interne  
George Ionescu - Tulburarile personalitatii
Ion Manzat - Psihologie transpersonala  
Daniel David - Castele de nisip
Odette Dimitriu - Empatia in psihoterapie  
Gabriel Liiceanu - Despre limita  
Milton Erickson - Vocea mea te va insoti 
Jacques Martel - Marele dictionar al bolilor 
James O. Prochaska, John C. Norcross - Systems of Psychotherapy - a Transtheoretical Analysis 
Jesse D. Geller, John C. Norcross, David N. Orlinsky - Formarea pentru psihoterapie (scribd) 
William O'Donohue, Nicholas A. Cummings, Janet Cummings - Clinical Strategies for Becoming a Master Psychotherapist
Pia Mellody -  Facing codependence 
I. Popescu-Sibiu - Conceptia psihanalitica 
Nancy McWilliams - Psychoanalitic psychotherapy  

Donald Winnicott - Natura umana
Melanie Klein - Invidie si recunostinta (scribd)  
Franz Alexander - Medicina psihosomatica
Alfred Adler - Sensul vietii
Jean Piaget - Epistemologia genetica  
Jean Piaget - Formele elementare ale dialecticii    
Jean Piaget - Psihologia copilului 
Noan Chomsky, Jean Piaget - Teorii ale limbajului-Teorii ale invatarii 

Constantin Paunescu - Nervozitatea copilului
Maria Montesori - Descoperirea copilului 
Nicolae Mitrofan - Testarea psihologica a copilului mi
Journal of Child Psychotherapy, volume 20, no. 1, April 1994 
Ursula Schiopu, Emil Verza - Psihologia varstelor 

Karen Horney - Conflictele noastre interioare  
Gerald Schoenewolf - 101 succese terapeutice
Camelia Popa, Adela Magdalena Ciobanu - Tulburarea depresiva-Noi directii de cercetare

Sf.Augustin - Confesiuni   
Immanuel Kant - Critica ratiunii pure  
Nikolai Berdiaev - Despre menirea omului  
Nikolai Berdiaev - Filosofia lui Dostoievski  

Link biblioteca digitala a Romaniei: 
Link carti spiritualitate:

Bibliografie tematica - EMOTIA

Daniel Goleman - Inteligenta emotionala 
Daniel Goleman - Emotiile distructive 

Richard Lazarus - Emotion and adaptation  

Antonio Damasio:

Frank H. Netter, John A. Craig, James Perkins - Atlas of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology 
Andrew Lautin - The Limbic Brain (2001) 

Robert Isaacson - The Limbic System (1982) 

Daniel Goleman - Inteligenta emotionala 
Daniel Goleman - Emotiile distructive 

Richard Lazarus - Emotion and adaptation  

Antonio Damasio:

Frank H. Netter, John A. Craig, James Perkins - Atlas of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology 
Andrew Lautin - The Limbic Brain (2001) 

Robert Isaacson - The Limbic System (1982)