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Cursul Rorschach la Bucuresti Iunie 2017 - Formator Profesor dr Jean Marie Barthelemy , l'Universite de Savoie-Chambery, Franta

Domnul Profesor Romila si  Stimați colegi,

Buna ziua,

Va transmit pe aceasta cale un e-mail pentru a vă aduce la cunoștința faptul că în  data de 22 - 23 Octombrie a avut loc la Iasi modulul 3 al Cursului Rorschach susținut de Prof emerit J. M. Barthelemy (curs de excepție  pe care l-am parcurs și eu format din trei module). Cu aceasta ocazie am discutat cu Dl. Profesor Barthelemy asupra urmatoarelor cursuri ce vor avea loc la Bucuresti in luna iunie 2017 , daca intrunim un numar minim  de  cursanti (grup de cca. 5-6  persoane ). Totodata  dacă doriți să participați la următorele module care încep în luna Iunie 2017 la Bucuresti , va rog să confirmați aceasta printr- un e-mail la adresa ancasimona_hagiu@yahoo.fr , urmând să revin si cu alte detalii.

Numai bine!  

Hagiu Anca Simona

Cognition: Alert 14 November-21 November

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Alert: Cognition
New articles available on ScienceDirect
Volume 158, Pages 1-242, January 2017 Cognition
Volume 158, Pages 1-242, January 2017

Editorial Board   
Page IFC
  Regular Articles
Temporal distortion in the perception of actions and events    Original Research Article
Pages 1-9
Yoshiko Yabe, Hemangi Dave, Melvyn A. Goodale
Successful communication does not drive language development: Evidence from adult homesign    Original Research Article
Pages 10-27
Emily M. Carrigan, Marie Coppola
From face processing to face recognition: Comparing three different processing levels    Original Research Article
Pages 33-43
G. Besson, G. Barragan-Jason, S.J. Thorpe, M. Fabre-Thorpe, S. Puma, M. Ceccaldi, E.J. Barbeau
Time to decide: Diurnal variations on the speed and quality of human decisions    Original Research Article
Pages 44-55
María Juliana Leone, Diego Fernandez Slezak, Diego Golombek, Mariano Sigman
Preschool children use space, rather than counting, to infer the numerical magnitude of digits: Evidence for a spatial mapping principle    Original Research Article
Pages 56-67
Francesco Sella, Ilaria Berteletti, Daniela Lucangeli, Marco Zorzi

Graphical abstract

Schematic representations of local environmental space guide goal-directed navigation    Original Research Article
Pages 68-80
Steven A. Marchette, Jack Ryan, Russell A. Epstein
Physical attraction to reliable, low variability nervous systems: Reaction time variability predicts attractiveness    Original Research Article
Pages 81-89
Emily E. Butler, Christopher W.N. Saville, Robert Ward, Richard Ramsey
Fast logic?: Examining the time course assumption of dual process theory    Original Research Article
Pages 90-109
Bence Bago, Wim De Neys
Can bootstrapping explain concept learning?    Original Research Article
Pages 110-121
Jacob Beck
Shape and color naming are inherently asymmetrical: Evidence from practice-based interference    Original Research Article
Pages 122-133
Athanassios Protopapas, Artemis Markatou, Evangelos Samaras, Andreas Piokos
From development to aging: Holistic face perception in children, younger and older adults    Original Research Article
Pages 134-146
Bozana Meinhardt-Injac, Isabelle Boutet, Malte Persike, Günter Meinhardt, Margarete Imhof
Is the L2 lexicon different from the L1 lexicon? Evidence from novel word lexicalization    Original Research Article
Pages 147-152
Xiaomei Qiao, Kenneth I. Forster
Causal capture effects in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)    Original Research Article
Pages 153-164
Toyomi Matsuno, Masaki Tomonaga
Pragmatic development explains the Theory-of-Mind Scale    Original Research Article
Pages 165-176
Evan Westra, Peter Carruthers
Infants' detection of increasing numerical order comes before detection of decreasing number    Original Research Article
Pages 177-188
Maria Dolores de Hevia, Margaret Addabbo, Elena Nava, Emanuela Croci, Luisa Girelli, Viola Macchi Cassia
The effect of being human and the basis of grammatical word order: Insights from novel communication systems and young sign languages    Original Research Article
Pages 189-207
Irit Meir, Mark Aronoff, Carl Börstell, So-One Hwang, Deniz Ilkbasaran, Itamar Kastner, Ryan Lepic, Adi Lifshitz Ben-Basat, Carol Padden, Wendy Sandler
Internal model of gravity influences configural body processing    Original Research Article
Pages 208-214
Julien Barra, Patrice Senot, Laurent Auclair
The functional consequences of social distraction: Attention and memory for complex scenes    Original Research Article
Pages 215-223
Brianna Ruth Doherty, Eva Zita Patai, Mihaela Duta, Anna Christina Nobre, Gaia Scerif
Implicit moral evaluations: A multinomial modeling approach    Original Research Article
Pages 224-241
C. Daryl Cameron, B. Keith Payne, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Julian A. Scheffer, Michael Inzlicht
  Brief Article
Disfluency effects on lexical selection   
Pages 28-32
Srdan Medimorec, Torin P. Young, Evan F. Risko

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