Existential Analysis Canada Fall Newsletter 2017

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Update from the Existential Analysis Canada Board

Dear EA Canada Members and Friends,

On this beautiful BC autumn day, I send you warm greetings from the Existential Analysis Society of Canada. I trust that you have successfully navigated the transition from the slower pace of summer to the more engaged tempo of the fall. And with this new engagement, I am pleased to provide you with a brief update on the workings and beings of your society.

During this season I am reminded about the importance of, and need for, our work. I have had the blessing and privilege of sitting with friends, clients, students and colleagues who have all benefitted from Existential Analysis, whose life and work has been touched and shaped by this approach. And I have also found myself feeling deeply appreciative for the training in psychotherapy that has taught me to trust increasingly in my own inner knowing, my spirit, as Frankl might say. In spite of the fact that much of our discipline emphasizes the objective, and seems to have a fundamental distrust of this most human part of ourselves, I have found time and again that it has proven to be a faithful guide. It depends, of course, upon my inner connection, my attentiveness to this inner knowing and upon my courage to act upon it. But I have found – anew in this season – that it is worth taking this risk.  It leads, paradoxically perhaps, to an increased confidence, to knowing who I am and a greater capacity to trust in this knowing.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to get to know Existential Analysis and some of our trainers who are working so diligently to bring this approach to the helping professions in North America, I would encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities that we have for you this fall.

In the Greater Vancouver area, we are offering two introductory seminars October 21 – 22 and November 5, 2017. These introductory offerings are meant to give those of you who have not experienced EA training an opportunity to get to know this approach and our trainers.  The next full training cohort – Cohort 5 – will then continue on December 2 and 3.  There is still room in this group, so if you have been considering participating in our training, please make sure to visit our website and connect with the trainers.  The fifth cohort will be led by Dr. Mihaela Launeanu, Ms. Kari-Ann Thor, MA, and Ms. Beth Daley, MA. I have known each of these trainers for many years now; in fact, all of them were part of Cohort 1. And I am certain that you will find them to be competent and engaging trainers, as well as beautiful, humble and kind human beings.

I want to thank you for your ongoing interest in our society, exemplified in part through your subscription to this newsletter. Should you find yourself responding inwardly towards anything that you find in this newsletter, I would very much value hearing from you (derrick.klaassen@icloud.com).

In gratitude,

Derrick Klaassen, Ph.D., R.Psych.
Chair of the Board

Inter-American Journal on Existential Analysis

No. 21 - September 2017

We invite you to read the latest issue of Existencia No. 21 September 2017. This issue is dedicated to the theme of "INtimacy and Identity". Enjoy reading!

Existencia: The Inter-American Journal of Existential Analysis, is an international collaboration among the Existential Analytic societies and institutes in North and South America. Short articles appear in Spanish and English and the abstracts of longer articles (one per issue) are translated from their original language.


EA in Alberta

Introductory Existential Analysis Seminars in Calgary
lead by Rochelle Chapman

Rochelle Chapman recently held the third Introductory EA Part 1 seminar in Calgary in August. There were seven participants, as well as Janelle Drisner and James Ohlmann. It was quite a nice, diverse group with students as well as professionals. The participants expressed enthusiasm regarding further training, therefore Rochelle is considering offering an Introductory EA Part 2 in the coming months.

Next Introductory Seminar in Alberta

Date: 24 - 26 November 2017
Location: Edmonton, Alberta

For further details and registration, contact:

Rochelle Chapman at: counselling@rochellechapman.com or 604-813-1270


New Cohort 5 in Vancouver, B.C.

Existential Analysis Training Opportunities
with the Existential Analysis Society of Canada
(Affiliate of GLE International)

A life led with inner consent, commitment, engagement, and freedom to choose.
JOIN the upcoming Cohort!!
Attend the Intros below to see how we do the training.  If it is a fit and you attend an interview, the cohort has one day of training Nov. 4. and then Dec. 2-3/ 2017 before beginning our 2018 schedule of nine weekends per year.

