Addictive Behaviors: Alert 25 May-31 May

Addictive BehaviorsAddictive Behaviors
Volume 60 ,  Pages 1-244, September 2016

Editorial Board   
Pages IFC
Reliability, convergent and structural validity and cut-off score of the Severity of Dependence Scale for recreational ketamine users   Original Research Article
Pages 1-7
Fermín Fernández-Calderón, Claudio Vidal-Giné, José López-Guerrero, Óscar M. Lozano-Rojas
Utility of the Athlete Drinking Scale for assessing drinking motives among high school athletes   Original Research Article
Pages 18-23
Tracy E. Herring, Byron L. Zamboanga, Janine V. Olthuis, Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan, Jessica L. Martin, Nicholas W. McAfee, Matthew P. Martens
Impulsiveness, and trait displaced aggression among drug using female sex traders   Original Research Article
Pages 24-31
Sarah E. Clingan, Dennis G. Fisher, William C. Pedersen, Grace L. Reynolds, Pamela Xandre
Pre-drinking motives in Canadian undergraduate students: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Prepartying Motivations Inventory and examination of new themes   Original Research Article
Pages 42-47
Ashlyne I. O'Neil, Kathryn D. Lafreniere, Dennis L. Jackson
Precocious transitions and long-term heroin use outcomes: A longitudinal study of gang-affiliated Mexican-American males   Original Research Article
Pages 48-52
Alice Cepeda, Kathryn M. Nowotny, Jessica Frankeberger, Avelardo Valdez
Use of benzylglycinamide by a HIV-seropositive polysubstance user: The changing pattern of novel psychoactive substance use among youths   Original Research Article
Pages 53-57
Matteo Caloro, Giuseppa Calabrò, Georgios D. Kotzalidis, Ilaria Cuomo, John M. Corkery, Alessandro Emiliano Vento, Luana Lionetto, Sergio De Filippis, Valentina Ranieri, Davide Lonati, Carlo Alessandro Locatelli, Eleonora de Pisa, Antonio Di Tommaso, Paolo Girardi, Fabrizio Schifano
Validation of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised across US and Portuguese college students   Original Research Article
Pages 58-63
Jessica L. Martin, Joaquim Armando Ferreira, Richard F. Haase, Jorge Martins, Mariana Coelho
Directions of the relationship between substance use and depressive symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood   Original Research Article
Pages 64-70
Andra L. Wilkinson, Carolyn Tucker Halpern, Amy H. Herring
Life adversity is associated with smoking relapse after a quit attempt   Original Research Article
Pages 71-77
Andrine Lemieux, Leif Olson, Motohiro Nakajima, Lauren Schulberg, Mustafa al'Absi
Knowledge and beliefs about electronic cigarettes among quitline cessation staff   Original Research Article
Pages 78-83
Sharon Cummins, Scott Leischow, Linda Bailey, Terry Bush, Ken Wassum, Lesley Copeland, Shu-Hong Zhu
Posttraumatic stress symptom severity and cognitive-based smoking processes among trauma-exposed treatment-seeking smokers: The role of perceived stress   Original Research Article
Pages 84-89
Lorra Garey, Jafar Bakhshaie, Anka A. Vujanovic, Lorraine R. Reitzel, Norman B. Schmidt, Michael J. Zvolensky
Acute subjective response to alcohol as a function of reward and punishment sensitivity   Original Research Article
Pages 90-96
David H. Morris, Hayley Treloar, Chia-Lin Tsai, Kayleigh N. McCarty, Denis M. McCarthy
Does it really matter which drug you choose? An examination of the influence of type of drug on type of risky sexual behavior   Original Research Article
Pages 97-102
Tiarney D. Ritchwood, Jamie DeCoster, Isha W. Metzger, John M. Bolland, Carla K. Danielson
Introspective responses to cues and motivation to reduce cigarette smoking influence state and behavioral responses to cue exposure   Original Research Article
Pages 103-108
Jennifer C. Veilleux, Kayla D. Skinner
Psychometric evaluation of the 10-item Short Opiate Withdrawal Scale-Gossop (SOWS-Gossop) in patients undergoing opioid detoxification   Original Research Article
Pages 109-116
Margaret K. Vernon, Stefan Reinders, Sally Mannix, Kristen Gullo, Charles W. Gorodetzky, Thomas Clinch
Borderline personality disorder and compulsive buying: A multivariate etiological model   Original Research Article
Pages 117-123
Aniko Maraz, Róbert Urbán, Zsolt Demetrovics
Other tobacco product and electronic cigarette use among homeless cigarette smokers   Original Research Article
Pages 124-130
Travis P. Baggett, Eric G. Campbell, Yuchiao Chang, Nancy A. Rigotti
Childhood sexual abuse and two stages of cigarette smoking in African-American and European-American young women   Original Research Article
Pages 131-136
Carolyn E. Sartor, Julia D. Grant, Alexis E. Duncan, Vivia V. McCutcheon, Elliot C. Nelson, Wilma J. Calvert, Pamela A.F. Madden, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz
