Computers in Human Behavior: Alert 21 December-28 December

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Volume 68, Pages 1-564, March 2017 Computers in Human Behavior
Volume 68, Pages 1-564, March 2017

Editorial Board / Publication information   
Page IFC
Modelling to identify influential bloggers in the blogosphere: A survey    Review Article
Pages 64-82
Hikmat Ullah Khan, Ali Daud, Umer Ishfaq, Tehmina Amjad, Naif Aljohani, Rabeeh Ayyaz Abbasi, Jalal S. Alowibdi
  Regular Articles
Exploring the credibility of online celebrities' Instagram profiles in influencing the purchase decisions of young female users    Original Research Article
Pages 1-7
Elmira Djafarova, Chloe Rushworth
Self-schema and self-discrepancy mediate the influence of Instagram usage on body image satisfaction among youth    Original Research Article
Pages 8-16
Ashraf Sadat Ahadzadeh, Saeed Pahlevan Sharif, Fon Sim Ong
Assessing the psychometric properties of the Internet Addiction Test: A study on a sample of Italian university students    Original Research Article
Pages 17-29
Rocco Servidio
Understanding WeChat users' liking behavior: An empirical study in China    Original Research Article
Pages 30-39
Chunmei Gan
Do educational affordances and gratifications drive intensive Facebook use among adolescents?    Original Research Article
Pages 40-50
Amandeep Dhir, Ashraf Khalil, Kirsti Lonka, Chin-Chung Tsai
SOS on SNS: Adolescent distress on social network sites    Original Research Article
Pages 51-55
Yaakov Ophir
From empty nest to Social Networking Site: What happens in cyberspace when children are launched from the parental home?    Original Research Article
Pages 56-63
Martin Tanis, Marit van der Louw, Moniek Buijzen
Mobile-Based Assessment: Integrating acceptance and motivational factors into a combined model of Self-Determination Theory and Technology Acceptance    Original Research Article
Pages 83-95
Stavros A. Nikou, Anastasios A. Economides
Media use and Internet addiction in adult depression: A case-control study    Original Research Article
Pages 96-103
Jan Dieris-Hirche, Laura Bottel, Martin Bielefeld, Toni Steinbüchel, Aram Kehyayan, Barbara Dieris, Bert te Wildt
Nature or nurture? A meta-analysis of the factors that maximize the prediction of digital piracy by using social cognitive theory as a framework    Original Research Article
Pages 104-120
Paul Benjamin Lowry, Jun Zhang, Tailai Wu
Socioeconomic influence on adolescent problematic Internet use through school-related psychosocial factors and pattern of Internet use    Original Research Article
Pages 121-136
Francisco T.T. Lai, Joyce L.Y. Kwan
Situational determinants of cognitive, affective, and compassionate empathy in naturalistic digital interactions    Original Research Article
Pages 137-148
Philip A. Powell, Jennifer Roberts
Giving in or giving up: What makes journalists use audience feedback in their news work?    Original Research Article
Pages 149-156
Edson C. Tandoc, Patrick R. Ferrucci
The moderating role of trust in business to business electronic commerce (B2B EC) adoption    Original Research Article
Pages 157-169
Abdallah Alsaad, Rosli Mohamad, Noor Azizi Ismail
Visualizers versus verbalizers: Effects of cognitive style on learning with texts and pictures – An eye-tracking study    Original Research Article
Pages 170-179
Marta Koć-Januchta, Tim Höffler, Gun-Brit Thoma, Helmut Prechtl, Detlev Leutner
The effects of input modality and story-based knowledge on users' game experience    Original Research Article
Pages 180-189
Dong-Hee Shin, Kyung-mi Chung
Examining the relationship of organizational insiders' psychological capital with information security threat and coping appraisals    Original Research Article
Pages 190-209
A.J. Burns, Clay Posey, Tom L. Roberts, Paul Benjamin Lowry
Combined reality therapy and mindfulness meditation decrease intertemporal decisional impulsivity in young adults with Internet gaming disorder    Original Research Article
