* pregatirea da incredere

One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to
self-confidence is preparation.
                                           --Arthur Ashe





cind se inchide una,se deschide alta

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so
long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened
for us.
                                         -Helen Keller
 tonus american-stamina

You have energy.
Where should it be invested?
                                          -- Sam Parker
risca indepartarea

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
                                    --T.S. Eliot 



"Procrastination is a favorite hiding place."

                                -- Denis Waitley



"It seems to me that it's actually harder to invent excuses than it is
to get the sale."

                                 -- Jeffrey Gitomer



"One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow."

                                    --Vincent T. Foss



"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted

                                    -- William James








* productie si productivitate


"You perform at your best when you are working continually on
high-priority goals and objectives."

                                              -- Brian Tracy



"The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great
deal to do with productivity."

                                             -- Tom Peters




"Companies think they 'save money' by cutting back on employees who
serve (help) customers. Big mistake. The only people happy about that
are companies who have plenty of people (and make plenty of money)
like Home Depot."

                                              -- Jeffrey Gitomer




"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort."

                                                  --Paul J. Meyer







* lacrimi

Let It Flow

How wonderful it feels to give in and let tears flow when we are
overwhelmed with emotions, whether we are happy or sad. Tears come
from the soul, from our well of feelings rising from deep down. When
we give in to the prickling behind our eyes and the lump in our throat
to let teardrops fall from our eyes, we allow our feelings to surface
so they can be set free.

Proud parents shed tears of pride in a child's accomplishments, a
baby's first step, birthdays, and graduations. Long lost friends fall
into each other's arms, tears rolling down their cheeks when they
reunite after years of separation. Tears may flow from us when we are
witness to a commitment being made at a wedding or even while we are
watching a love story. Tears of relief may spring forth from our eyes
when we hear that a loved one has survived an ordeal, and tears may
fall when we bow our head in sorrow over a loss or death. Tears born
from heartache can flow like they'll never cease, whether our tears
are for a love that is over, a friendship lost, or an opportunity
missed. We shed tears because of disappointment in ourselves, tragedy
in the world, pain, and illness. Tears of anger can burn with emotion
as they fall down our faces. Tears offer us a physical release of our

Shedding tears can sometimes make us feel better, although it can feel
like the tears will never end once the floodgates are open. There is
no shame in letting tears flow freely and frequently. Tears are as
natural to us as is breathing. There is beauty in allowing yourself to
be vulnerable enough to shed tears. Open up, release your tears, and
let your feelings flow.








* orice are un scop

Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that
everything in this life has a purpose.
                                                --Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

destinul e si o reactie la adversitati

We all face adversity in our life.
And so many times, it's how we react to it that will determine our destiny."
                                               —Mac Anderson, Founder of Simple Truths

* frumosul

In Awe Of Beauty

Beauty speaks to us in soft whispers or bold declarations. She calls
on us to gaze in awe at her splendor. We are enticed by beauty. We
adore her, idolize her, and even court her. Beauty seduces all of our
senses. Beauty's seduction can be as obvious as the striking good
looks of a man or woman or as subtle as the charms of a shaggy dog
with loving brown eyes. We find beauty in the wonders of nature.
Beauty offers us a symphony of colors with every sunrise and sunset
and reveals to us her brash power through a storm at sea. Beauty
teases us through the shy smile of a child and delights us via the
brilliant flashes of fireworks. Beauty sometimes piques all of our
senses at once, appealing to our taste buds, as well as our eyes and
nose, when she appears in the form of a deliciously baked cake. Beauty
calms us with floral scents and excites our aural lust through the
passionate sounds made by an orchestra.

Beauty can be cruel, and our pursuit of her can be in vain. We may go
to the opera in anticipation of finding beauty there, and she may bore
and disappoint us. Instead, beauty lavishes her attention on another
suitor who may be more appreciative of her charms. Or, we may try to
capture beauty's essence in a photograph, painting, or sculpture, and
still she is nowhere to be found. Beauty will forever inspire works of
art, and she will always pose for her portrait, selecting the artist
who is most worthy of her catching her likeness.

Depending on our personal tastes, beauty can be found in every color,
flavor, scent, and texture. She lives among the poor, as well as the
rich, and appears in the faces of the young and the old. She is at
home in the city, as well as the country, decorating skylines as well
as landscapes. She is the ultimate shape shifter. Beauty is a weather
beaten barn beloved by one person and an awesome testament of naval
craftsmanship revered by another. Beauty knows no bounds, and we can
find her everywhere. All we have to do is look for beauty, and she is






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