Cohort 5: is a 2.5 to 6 year training to be a certified Existential Counsellor / Analyst.
Cost is: $135 * per day for professionals ($90 * per day for full-time students)  
Location: Vancouver, BC


Introduction to Existential Analysis

Intro B - Oct. 21 - 22, 2017
Intro C - Nov. 5, 2017
Intro A - Dates TBA

*For: Professional development or as a prerequisite to join the upcoming cohort.

*Note: Intros can be taken in any order or as a stand-alone.  A certificate is granted after completing all 5 days and writing a short exam.

INTRO FEES: $120 * per day ($80 * per day students)
Location: Vancouver, BC

Existential Analysis is rooted in Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy (Man's Search for Meaning) and has been developed into a full therapeutic model by Dr. Alfried Längle (Vienna).  It provides:

o   Development and Strengthening of the Therapist as a Person
o   A Concrete Method for Deepening Therapy and Meaningfully Encountering Clients and Supervisees
o   A Comprehensive Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Human Being and the Treatment of Mental Health
o   An Understanding of Concepts such as Inner Consent, Phenomenological Presence, Fundamental Trust, and Existential Meaning
o   Specific Treatment Approaches for Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Couples, Self-Worth, Addiction, and Personality Disorders

For further details and registration, contact:
Mihaela Launeanu at: mihaela.s.launeanu@gmail.com or 778-707-5360
Käri-Ann Thor at: existentialanalysis@icloud.com or 604-253-5450

EA Canada website: http://www.existentialanalysis.ca



Silvia Längle's new book Living Your Own Life:
Existential Analysis in Action

Please obtain your very own copy of Silvia Längle's book, Living Your Own Life: Existential Analysis in Action through EA Canada. Längle edited her most recent book with Christopher Wurm, which consists of a short introduction to Existential Therapy and Existential Analysis. The main themes of the book include working with emotionality and the subjective experience, focusing on how these themes are important for a fulfilling life. Längle and Wurm's book demonstrates ways to apply this thinking in practice and provides outlines to Alfried Längle's theoretical foundation of the four fundamental motivations. The book also touches on psychological disorders and treatments for adults and children, as well as an approach of managing disabilities. Please contact Tanya Kliefoth BlueSkyCounselingVancouver@gmail.com to purchase your copy of the book. Below you can peruse the table of contents.

Table of Contents:
About the Editors and Contributors
Foreword by Christopher Wurm

1.     Can I rely on my feelings? (Alfried Längle)
2.     Meaning and happiness: on the vital significance of meaning (Christoph Kolbe)
3.     Spirituality in psychotherapy? The relationship of immanence and transcendence in existential analysis (Alfried Längle)
4.     The dimension of time as a challenge to truthful existence (Christine Wicki)
5.     Steps towards meaning: the method of grasping meaning (Helene Drexler)
6.     Crisis: threat and opportunity (Anton Nindl)
7.     Fear: the royal road to existence—what hides behind fundamental fear and anticipatory anxiety? (Silvia Längle)
8.     "I am afraid of falling out of this world": a case study of a patient with severe mutism and complete social withdrawal (Christian Probst)
9.     The path towards inner motion: an existential-analytic psychotherapy on depression (Karin Steinert)
10.  "… And after a suicide attempt I have to keep on living!" (Rupert Dinhobl)
11.  "After all, only dumb people can be happy": narcissistic personalities (Liselotte Tutsch)
12.  Anna: the child wounded in her boundaries (Michaela Probst)
13.  Sandplay: therapy with a child of divorced parents (Astrid Görtz)
14.  Encountering a disabled person: attitude and experience of the therapist (Karl Rühl)

Afterword: Living beginnings by Alfried Längle
Useful Websites

Next Board Meeting

The next board meeting will be October 26, 2017. If you have any thoughts that you would like to share with the board, please email Tanya Kliefoth at BlueSkyCounselingVancouver@gmail.com.

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Copyright © EA Canada All rights reserved
Our mailing address is:

Derrick Klaassen,
Trinity Western University,
Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology,
7600 Glover Road, Langley, BC V2Y 1Y1

Copyright © 2017 Existential Analysis Canada, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:

Existential Analysis Canada
Trinity Western University, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology -Derrick Klassen
7600 Glover Road
Langley, BC V2Y 1Y1

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