Lucrari celebre in schizofrenie

  • Naber D et al. - CATIE and CUtLASS suggest that SGAs do not live up to all the previous expectations. However, even if most of these advantages are debatable, the lower risk of tardive dyskinesia and the better subjective effects should be strong enough reasons to favour these drugs.
  • CATIE (Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness)
  • CUtLASS (Cost Utility of the Latest Antipsychotic drugs in Schizophrenia Study).
  • 1493 patients participated in CATIE, an 18-month, double-blind trial comparing the SGAs olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone and ziprasidone with the FGA perphenazine.
  • If efficacy or tolerability was insufficient, patients were re-randomized to a medication other than the one they previously received.
  • In CUtLASS, a 12-month open-label trial, 277 patients were randomized to receive an FGA or a SGA.
  • Improvement of psychopathology and of quality of life was only moderate.
  • Overall, 74% of patients discontinued study medication before 18 months, and the median time to discontinuation was 4.6 months. from olanzapine (time to discontinuation 9.2 months), the other SGAs did not differ from each other or from perphenazine.

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