* Fii deschis

Heart Meditation
Afraid of Opening Your Heart
It is not easy to have an open heart in a world that offers us a full
plate of experiences. This life gives us much joy, love, and light,
but it also shows us a fair amount of pain, sadness, and suffering.
When our hearts are open, we take everything into ourselves, and we
are deeply affected by what we see. We do not hold ourselves separate
from the pain of others. In addition, our own personal disappointments
may begin to take their toll. We may feel small, alone, and
overwhelmed. Most of us may feel like we are not up to the task of
living with our hearts open, and we might begin to close down, little
by little, so that we can get through our days without having to feel
too much.

One thing that can help us turn this situation around is an awareness
of the power of empathy. To open our hearts to another person's
suffering is a revolutionary act that has energetic implications. Many
experiments with meditation have proven that we can reach far beyond
the boundaries of our selves and heal others when our hearts are open.
Heart meditations awaken this power and heal the person meditating as
well as anyone who is the focus of the meditation.

You may want to experiment with this the next time you see or hear
something painful. Instead of shuttering your emotions, resolve to
hold your feelings in your heart. Tap into the divine energy of
universal love that resides in your heart. This energy makes you
powerful, for it is your protection that will transmute the pain of
others. Breathe deeply, and let yourself feel the pain of the
situation, knowing that your heart is big and strong enough to hold
it. As you breathe, visualize healing light emanating from your heart
and touching all that are suffering. You will heal your heart in the



* Inconstientul
Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth
sometimes comes to the top.
                                         -- Virginia Woolf


* Inspiratie
That which God said to the rose,
and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty,
He said to my heart,
and made it a hundred times more beautiful.




* Discernamint
Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised,
to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without
wanting to get even.
                                                      -Ann Landers


* Padurea
Leave the beaten track behind occasionally and dive into the woods.
Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never
seen before.
                                                     -Alexander Graham Bell


* Mica diferenta
"Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better

                                                     -- Doug Firebaugh


"Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals
above the crowd: a little bit more. They did all that was expected of
them and a little bit more."

                                                   -- A. Lou Vickery


"Bigness comes from doing many small things well. Individually, they
are not very dramatic transactions. Together, though, they add up."

                                                  -- Edward S. Finkelstein


"A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a
little smaller."

                                                   -- Paul Klee




* Psihoterapia risului
Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
                                          -- Lord Byron


* Stim dar sa nu uitam !
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done
without hope and confidence.
                                             -- Helen Keller


Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.
                                          -William A. Ward



* Scop-vis
A Concrete Dream
Our desires act as fuel, propelling us toward new horizons. Without
something to strive for, we stagnate and become stuck in ruts of our
own making because we are unsure of what to do next. Goals are the
dreams that we are willing to work for. When we set goals, we take
responsibility for our lives and choose to wholeheartedly devote
ourselves to our aspirations. Even if we only take the smallest steps
toward achieving our ambitions, it is vital that we actively pursue
our goals rather than just daydreaming about them. Having goals makes
us feel good because it adds a sense of purpose and direction to our

When you endeavor to achieve clear and quantifiable goals, your
choices and actions take on new significance. Consciously creating
your goals can help ensure that the success you seek is attainable and
serves you. Your plan must be conceivable, tangible, and measurable.
If you cannot visualize your goal in great detail or believe that you
can realize them, you may find it difficult to commit to your goals
and take the necessary steps to achieve them. Make sure that your
goals have the potential to be emotionally satisfying. You may even
want to write them down. Putting your goals into words can keep your
intention fresh in your mind and remind you of your purpose. As you
make progress toward realizing your goals, give yourself a reward each
time you take a step forward so that you have the incentive to keep
going. If you find yourself stuck in a rut, examine ways in which you
can revise your strategy so that your plan can work.

In creating goals, you create your future by outlining your destiny.
When you choose your goals using your head and heart, you take the
first step in manifesting what you want. You grant your own wishes
every time you achieve another goal.



Passionate living is when we align our head and heart through action.
                                                    -- Marcia Wieder



* Interdependenta
Mean something! You and I, mean something! Ah, that's a good one.
                                                   -Samuel Beckett


* Cum?
You don't have to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting
them control you.
                                                     -- Dan Millman



* Rugaciune
May the light of wisdom illumine us.
May we become united with the Lord.
Let us contemplate five categories:
The world and luminous worlds in the sky,
Education, progeny, and speech.

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