Shame...let's talk about it.

  1. We all have it.
  2. Nobody wants to talk about it.
  3. The less you talk about it the more you have it.

What's dangerous is that clinicians agree that shame underpins today's most devastating clinical conditions including addiction, trauma, aggression, depression, eating disorders, bullying, and more.

However, shame cannot survive when we openly talk about it. It cannot survive empathic connection.

In this free CE video, Dr. Brené Brown, renowned researcher and #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, and Braving the Wilderness, provides you with the awareness and language to talk about shame with your clients.

> Click here to access the free video

You'll also learn powerful exercises to use with your clients to build shame resilience skills that will help them lead more connected, courageous lives.

This is a limited-time offer, so start watching now!

Your partners in education and success,
Brené Brown, Ph.D., and PESI, Inc.

P.S. Please share this important shame shields free CE video with your colleagues. Simply forward on this email!

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