* Modelul frunzii

The Truth of Interdependence

Picking a leaf off the ground and contemplating it as an object in and
of itself is very inspiring. Its shape and color, the way it feels in
your hand, its delicate veins and the stem that once held it fast to
the branch of a tree—all of these qualities reveal a leaf to be a
miniature work of natural art. As we contemplate this small object
more deeply and consider where it came from and what purpose it has
served, we find that the leaf is one small but essential part of a
system that harnesses the energy of the sun, plumbs the depths of the
earth, and in the process brings into being the oxygen many living
things rely on to live.

A leaf transforms the elements of its environment—sunlight, carbon
dioxide, rain—into nourishment for its tree. This beautiful, nearly
weightless, ephemeral piece of nature is a vital conduit to the branch
that is a conduit to the trunk that is a conduit to the roots of the
tree. The roots, in turn, draw nourishment from the earth to feed the
trunk, the branches, and the leaves. The living beings that inhale the
oxygen that comes from this process exhale the carbon dioxide that
feeds the leaves through which the tree is fed. It is difficult to
know where one cycle ends and another one begins.

One of the many gifts that nature offers us is a clear demonstration
of the interdependence between all living things. The person who
exhales the carbon dioxide, the clouds that produce the rain, the sun
that gives light, the leaf that transforms all these things into
sustenance for a tree—not one of these could survive without being
part of this cycle.

Each living being is dependent upon other living things for its
survival. When we look at the world, we see that this is not a place
where different beings survive independently of one another. Earth is
home to a web of living things that are connected to each other
through a spinning kaleidoscope of relationships. We need each other
to survive and thrive.



* Rugaciunea

Prayer is that which enables the soul to realize its divinity. Through
prayer human beings worship absolute truth, and seek an eternal
reward. Prayer is the foundation-stone of religion; and religion is
the means by which the soul is purified of all that pollutes it.
Prayer is the worship of the first cause of all things, the supreme
ruler of all the world, the source of all strength. Prayer is the
adoration of the one whose being is necessary.





Sorrow makes us all children again, destroys all differences of
intellect. The wisest know nothing.
                             -- Ralph Waldo Emerson



* Nevoia de logica

Without a road map and a clear understanding of the "rules of the
road," it can be much harder for employees to get to where they need
to go.
                                    -- Eric Harvey



* Discernamintul
Your choices determine the quality of your life experience.
                               -- Gail McMeekin


* Un prieten

The kindest way of helping yourself is to find a friend.
                              -- Ann Kaiser Stearn



* Pe val

Staying Afloat
Riding the Wave of Life

Our lives are continually in motion, buoyed by the wave that is the
universe's flow. As the wave rises and falls, we are carried forward,
through life's high and low points. The universe's flow may take us to
a place in life where we would rather not be. As tempting as it can be
to fight the direction and size of this wave that propels us, riding
the wave is intended to make life easier. When you ride the wave, your
life can evolve naturally and with minimal effort. Riding the wave,
however, is not a passive experience. It is an active process that
requires you to be attentive, centered, and awake. You must also
practice stillness so you can flow with, rather than resist the wave's

Because life is dynamic and always changing, it is when we try to make
the wave stand still or resist its direction that we are likely to get
pulled under by its weight. If you try to move against the wave, you
may feel as if you are trapped by it and have no control over your
destiny. When you reach a low point while riding the wave and find
your feet touching bottom, remember to stay standing so that you can
leap forward along with the wave the next time it rises. Trying to
resist life's flow is a losing proposition and costly because you
waste energy.

Riding the wave allows you to move forward without expending too much
of your own efforts. When you ride the wave, you are carried by it and
your head can "stay above water" as you go wherever it takes you. It
can be difficult to trust the universe and let go of the urge to fight
life's flow, and you may find it easier to ride the wave if you can
stay calm and relaxed. Riding the wave will always take you where you
need to go.



* Fiinta

Your connection to Being can never be lost; the worst trauma in the
world can't harm Being by a single scratch.




Don't cut your conscience to fit this year's fashions.

                                   --Lillian Hellman



* Fericirea si dispozitia

The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not
our circumstances.
                                  -- Martha Washington


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