Ratiunea ca ambalaj al afectivitatii

God has given you the polishing instrument, Reason,
so that by means of it the surface of the heart may be made resplendent.

                                           -Rumi, "Mathnawi" [IV, 2475]
Fii atent cu cine vorbesti
To trust a stranger without investigation
Invites troubles so endless even descendants must endure.

                                                       -Tirukkural 51:508
 Supararea e ca o undita(capcana)
Anger or hatred is like a fisherman's hook.
It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it.
                                              -Dalai Lama
Dumnezeu e in necajit !
When Moses conversed with God, he asked, "Lord, where shall I seek You?"

God answered, "Among the brokenhearted."

Moses continued, "But, Lord, no heart could be more despairing than mine."

And God replied, "Then I am where you are."

                                          -Abu'l-Fayd al-Misri, "The Kashf al-Mahjub"




Compasiune-mai e nevoie!

Those whose hearts are drawn toward compassion
Will never be drawn into the dark and woeful world.

Evil deeds dreaded by the soul will not afflict
The compassionate who foster and protect all life.

                                    -Tirukkural 25: 243-244




Nimeni nu-i Dumnezeu

There is no dervish in the world;
and if there be a dervish, that dervish is really non-existent.
In essence he exists,
but his attributes are non-existent within God's.

                                           -Mathnawi [III, 3669-3670]



Aspiram nobil

Do not regard yourself as infamous or weak.
Reflect upon your aspirations, O noble one.
No matter what your station be,
keep searching.
For this pursuit is a blessed course.
This quest removes all impediments to God.

                                     -Rumi, "The Life and Thought of Rumi"




Necesitatea concentrarii

Meditation is needed
Only when the mind is distracted
By false imagining.

Knowing this,
I am here.

Without joy or sorrow,
Grasping at nothing, spurning nothing,
O Master, I am here.

                                              -Ashtavakra Gita 12:3-4




To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go.
                                                -Tao Te Ching
I see only one.

Many men,
One wilderness.

Then to what may I cling?

                                    -Ashtavakra Gita 2:21



Drumul se face

Hope is like a road in the country; there wasn't ever a road, but when
many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.

                                              -Lin Yutang



Vorba buna...

The content of worthy speech binds friends more closely,
And its eloquence draws even enemies to listen.

                                             -Tirukkural 65:643



Bazeaza-te pe Dumnezeu

Blessed are the ones who rely on Allah and have surrendered themselves
before His will, who are grateful in prosperity and patient in

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