Editorial Februarie 2017 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

Postmodern, adica contemporan, este epoca istorica actuala de dupa al II-lea razboi mondial. Multi o cosidera nebuna, complet neclasica, imprevizibila, schimbatoare, totul a devenit nesigur. Totusi, daca oamenii sunt asa, ei sunt constransi de legi, norme, regulamente, constitutii sa faca schimburi dupa legile pietii si ale globalizarii capitalismului. 
Asa ca omul este secundar, marfa, banul, banca, controlul calitatii, pedeapsa infractiunii conteaza si totul curge, destinul e implacabil. Nu se poate evita batrinetea si sfarsitul.
Ca psihiatru conluzia asta ca totul este o nebunie mi se pare falsa. Cred ca nu putem socoti egali pe adaptati fata de handicapati. 
Problema survine ca a aparut o categorie a coruptilor hiperadadaptati, fara character, dar cu asemanari psihologice greu de diferentiat de catre omul obisnuit, greu de dovedit si in justitie. 
Acest fapt indica o trecere de la clasificarea psihopatiilor (a lui Kretchmer) la post modernism, adica la identificarea noilor tipuri de psihopati. Caracteristica generala ramane perversitatea. 
Se manifesta prin escrocherie, aparenta de top model si esenta de bandit nemilos, needucat, care falsifica aparenta , care isi ascunde interesul in lookuri sentimentale. 
Mobilul e plin de te iub! Materalismul domina si se inmultesc capcanele de atractie. 
Masina, vila, cardul, aroganta, suficienta, atot stiinta (on line), semidoctismul, pseudoinformarea, pretentia obraznicului de a fi apreciat la maximum, desi el nu stie nimic serios, meserie superficiala dar diplome sonore, activitate de fatada dar salariu multinational, iata doar citeva lucruri frapante. Meserie ioc dar titluri supra managerial! Paranoia sta in culise. 
Trebuie sa invatam sa distingem, sa apreciem corect si apoi vom putea trai mai bine impreuna.

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

The British Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents for February 2017; Vol. 210, No. 2

Highlights of This Issue

Highlights of this issue
Kimberlie Dean
BJP February 2017 210:A7; doi:10.1192/bjp.210.2.A7


Old age psychiatry and geriatric medicine: shared challenges, shared solutions?
James Fisher and Andrew Teodorczuk
BJP February 2017 210:91-93; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.187369
Promising evidence for nutrition interventions in people with serious mental illness
Nick Meader
BJP February 2017 210:94-95; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.193318


Childhood maltreatment and characteristics of adult depression: meta-analysis
Janna Nelson, Anne Klumparendt, Philipp Doebler, and Thomas Ehring
BJP February 2017 210:96-104; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.180752
Cortisol as a predictor of psychological therapy response in depressive disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis
Susanne Fischer, Rebecca Strawbridge, Andres Herane Vives, and Anthony J. Cleare
BJP February 2017 210:105-109; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.180653
Solving a weighty problem: systematic review and meta-analysis of nutrition interventions in severe mental illness
Scott B. Teasdale, Philip B. Ward, Simon Rosenbaum, Katherine Samaras, and Brendon Stubbs
BJP February 2017 210:110-118; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.177139