Pages 210-216
Yuan-Wei Yao, Pin-Ru Chen, Chiang-shan R. Li, Todd A. Hare, Song Li, Jin-Tao Zhang, Lu Liu, Shan-Shan Ma, Xiao-Yi Fang
Online self-disclosure: The privacy paradox explained as a temporally discounted balance between concerns and rewards    Original Research Article
Pages 217-227
Cory Hallam, Gianluca Zanella
Investigation of the depression in breast cancer patients by computational intelligence technique    Original Research Article
Pages 228-231
Jovana Cvetković, Milan Cvetković
The effect of online fan community attributes on the loyalty and cooperation of fan community members: The moderating role of connect hours    Original Research Article
Pages 232-243
Min-Seong Kim, Hyung-Min Kim
Frequent itemset mining using cellular learning automata    Original Research Article
Pages 244-253
Mohammad Karim Sohrabi, Reza Roshani
Gamers, citizen scientists, and data: Exploring participant contributions in two games with a purpose    Original Research Article
Pages 254-268
Nathan Prestopnik, Kevin Crowston, Jun Wang
The role of personality traits in Facebook and Internet addictions: A study on Polish, Turkish, and Ukrainian samples    Original Research Article
Pages 269-275
Agata Błachnio, Aneta Przepiorka, Emre Senol-Durak, Mithat Durak, Lyubko Sherstyuk
Students' perceptions of the effect of social media ostracism on wellbeing    Original Research Article
Pages 276-285
Rebecca Smith, Jessica Morgan, Claire Monks
Effects of social media usage and social media multitasking on the academic performance of university students    Original Research Article
Pages 286-291
Wilfred W.F. Lau
"Liking" and being "liked": How are personality traits and demographics associated with giving and receiving "likes" on Facebook?    Original Research Article
Pages 292-299
Cheng Hong, Zifei (Fay) Chen, Cong Li
Understanding users' intention to switch personal cloud storage services: Evidence from the Chinese market    Original Research Article
Pages 300-314
Kewen Wu, Julita Vassileva, Yuxiang Zhao
Ideological lens matters: Credibility heuristics, pre-existing attitudes, and reactions to messages on ideological websites    Original Research Article
Pages 315-325
Michael K. Ault, Alisha M. Ness, William D. Taylor, Genevieve Johnson, Shane Connelly, Matthew L. Jensen, Norah E. Dunbar
To take or not to take the laptop or tablet to classes, that is the question    Original Research Article
Pages 326-333
José I. Castillo-Manzano, Mercedes Castro-Nuño, Lourdes López-Valpuesta, María Teresa Sanz-Díaz, Rocío Yñiguez
Smartphones as Social Actors? Social dispositional factors in assessing anthropomorphism    Original Research Article
Pages 334-344
Wenhuan Wang
The influence of juvenile preference for online social interaction on problematic Internet use: The moderating effect of sibling condition and the moderated moderating effect of age cohort    Original Research Article
Pages 345-351
Quanlei Yu, Lin Zhang, Song Wu, Yafei Guo, Shenghua Jin, Yan Sun
Prevalence of cyberbullying and predictors of cyberbullying perpetration among Korean adolescents    Original Research Article
Pages 352-358
Changho Lee, Namin Shin
Cyber-victimization preventive behavior: A health belief model approach    Original Research Article
Pages 359-367
Matias Dodel, Gustavo Mesch
Does negative campaign advertising stimulate uncivil communication on social media? Measuring audience response using big data    Original Research Article
Pages 368-377
Toby Hopp, Chris J. Vargo
Investigating the impacts of avatar gender, avatar age, and region theme on avatar physical activity in the virtual world    Original Research Article
Pages 378-387
Yulei (Gavin) Zhang, Yan (Mandy) Dang, Susan A. Brown, Hsinchun Chen
Psychosocial correlates of internet gaming disorder: Psychopathology, life satisfaction, and impulsivity    Original Research Article
Pages 388-394
Augusta H. Bargeron, Julia M. Hormes
Teenagers' perception of risk behaviors regarding digital technologies    Original Research Article
