
Strengthen me, my lord,
for I am overcome with feebleness.
Ennoble me once more,
for I have been cast down.
Sustain me, Lord,
for I am impoverished.






intelept e sa ierti
The more a man knows, the more he forgives.







Brahman is the Self hidden in everyone. He is only obvious to those
who, minds focused one-pointedly on the Lord of Love, nurture
intuitive knowledge. Meditation leads them deeper into consciousness,
passing from the world to thoughts, and beyond thoughts to the wisdom
of the Self.

                                   -Katha Upanishad







 focul interior
A Sufi was once engaged in prayer, when his cell caught fire. He did
not stop praying for one moment. Afterwards, people asked him about
this. He replied: "The divine fire held my attention, so I could not
attend to the fire in my cell."






* perceptia
Every second is a door to eternity. The door is opened by perception.








* Mumbay

I had been playing around with different topics for this weeks opening - the new book I'm reading, the crazy weather, our grandchildren; but no mater what, my mind kept coming back to what happened in Mumbai, India, last week.
We all have such important connections in our life; be it wife, husband, children, parents, relatives and friends, co-workers and yes even casual acquaintances.  Each person means something special and when one person is taken out of the equation it has a huge impact on us.  As I was witnessing all the devastation taking place in Mumbai, my heart went to all those connected to each life that was lost.  I'm sure everyone had the same experience.
I was compelled to reflect on all the people around me; those I love; those I consider true friends; those I greet and exchange a few words with when I see them and I was resolved to never take these relationships for granted.
The terrible tragedy really was a time to "stop and smell the roses".
                                                                     - Steve

The Lord of Love holds in his hand the world,
Composed of the changing and the changeless,
The manifest and the unmanifest.
The separate self, not yet aware of the Lord,
Goes after pleasure, only to become
Bound more and more. When it sees the Lord,
There comes an end to its bondage.
                         -Shvetashvatara Upanishad

te arzi

Holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal with the intent
of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
                                     --The Buddha

love& indiference

The opposite of love is not hate but indifference.

                                 -Elie Wiesel







Breach of promise is no less an act of insolvency than a refusal to
pay one's debt.

                               -Mahatma Gandhi, 1930






iubirea e numai de Dumnezeu

Love is the flame which, when it blazes,
consumes everything other than the Beloved.
The lover wields the sword of Nothingness
in order to dispatch all but God:
consider what remains after Nothing.
There remains but God: all the rest is gone.
Praise to you, O mighty Love, destroyer of all other "gods.

sentimentul de fi impreuna

When you are with someone you love very much, you can talk and it is
pleasant, but the reality is not in the conversation. It is in simply
being together. Meditation is the highest form of prayer. In it you
are so close to God that you don't need to say a thing--it is just
great to be together.

                                     -Swami Chetananda
















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