Clinical Psychology Review: Alert 11 November-18 November

New articles available on ScienceDirect
Volume 50, Pages 1-174, December 2016 Clinical Psychology Review
Volume 50, Pages 1-174, December 2016

Editorial Board   
Page IFC
Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis    Review Article
Pages 1-10
Sarah Vigerland, Fabian Lenhard, Marianne Bonnert, Maria Lalouni, Erik Hedman, Johan Ahlen, Ola Olén, Eva Serlachius, Brjánn Ljótsson
Cascading effects of BPT for child internalizing problems and caregiver depression    Review Article
Pages 11-21
Michelle A. Gonzalez, Deborah J. Jones
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and eating disorders across the lifespan: A systematic review of the literature    Review Article
Pages 22-36
Rivka L. Levin, Jennine S. Rawana
Pooled patient-level meta-analysis of children and adults completing a computer-based anxiety intervention targeting attentional bias    Review Article
Pages 37-49
Rebecca B. Price, Meredith Wallace, Jennie M. Kuckertz, Nader Amir, Simona Graur, Logan Cummings, Paul Popa, Per Carlbring, Yair Bar-Haim
Towards a cognitive-learning formulation of youth anxiety: A narrative review of theory and evidence and implications for treatment    Review Article
Pages 50-66
Allison M. Waters, Michelle G. Craske
Atypical reactivity of heart rate variability to stress and depression across development: Systematic review of the literature and directions for future research    Review Article
Pages 67-79
Jessica L. Hamilton, Lauren B. Alloy
Treating child and adolescent anxiety effectively: Overview of systematic reviews    Review Article
Pages 80-94
Kathryn Bennett, Katharina Manassis, Stephanie Duda, Alexa Bagnell, Gail A. Bernstein, E. Jane Garland, Lynn D. Miller, Amanda Newton, Lehana Thabane, Pamela Wilansky
Mechanisms of change in psychotherapy for depression: An empirical update and evaluation of research aimed at identifying psychological mediators    Review Article
Pages 95-107
Lotte H.J.M. Lemmens, Viola N.L.S. Müller, Arnoud Arntz, Marcus J.H. Huibers
Deficits in social cognition in first episode psychosis: A review of the literature    Review Article
Pages 108-137
Kristin M. Healey, Cali F. Bartholomeusz, David L. Penn
Parents in prevention: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of parenting interventions to prevent internalizing problems in children from birth to age 18    Review Article
Pages 138-158
Marie B.H. Yap, Amy J. Morgan, Kathryn Cairns, Anthony F. Jorm, Sarah E. Hetrick, Sally Merry
Sleep disturbances in adolescents with ADHD: A systematic review and framework for future research    Review Article
Pages 159-174
Jessica R. Lunsford-Avery, Andrew D. Krystal, Scott H. Kollins

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