Undertreatment of people with major depressive disorder in 21 countries
Graham Thornicroft, Somnath Chatterji, Sara Evans-Lacko, Michael Gruber, Nancy Sampson, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Ali Al-Hamzawi, Jordi Alonso, Laura Andrade, Guilherme Borges, Ronny Bruffaerts, Brendan Bunting, Jose Miguel Caldas de Almeida, Silvia Florescu, Giovanni de Girolamo, Oye Gureje, Josep Maria Haro, Yanling He, Hristo Hinkov, Elie Karam, Norito Kawakami, Sing Lee, Fernando Navarro-Mateu, Marina Piazza, Jose Posada-Villa, Yolanda Torres de Galvis, and Ronald C. Kessler
BJP February 2017 210:119-124; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.188078
Prevalence of mental disorders in elderly people: the European MentDis_ICF65+ study
Sylke Andreas, Holger Schulz, Jana Volkert, Maria Dehoust, Susanne Sehner, Anna Suling, Berta Ausín, Alessandra Canuto, Mike Crawford, Chiara Da Ronch, Luigi Grassi, Yael Hershkovitz, Manuel Muñoz, Alan Quirk, Ora Rotenstein, Ana Belén Santos-Olmo, Arieh Shalev, Jens Strehle, Kerstin Weber, Karl Wegscheider, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, and Martin Härter
BJP February 2017 210:125-131; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.180463
Depression screening with patient-targeted feedback in cardiology: DEPSCREEN-INFO randomised clinical trial
Bernd Löwe, Stefan Blankenberg, Karl Wegscheider, Hans-Helmut König, Dirk Walter, Alexandra M. Murray, Benjamin Gierk, and Sebastian Kohlmann
BJP February 2017 210:132-139; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.184168
Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis: randomised controlled trial
Frances Shawyer, John Farhall, Neil Thomas, Steven C. Hayes, Robert Gallop, David Copolov, and David J. Castle
BJP February 2017 210:140-148; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.182865
Democratic therapeutic community treatment for personality disorder: randomised controlled trial
Steve Pearce, Lisle Scott, Gillian Attwood, Kate Saunders, Madeleine Dean, Ritz De Ridder, David Galea, Haroula Konstantinidou, and Mike Crawford
BJP February 2017 210:149-156; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.184366
Costs of the police service and mental healthcare pathways experienced by individuals with enduring mental health needs
Margaret Heslin, Lynne Callaghan, Barbara Barrett, Susan Lea, Susan Eick, John Morgan, Mark Bolt, Graham Thornicroft, Diana Rose, Andrew Healey, and Anita Patel
BJP February 2017 210:157-164; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.159129 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE


Clinically useful screen for borderline personality disorder in psychiatric out-patients
Mark Zimmerman, Matthew D. Multach, Kristy Dalrymple, and Iwona Chelminski
BJP February 2017 210:165-166; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.182121


Personality disorders and suicide in China
Kathy Y. Liu
BJP February 2017 210:167; doi:10.1192/bjp.210.2.167
Authors' reply
Yongsheng Tong, Michael R. Phillips, and Kenneth R. Conner
BJP February 2017 210:167-168; doi:10.1192/bjp.210.2.167a


Beyond Melancholy: Sadness and Selfhood in Renaissance England
Tom Russ
BJP February 2017 210:169; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.187922
Trials of Passion: Crimes in the Name of Love and Madness
Gwen Adshead
BJP February 2017 210:169-170; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.178384
Clinical Psychology in Britain: Historical Perspectives
Edwin D. Rose and John Rose
BJP February 2017 210:170; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.192955
The Voices Within: The History and Science of How We Talk to Ourselves
Femi Oyebode
BJP February 2017 210:170-171; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.187252
A Concise Guide to Understanding Suicide: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Prevention
Monique Séguin
BJP February 2017 210:171-172; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.161836


Derek K. Tracy, Dan W. Joyce, and Sukhwinder S. Shergill
BJP February 2017 210:174-175; doi:10.1192/bjp.210.2.174


James Foulis Duncan – psychiatry in history
Brendan D. Kelly
BJP February 2017 210:118; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.190538
In the Spirit of Rivers – poems by doctors
Jo McFarlane
BJP February 2017 210:131; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.181685
Article 3 – poems by doctors
Frederick Hopkinson
BJP February 2017 210:156; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.188888


Disruptive transformations to extend the reach and refine health systems
Kamaldeep Bhui
BJP February 2017 210:176; doi:10.1192/bjp.210.2.176

The British Journal of Psychiatry Highlights of this issue for 1 February 2017; Vol. 210, No. 2

BJP Online -- Highlights of the Current Issue
February 2017; Vol. 210, No. 2
The complete Table of Contents for the current issue is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/vol210/issue2/ The following content is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/content/full/210/2/A7