Neurocognitive, psychiatric, and substance use characteristics in opioid dependent adults   Original Research Article
Pages 137-143
Franchesca Arias, Julia H. Arnsten, Chinazo O. Cunningham, Kelly Coulehan, Abigail Batchelder, Mia Brisbane, Katie Segal, Monica Rivera-Mindt
Levels of physical dependence on tobacco among adolescent smokers in Cyprus   Original Research Article
Pages 148-153
Costas A. Christophi, Despina Pampaka, Martha Paisi, Solonas Ioannou, Joseph R. DiFranza
Expectancies for and use of e-cigarettes and hookah among young adult non-daily smokers   Original Research Article
Pages 154-159
Neal Doran, Kristin Brikmanis
Examining a social reaction model in the prediction of adolescent alcohol use   Original Research Article
Pages 160-164
Dana M. Litt, Melissa A. Lewis
Investigating heterogeneity in violent offending liability among injection drug users from a developmental perspective   Original Research Article
Pages 165-170
Michelle Torok, Shane Darke, Fiona Shand, Sharlene Kaye
Roles of inter-individual differences and intra-individual acute elevations in early smoking lapse in people with posttraumatic stress disorder   Original Research Article
Pages 171-176
Eric A. Dedert, Terrell A. Hicks, Paul A. Dennis, Patrick S. Calhoun, Jean C. Beckham
Moderators of implicit and explicit drinking identity in a large US adult sample   Original Research Article
Pages 177-183
Kristen P. Lindgren, Melissa L. Gasser, Alexandra Werntz, Nauder Namaky, Scott A. Baldwin, Bethany A. Teachman
Impulsivity and risk for prescription opioid misuse in a chronic pain patient sample   Original Research Article
Pages 184-190
Noel Vest, Caleb J. Reynolds, Sarah L. Tragesser
Associations between binge drinking frequency and tobacco use among young adults   Original Research Article
Pages 191-196
Noah R. Gubner, Kevin L. Delucchi, Danielle E. Ramo
Gender differences in cannabis use disorder treatment: Change readiness and taking steps predict worse cannabis outcomes for women   Original Research Article
Pages 197-202
Brian J. Sherman, Nathaniel L. Baker, Aimee L. McRae-Clark
Do more graphic and aversive cigarette health warning labels affect Brazilian smokers' likelihood of quitting?   Original Research Article
Pages 209-212
André Salem Szklo, Eliane Volchan, James F. Thrasher, Cristina Perez, Moysés Szklo, Liz Maria de Almeida
Do drinking motives distinguish extreme drinking college students from their peers?   Original Research Article
Pages 213-218
Helene R. White, Kristen G. Anderson, Anne E. Ray, Eun-Young Mun
A conceptual schema for government purchasing arrangements for Australian alcohol and other drug treatment   Original Research Article
Pages 228-234
Alison Ritter, Philip Hull, Lynda Berends, Jenny Chalmers, Kari Lancaster
Altered developmental trajectories for impulsivity and sensation seeking among adolescent substance users   Original Research Article
Pages 235-241
Nora E. Charles, Stacy R. Ryan, Bethany C. Bray, Charles W. Mathias, Ashley Acheson, Donald M. Dougherty
No association between HIV status and risk of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada   
Pages 8-12
Daniel J. Escudero, Brandon D.L. Marshall, Thomas Kerr, Kanna Hayashi, Cindy Feng, Silvia A. Guillemi, Robert S. Hogg, Julio Montaner, Evan Wood, M.-J. Milloy
Similarities and differences in alcohol trajectories: Testing the catch-up effect among biracial black subgroups   
Pages 13-17
Trenette Clark Goings, Sebastian J. Teran Hidalgo, Tricia McGovern
Alcohol use, risky sexual behavior, and condom possession among bar patrons   
Pages 32-36
Beth H. Chaney, Karen Vail-Smith, Ryan J. Martin, Jennifer Cremeens-Matthews
Adolescent gambling and impulsivity: Does employment during high school moderate the association?   
Pages 37-41
Natale Canale, Luca Scacchi, Mark D. Griffiths
Association between schizotypal and borderline personality disorder traits, and cannabis use in young adults   
Pages 144-147
Patrick Raynal, Henri Chabrol
Lifetime marijuana use and sexually transmitted infection history in a sample of Black college students   
Pages 203-208
Larry Keen, Gwenna Blanden, Nasreen Rehmani
Trends in older adult nonmedical prescription drug use prevalence: Results from the 2002–2003 and 2012–2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health   
Pages 219-222
Ty S. Schepis, Sean Esteban McCabe
A baseline assessment of attitudes toward tobacco free campus policies in a U.S./México border university   
Pages 223-227
Theodore V. Cooper, José Alonso Cabriales, Nora Hernandez, Jon Law
Ethical considerations when researching with pregnant substance users and implications for practice   
Pages 242-243
Elizabeth D. Hotham, Robert L. Ali, Jason M. White, Jeffrey S. Robinson

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