* Scopul

Evolution Through Exploration

Most living things belong to a particular soul group and are born
knowing their purpose in life. An animal will spend its day foraging
for food, taking care of itself and its young, and creating a home. No
one tells an animal to do this, yet it instinctively knows how.
Humans, for the most part, are not born consciously knowing what their
purpose is.

Purpose gives our life meaning. When you discover your purpose, you
can live your life with intention and make choices that serve your
objective for why you are here on the planet. Finding your purpose is
not always easy. You must embrace life wholeheartedly, explore many
different pathways, and allow yourself to grow.

Your purpose is as unique as you are and will evolve as you move
through life. You don't need anyone's permission to fulfill your
purpose, and no one can tell you what that purpose is. Finding and
fulfilling your purpose can be a lifelong endeavor. To figure out what
your purpose is, ask yourself what drives you – not what forces you
out of bed in the morning, but what makes you glad to be alive. Make a
list of activities that you wish you were involved in or think about a
career path that you would love to embark upon. These are the
endeavors that can help you fulfill your purpose and bring you the
most satisfaction.

Picture yourself working on projects that don't interest you or
fulfill your purpose, yet they help satisfy your basic survival needs.
Imagine how living this way each day would make you feel. Next,
picture yourself devoting your time to projects that spark your
imagination, inspire, excite, and satisfy you. More often than not,
these activities are some of the ways that you can fulfill your life
purpose. Time spent on these endeavors will never feel like a waste.
Live your life with purpose, and you will feel significant and capable
because every action you take and each choice you make will have
meaning to it.


* Momentul

If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.
                                              -- Maria Edgeworth


* Principiul moralei

Everybody can be great because everybody can serve."
                                             --Martin Luther King, Jr


* Optimismul

Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of
courage and of true progress.

                                              --Nicholas Murray Butler


* Frumos

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

                                               --Erin Majors



* Sfat bun

Do not reveal to friends all the secrets you possess; they may one day
become enemies. Do not inflict on enemies every injury in your power;
they may one day become friends.


* O Tactica

Humility is the strength of the strong and the weapon
With which the wise conquer their foes.



* Next step
The Most Fulfilling Road
Finding Your Next Step in Life

Our lives are made up of a complex network of pathways that we can use to move from one phase of life to the next. For some of us, our paths are wide, smooth, and clearly marked. Many people, however, find that they have a difficult time figuring out where they need to go next. Determining which "next step" will land you on the most direct route to fulfillment and the realization of your life purpose may not seem easy.

There are many ways to discover what the next step on your life path should be. If you are someone who seeks to satisfy your soul, it is vital that you make this inquiry. Often, your inner voice will counsel you that it's time for a change, and it is very important to trust yourself because only you know what is best for you. Personal growth always results when you let yourself expand beyond the farthest borders of what your life has been so far. When figuring out what your next step will be, you may want to review your life experiences. The choices you've made and the dreams you've held onto can give you an idea of what you don't want to do anymore and what you might like to do next. It is also a good idea to think about creative ways you can use your skills and satisfy your passions. Visualizing your perfect future and making a list of ways to manifest that future can help you choose a logical next step that's in harmony with your desires. Meditation, journal writing, ta! king a class, and other creative activities may inspire you and provide insight regarding the next step in life that will bring you the most satisfaction.

It is when you are willing to listen to yourself and be fearless that figuring out your next step becomes easy. Beneath the fear and hesitation and uncertainty lies your inner knowing that always knows which step you need to take next. If you can allow the taking of your next step to be as easy as putting one foot in front of the next, you'll notice that your next step is always the one that is right in front of you. All you have to do is put one foot forward and on the ground.


* Nostalgie

When you are reluctant to change, think of the beauty of autumn.

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