Highlights of this issue

Kimberlie Dean Intervening to address adversity associated with severe mental illness
Three papers in the BJPsych this month consider interventions to address aspects of adversity suffered by those with severe mental illness. Heslin et al (pp. 157–164) consider the potential costs associated with implementing three recommended service enhancements intended to improve care pathways for individuals with enduring mental health needs who have contact with the police. Using a case-linkage modelling methodology, the three enhancements (street triage, Mental Health Act assessments for all Section 136 detainees and outreach custody link workers) were each found to increase healthcare and policing costs to a marginal degree only – the cost per police incident was estimated to be £522. The authors comment on the possibility that any increase in costs associated with the enhancements considered might be offset by savings in other service areas.
The poor physical health of individuals with severe mental illness has been well established, with poor nutrition being an important target for prevention particularly in relation to obesity. Teasdale et al (pp. 110–118) undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of nutritional interventions in severe mental illness and found evidence that such interventions led to significant weight loss, reduced body mass index, decreased waist circumference and lowered blood glucose levels. The largest effect sizes were found for interventions led by a dietician and those delivered at antipsychotic initiation. In a linked editorial, Meader (pp. 94–95) comments on the current evidence that nutritional interventions are likely to be at least as effective, if not more effective, in people with severe mental illness compared with other populations, a nd calls for future research to address a number of unanswered questions regarding the important components of nutritional interventions and whether or not they should be considered in the context of other health risk behaviours.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy for psychosis (CBTp) has long been used to address the persistence of medication-resistant psychotic symptoms but has limitations. Shawyer et al (pp. 140–148) tested an emerging alternative psychological therapy – acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) – in a sample of community-dwelling patients with persistent psychotic symptoms. Those randomised to receive ACT did not demonstrate any difference in overall mental state post-therapy compared with those receiving the befriending control intervention but did show greater improvement in positive symptoms and hallucination distress. The authors also highlight the implications of benefits seen in satisfaction and self-reported symptoms in the ACT group but note that expected changes in process measures were not seen.
Under-awareness and under-treatment of common mental disorders
Beyond dementia and depression, little is known about the occurrence of common mental disorders in elderly people. In a cross-sectional multicentre survey of men and women aged 65–84 years across a number of European centres, Andreas et al (pp. 125–131) found that one in two individuals had experienced lifetime mental disorder, one in three in the past year and one in four had evidence of current mental disorder. Anxiety disorders were the most prevalent followed by affective and substance-related disorders. The authors comment on the need to raise awareness of psychosocial problems in elderly populations and the need to adapt assessments to the cognitive capacities of individuals in this age range. Utilising data from the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys conducted in 21 countries, Thornicroft et al (pp. 119–124) identified evidence of signi ficant under-treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) internationally, with only 16.5% of individuals with 12-month MDD receiving minimally adequate treatment. The proportion was much smaller in low-/lower-middle-income countries (1 in 27) despite the prevalence rates also being lower. The authors call for national and international organisations to make commitments to resourcing the scaling-up of service provision that is required to address the 'treatment gap' seen for people with MDD.
Interventions for depression and personality disorder
Depression screening plus patient-targeted feedback in patients with coronary heart disease or hypertension was found to be associated with greater improvements in depression severity and information seeking behaviour at 6 months after screening compared with a control group who did not receive written post-screening feedback (Löwe et al, pp. 132–139). The primary study hypothesis, improvement in depression 1 month after screening, was not supported by the study findings, however, and the clinical improvement seen at 6 months did not appear to be explained by differences in mental health treatment. The authors comment on the need for further research to replicate their study findings and to focus on investigating the underlying mechanisms of patient-targeted feedback. In a systematic review and meta-analysis by Fischer et al (pp. 105–109), cortisol levels prio r to starting psychological therapy for depression were found to be associated with an increased level of symptoms at the end of treatment and/or smaller symptom change. The authors comment on the possibility that cognitive impairment mediates the association found and suggest that future research should stratify patients according to their levels of childhood trauma to test whether their findings are driven by a specific patient subgroup.
Pearce et al (pp. 149–156) subjected democratic therapeutic community (DTC) treatment, used for many years to help individuals with personality disorder, to rigorous evaluation in an RCT and found that in-patient days at follow-up were low for both the intervention and the control condition (crisis planning plus treatment as usual) and did not differ. At 24 months however, aggression and satisfaction with care were both improved in the intervention group. In addition to the potential benefits identified, this study of DCT treatment has demonstrated that it is possible to overcome previously identified obstacles to carrying out an RCT, supporting the potential for a larger multicentre trial to be undertaken.

