* paradox Fwd: Fw: Footprints in the Sand 
  ---------- Forwarded message ---------- ...To: Aurel Romila <aurelrom...@gmail.com> *Domnul Profesor,* *O veche povestioara cu invataminte este retransmisa de plantatorul de ceai din India, Dinesh Goel,* *Poverstioara cu talc poarta o semnatura, dar nu cea care a semnat este autoarea acestei povestiri, povestea se pierde undeva in adancul...





* frica de Dumnezeu 
  Fear Allah wherever you may be, and repel evil with goodness, for that will efface all its negative results





* wise indian Fwd: Fw: a short story 
  ---------- Forwarded message ---------- ...To: Aurel Romila <aurelrom...@gmail.com> *Domnul Profesor,* *O foarte frumoasa poveste cu talc de la plantatorulk de ceai din India,* * Cu respect,* * Geo Dan* ----- Forwarded Message ---- ...To: sumit agarwal <sumitagarwal...@yahoo.co.in>; Jogesh Baruah





* atentie barbati 
  A group of men came to Rabi'a in order to test her. They said: 'Virtues and special gifts have been bestowed on men, not women. The crown of nobility has been placed on the heads of men, and the belt of generosity has been tied around their waists. The gift of prophesy has never descended on any woman. What can you boast of?' Rabi'a replied: 'I shall not dispute what you





* la propriu 
  Every human soul is under the direction of an angel who is like a father. *-Origen

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