
Vedic rishis said that projection is the mechanism by which
consciousness created reality. We are all familiar with this because
the movie business depends entirely on projection. A star is an actor
who has crossed the dividing line between reality and projection.

Our entire culture has been built upon projection, and at this moment
you and I are continuing the process. Projection creates meaning. By
themselves, events are meaningless until we give them value.

While we are creating in the material world, we are affecting every
level of consciousness and therefore every level of creation. Meaning
is never isolated. For instance, angels exist because they have been
projected in consciousness.

Projection can get complicated. A society that feels endangered can
project wild fantasies. Muslim fundamentalists project a West that is
corrupt, unholy, and decadent, while Christian fundamentalists project
an Islam that is barbaric, fanatical, and godless in return.

Projection is "successful" when we no longer can see reality but have
created a false version based on fear, hostility, anxiety, or
insecurity–any negative emotion for which we refuse to take
responsibility. Projection can also be positive, as it is when a
smitten lover sees perfection in the object of his love, although to
friends and family the beloved remains an ordinary creature of flesh
and blood.





"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.

  If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

                                                             --The Dalai Lama


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