Addictive Behaviors: Alert 17 January-24 January

Alert: Addictive Behaviors
New articles available on ScienceDirect
Volume 68, Pages 1-72, May 2017 Addictive Behaviors
Volume 68, Pages 1-72, May 2017

Editorial Board   
Page IFC
Marijuana use disorder symptoms among recent onset marijuana users    Original Research Article
Pages 6-13
Lisa Dierker, William Mendoza, Renee Goodwin, Arielle Selya, Jennifer Rose
Medicinal versus recreational cannabis use: Patterns of cannabis use, alcohol use, and cued-arousal among veterans who screen positive for PTSD    Original Research Article
Pages 18-23
Mallory Loflin, Mitch Earleywine, Marcel Bonn-Miller
The effects of rurality on substance use disorder diagnosis: A multiple-groups latent class analysis    Original Research Article
Pages 24-29
Billy Brooks, Matthew McBee, Robert Pack, Arsham Alamian
Patterns of drug use and HIV infection among adults in a nationally representative sample    Original Research Article
Pages 39-44
Stephanie Shiau, Stephen M. Arpadi, Michael T. Yin, Silvia S. Martins
Socioeconomic differences in adolescent substance abuse treatment participation and long-term outcomes    Original Research Article
Pages 45-51
Camillia K. Lui, Stacy A. Sterling, Felicia W. Chi, Yun Lu, Cynthia I. Campbell
Self-concept mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and abstinence motivation as well as self-efficacy among drug addicts    Original Research Article
Pages 52-58
Feng-Ying Lu, Si Wen, Gang Deng, Yung-Lung Tang
Health-compromising practices of undergraduate college students: Examining racial/ethnic and gender differences in characteristics of prescription stimulant misuse    Original Research Article
Pages 59-65
Sheena Cruz, Stephanie Sumstine, Jocelyne Mendez, Niloofar Bavarian
Examining the link between cocaine binging and individual, social and behavioral factors among street-based cocaine users    Original Research Article
Pages 66-72
Élise Roy, Nelson Arruda, Didier Jutras-Aswad, Djamal Berbiche, Michel Perreault, Karine Bertrand, Magali Dufour, Julie Bruneau
Hookah tobacco smoking in a large urban sample of adult cigarette smokers: Links with alcohol and poly-tobacco use   
Pages 1-5
Amy M. Cohn, Sarah J. Ehlke, Caroline O. Cobb, Eric K. Soule
Sensitivity and specificity of the gain short-screener for predicting substance use disorders in a large national sample of emerging adults   
Pages 14-17
Douglas C. Smith, Kyle M. Bennett, Michael L. Dennis, Rodney R. Funk
Associations between adverse childhood experiences, student-teacher relationships, and non-medical use of prescription medications among adolescents   
Pages 30-34
Myriam Forster, Amy L. Gower, Iris W. Borowsky, Barbara J. McMorris
Prevalence and correlates of fentanyl-contaminated heroin exposure among young adults who use prescription opioids non-medically   
Pages 35-38
Alexandria Macmadu, Jennifer J. Carroll, Scott E. Hadland, Traci C. Green, Brandon D.L. Marshall

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Inregistrare audio seminar APLR 28.01.2017 - Structura psihicului patologic

Inregistarea seminarului APLR de sambata 28 ianuarie 2017 cu tema: 

Structura psihicului patologic 

prezentat de dl. prof. Aurel ROMILA si dl. dr. Petre RADESCU

CONFERINTA APLR - 28 ianuarie 2017

CONFERINTA APLR pe 28 ian 2017 ora 12


Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA