  The Lord illumined the hearts of the pious with the light of certainty that gave them the vision to comprehend the light of all the faiths of the world. -Abu'I-Hasan, "The Kashf al-Mahjub"




* din corp 
  Impart to us those vitalizing forces that come, O Earth, from deep within your body, your central point, your navel; purify us wholly. The Earth is mother; I am son of Earth. The Rain-giver is my father; may he shower on us blessings! -Rig Veda




* toleranta 
  I am boundless space. The world is a clay pot. This is the truth. There is nothing to accept, Nothing to reject, Nothing to dissolve. -Ashtavakra Gita 6:1




* consolare 
  My mind fell like a hailstone into the vast expanse of Brahman's ocean. Touching one drop of it. I melted away and became one with Brahman. This is wonderful indeed! Here is the ocean of Brahman, full of endless joy. -Sankara




[no subject] 
  The best charity is to satisfy a hungry person. -The Prophet Muhammad




* o irealitate 
  Day and night he danced in ecstasy, revolving on the earth like the heavens. His ecstatic cries reached the zenith of the skies and were heard by all and sundry. -Rumi, "The Life and Thoughts of Rumi





* estetica pe scurt 
  To me art in order to be truly great must, like the beauty of Nature, be universal in its appeal. It must be simple in its presentation and direct in its expression, like the language of Nature. -Mahatma Gandhi, 1931





* odihna 
  Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. *-Ovid*





* contopire 
  I'm the one who has the body, you're the one who holds the breath. You know the secret of my body, I know the secret of your breath. That's why your body is in mine. You know and I know, Ramanatha, the miracle of your breath in my body. -Devara Dasimayya





* influenta buna 
  A superior person brings out the best in others. *-Chinese Proverb*





  These pleasures last but until tomorrow, And they wear out the vital powers of life. How fleeting is all life on earth! Therefore Keep your horses and chariots, dancing And music, for yourself. Never can mortals Be made happy by wealth. -Katha Upanishad





caile inconstientului 
  The guru is the formless Self within each one of us. He may appear as a body to guide us, but that is only his disguise. -Ramana Maharshi




* tinteste sus 
  Aim for the moon...even if you miss you'll land amoungst the stars. *-Unknown*





* omul ramine om 
  When we allow God's power to pervade all our actions, and submit to his decrees, we shed all anxiety about the effects of our actions on others; we cease even to consider the effects of our actions. When we cease to consider the effects of our actions, we are adopting the attributes of God himself. -Qushayri, "Risalah





* distinctie importanta 
  Meditation is superior to severe asceticism and the path of knowledge. It is also superior to selfless service. -Bhagavad Gita 6:46





* muschii fac ce vrea capul 
  Courage has never been known to be a matter of muscle; it is a matter of the heart. The toughest muscle has been known to tremble before an imaginary fear. It was the heart that set the muscle atrembling. -Mahatma Gandhi, 1931





armonia selfului cu egoul 
  By loving me he comes to know me truly; then he knows my glory and enters into my boundless being. All his acts are performed in my service, and through my grace he wins eternal life. -Bhagavad Gita 18:55-56

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