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Access this year's most-read AERA articles
SAGE is proud to publish the journals of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Enjoy this selection of top-read articles—free for a limited time!*

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Study: The Costs and Consequences of Excess Credit Hours Policies
Study: The Costs and Consequences of Excess Credit Hours PoliciesStudy: The Costs and Consequences of Excess Credit Hours Policies
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Review of Educational Research
Impact Factor: 5.263 | Ranking: Education & Educational Research 2 out of 236**

What One Hundred Years of Research Says About the Effects of Ability Grouping and Acceleration on K–12 Students' Academic Achievement: Findings of Two Second-Order Meta-Analyses by Saiying Steenbergen-Hu, Matthew C. Makel, and Paula Olszewski-Kubilius

How Does Professional Development Improve Teaching? by Mary M. Kennedy

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Educational Researcher
Impact Factor: 3.049 | Ranking: Education & Educational Research 7 out of 231**
Refugee Education: The Crossroads of Globalization by Sarah Dryden-Peterson
Student Enrollment Patterns and Achievement in Ohio's Online Charter Schools by June Ahn and Andrew McEachin
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American Educational Research Journal
Impact Factor: 2.931 | Ranking: Education & Educational Research 13 out of 236**

Do Top Dogs Rule in Middle School? Evidence on Bullying, Safety, and Belonging by Amy Ellen Schwartz, Leanna Stiefel, and Michah W. Rothbart
Income Segregation Between Schools and School Districts by Ann Owens, Sean F. Reardon, and Christopher Jencks
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Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Impact Factor: 2.254 | Ranking: Education & Educational Research 28 out of 236**

Which Instructional Practices Most Help First-Grade Students With and Without Mathematics Difficulties? by Paul L. Morgan, George Farkas, and Steve Maczuga
The Effect of High School Shootings on Schools and Student Performance by Louis-Philippe Beland, Dongwoo Kim
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Review of Research in Education
Impact Factor: 1.727 | Ranking: Education & Educational Research 49 out of 236**
Advancing the Science and Practice of Social and Emotional Learning: Looking Back and Moving Forward by David Osher, Yael Kidron, Marc Brackett, Allison Dymnicki, Stephanie Jones, and Roger P. Weissberg
From Vocational Education to Career Readiness: The Ongoing Work of Linking Education and the Labor Market by Shaun M. Dougherty and Allison R. Lombardi
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Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
Impact Factor: 1.375 | Ranking: Education & Educational Research 82 out of 236**

Tools for Educational Data Mining: A Review by Stefan Slater, Srećko Joksimović, Vitomir Kovanovic, Ryan S. Baker, and Dragan Gasevic
A Strategy for Replacing Sum Scoring by James O. Ramsay and Marie Wiberg
JEB cover
A peer-reviewed, open access journal from AERA.

Understanding Loan Aversion in Education: Evidence from High School Seniors, Community College Students, and Adults by Angela Boatman, Brent J. Evans, and Adela Soliz
Online Mathematics Homework Increases Student Achievement by Jeremy Roschelle, Mingyu Feng, Robert F. Murphy, and Craig A. Mason
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AERA members receive Educational Researcher and one other journal of their choice, in print and online, among many other benefits of membership.
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*You may already have access to these articles through a library or AERA member subscription.
**2016 Release of Journal Citation Reports with Source: 2015 Web of Science Data

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