Cognition: Alert 27 January-03 February

New articles available on ScienceDirect
Volume 172, Pages 1-144, March 2018 Cognition
Volume 172, Pages 1-144, March 2018

Editorial Board   
Page ii
  Regular Articles
The influence of prior reputation and reciprocity on dynamic trust-building in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder    Original Research Article
Pages 1-10
Cornelius Maurer, Valerian Chambon, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde, Marion Leboyer, Tiziana Zalla
Perceptions of randomness in binary sequences: Normative, heuristic, or both?    Original Research Article
Pages 11-25
Stian Reimers, Chris Donkin, Mike E. Le Pelley
Mine is better than yours: Investigating the ownership effect in children with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children    Original Research Article
Pages 26-36
Calum Hartley, Sophie Fisher
Involuntary top-down control by search-irrelevant features: Visual working memory biases attention in an object-based manner    Original Research Article
Pages 37-45
Rebecca M. Foerster, Werner X. Schneider
Understanding face familiarity    Original Research Article
Pages 46-58
Robin S.S. Kramer, Andrew W. Young, A. Mike Burton
A unified computational account of cumulative semantic, semantic blocking, and semantic distractor effects in picture naming    Original Research Article
Pages 59-72
Ardi Roelofs
Distinguishing languages from dialects: A litmus test using the picture-word interference task    Original Research Article
Pages 73-88
Alissa Melinger
Learning and transfer of working memory gating policies    Original Research Article
Pages 89-100
Apoorva Bhandari, David Badre
The determinants of response time in a repeated constant-sum game: A robust Bayesian hierarchical dual-process model    Original Research Article
Pages 107-123
Leonidas Spiliopoulos
Eyes that bind us: Gaze leading induces an implicit sense of agency    Original Research Article
Pages 124-133
Lisa J. Stephenson, S. Gareth Edwards, Emma E. Howard, Andrew P. Bayliss
Understanding environmental sounds in sentence context    Original Research Article
Pages 134-143
Sophia Uddin, Shannon L.M. Heald, Stephen C. Van Hedger, Serena Klos, Howard C. Nusbaum
  Brief Article
Cognitive capacity limitations and Need for Cognition differentially predict reward-induced cognitive effort expenditure   
Pages 101-106
Dasha A. Sandra, A. Ross Otto

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