Risperidolul in schizofrenie

  • Olivares JM et al. - Treatment with RLAI is associated with improved outcomes in recently diagnosed and chronic patients. However, the magnitude of improvement was higher in recently diagnosed patients.
  • The electronic Schizophrenia Treatment Adherence Registry (e-STAR) is an observational study of patients with schizophrenia who start treatment with RLAI.
  • Data were recorded at baseline, retrospectively for the 12 months prior to baseline, and prospectively every 3 months for 24 months.
  • Data on patients with a defined length of diagnosis were pooled from eight countries.
  • Clinical Global Impression of Illness Severity (CGI-S), Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scores, and hospitalization data were key outcomes.
  • The magnitude of improvement in CGI-S scores was greater in the recent versus long-term diagnosis group.
  • There were parallel improvements in GAF scores.
  • The decline in the proportion of patients hospitalized from the retrospective to the prospective period was greater in the recent versus long-term diagnosis group .
  • This was also true for the number of hospital and length of stay at 12 months.
  • Common adverse events in both groups included psychiatric, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and reproductive system and breast disorders.

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