* Corpul
Self-Body Scan
Blessing Our Bodies
As the living vehicles for our spirits, our bodies deserve loving
attention and care. We can positively affect our health, prevent
illness, and heal injuries by regularly focusing our mental and
spiritual energy on the workings of our bodies. This can be done by
performing a body scan on yourself.

Begin by lying in a comfortable position and taking three deep
cleansing breaths. Imagine, if you will, a sunbeam entering the top of
your head. Feel this light slowly scanning each part of your internal
body. Allow it to scan every cell in your body and keep breathing.
Every time you exhale, blow out negative energy you may feel. Notice
any changes in your body. Sensations may vary from person to person.
You may feel a shift in body temperature, see a color or flash of
light, or hear a voice offering you guidance. If you feel a block in a
certain area of your body, sit with that block and feel into it. Ask
your body why that block is there and what you need to do to release
it. Try not to judge or analyze the wisdom that comes to you. Often,
we experience energy blocks in our body because our body is trying to
tell us something. You may want to breathe into that area until you
feel the block dissolving. When you have finished your scan, take one
last deep breath and exhal! e any energetic residue that you are ready
to release.

The body doesn't lie, and it has much wisdom to share with us. Any
injuries or blocks that exist in our bodies are there so that we can
learn from having them in our bodies. An existing injury can teach us
to slow down or help us recognize that something is out of balance in
our bodies. The more you scan your body, the better you will become at
it. If you sense that something is not right in your body, you may
want to visit a doctor and tell them about your experience. When you
have finished your scan, don't forget to thank your wonderful, amazing


* Emergenta saltului dialectic
The key to true transformation is that nature doesn't move forward in
step-by-step movements. It takes quantum leaps all the time, and when
it does, old ingredients aren't simply recombined. Something new
appears in creation for the first time, an emergent property.
The wetness of water is a perfect example of an emergent property. In
a universe without water, wetness can't be derived by shuffling around
properties that already exist. Shuffling only produces change; it
isn't sufficient for transformation. Wetness had to emerge as
something completely new in creation.

Every chemical bond produces an emergent property. Your body, which is
bonding millions of molecules every second, depends on transformation.
Breathing and digestion, to mention just two processes, depends on
transformation. Air entering your lungs combines in thousands of ways
to produce cells that have never existed before in just the way they
exist in you.

The sugar extracted from an orange travels to the brain and fuels your
thought. The emergent property in this case is the newness of the
thought: No molecules in the history of the universe ever combined to
produce that result.

If transformation is the norm, then spiritual transformation falls
into place as an extension of where life has been going all along.
While still remaining who you are, you can bring about a quantum leap
in your awareness, and the sign that that leap is real will be some
emergent property you never experienced in the past.


* Aptitudini
"When you know that you're capable of dealing with whatever comes, you
have the only security the world has to offer."

                                                 -- Harry Browne

"The key to life is to become skillful enough to be able to do
rewarding things."

                                                -- Jim Rohn

"The whole secret of the study of nature lies in learning how to use
one's eyes."

                                                -- George Sand

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most
intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

                                               -- Charles Darwin


* Mesaj bipolar
We learn as much from sorrow as from joy, as much from illness as from
health, from handicap as from advantage and indeed perhaps more.
-- Pearl S. Buck

*Scopul si necesitatea
Purpose is the place where your deep gladness meets the world's needs.
                                            -- Frederick Buechne


We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
                                             -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

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