Pages 395-402
Arkaitz Lareki, Juan Ignacio Martínez de Morentin, Jon Altuna, Nere Amenabar
Service quality, satisfaction, stickiness, and usage intentions: An exploratory evaluation in the context of WeChat services    Original Research Article
Pages 403-410
Che-Hui Lien, Yang Cao, Xing Zhou
What makes continued mobile gaming enjoyable?    Original Research Article
Pages 411-421
Jani Merikivi, Virpi Tuunainen, Duyen Nguyen
The role of emotions and social cognitive variables in online health information seeking processes and effects    Original Research Article
Pages 422-433
Jessica Gall Myrick
Who are likely to experience disconfirmation? Impact of temperament and character on disconfirmation    Original Research Article
Pages 434-440
Gen-Yih Liao, Han-Chung Huang, Ching-I Teng
Factors that explain the use of ICT in secondary-education classrooms: The role of teacher characteristics and school infrastructure    Original Research Article
Pages 441-449
Javier Gil-Flores, Javier Rodríguez-Santero, Juan-Jesús Torres-Gordillo
Aggregating physiological and eye tracking signals to predict perception in the absence of ground truth    Original Research Article
Pages 450-455
Enkelejda Kasneci, Thomas Kübler, Klaus Broelemann, Gjergji Kasneci
Online social support for young people: Does it recapitulate in-person social support; can it help?    Original Research Article
Pages 456-464
David A. Cole, Elizabeth A. Nick, Rachel L. Zelkowitz, Kathryn M. Roeder, Tawny Spinelli
Tell me what they are like and I will tell you where they buy. An analysis of omnichannel consumer behavior    Original Research Article
Pages 465-471
Paula Rodríguez-Torrico, Rebeca San José Cabezudo, Sonia San-Martín
Video gaming in a hyperconnected world: A cross-sectional study of heavy gaming, problematic gaming symptoms, and online socializing in adolescents    Original Research Article
Pages 472-479
Michelle Colder Carras, Antonius J. Van Rooij, Dike Van de Mheen, Rashelle Musci, Qian-Li Xue, Tamar Mendelson
What makes you tick? The psychology of social media engagement in space science communication    Original Research Article
Pages 480-492
Yi-Ling Hwong, Carol Oliver, Martin Van Kranendonk, Claude Sammut, Yanir Seroussi
The relation of perceived benefits and organizational supports to user satisfaction with building information model (BIM)    Original Research Article
Pages 493-500
Guangbin Wang, Jiule Song
Project-based learning (PBL) through the incorporation of digital technologies: An evaluation based on the experience of serving teachers    Original Research Article
Pages 501-512
Verónica Basilotta Gómez-Pablos, Marta Martín del Pozo, Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso
Home alone: Complex problem solving performance benefits from individual online assessment    Original Research Article
Pages 513-519
Johannes Schult, Matthias Stadler, Nicolas Becker, Samuel Greiff, Jörn R. Sparfeldt
Do psychosocial attributes of well-being drive intensive Facebook use?    Original Research Article
Pages 520-527
Amandeep Dhir, Puneet Kaur, Kirsti Lonka, Chin-Chung Tsai
Relational and cyber aggression among adolescents: Personality and emotion regulation as moderators    Original Research Article
Pages 528-537
Constantinos M. Kokkinos, Ioanna Voulgaridou
Why do players buy in-game content? An empirical study on concrete purchase motivations    Original Research Article
Pages 538-546
Juho Hamari, Kati Alha, Simo Järvelä, J. Matias Kivikangas, Jonna Koivisto, Janne Paavilainen
The role of math self-efficacy in the structural model of extracurricular technology-related activities and junior elementary school students' mathematics ability    Original Research Article
Pages 547-555
Zhenhua Xu, Eunice Eunhee Jang
When newbies and veterans play together: The effect of video game content, context and experience on cooperation    Original Research Article
Pages 556-563
Yuchang Jin, Junyi Li

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