Editorial IANUARIE 2011 - Profesor Dr. Aurel ROMILA

                                                        E F E C T E

Psihiatrul trateaza. Obtine efecte primare (ameliorari) si efecte secundare nedorite (neurologice, cardio-vasculare, metabolice,  etc.) tertiare (integrare scolara, familiala, sociala) efecte feedback (malpractice), efecte inverse (agravari, noncompliance, abandon, depresii  secundare, suicid)
    Efecte psihologice: transfer, contratransfer, interpretari "ti-a facut un tratament gresit, nu trebuie atita, X se arunca, Y e periculos, stiu  ce-ti trebuie..., tine-te de mine!, evita-l pe...e dur.
    Efecte placute dar exagerate: maniacalul oriunde se gaseste tipa: dr.x m-a facut bine!
    depresivul spune si dupa zeci de ani: dvs.m-ati scos!
    schizofrenul spune ca el n-avea nimic dar tu l-ai intoxicat cu pastile, cu concursul parintilor!
    Cind vrei sa faci ceva mare colegii spun: e un utopist! nu se poate face nimic!
    Prostul se crede Jaspers, dar n-a avut conditii! Celalalt e doar o speranta dar trebuie sa se lase de femei,
bautura si sa nu mai  umble dupa bani!
                                                                                            Profesor Aurel ROMILA

Subiecte de Examen Anul I si II, Master - Univ. Ecologica ( 2011)

                 Anul  I
12.Ego, supraego si inconstientul
13.Egoul si sinele individual si social
14.Psihologia trans-culturala



                                          ANUL        II
1.Psihoterapiile, definitie,
2.Calitatea de psihoterapeut
3.Psihoterapie spirituala
4.Psihoterapie religioasa
6.Autogene training
7.Sugestia, hipnoza
8.Analiza existentiala
10.Psihoterapia comportamentala si cognitiva
11.Psihanaliza Freud
12.Psihologie analitica Jung
13.Psihologie individuala Adler
14.Psihoterapia de grup
15.Client-centered psychotherapy Rogers

Examenul este scris: tezele identice, ca si cei absenti dela cursuri vor primi
maxim 5. Maririle ulterioare se fac dupa o proba orala, la datele fixate de
decanat. Scrieti esentialul cit mai concis.

Prof. Romila
7 dec.2010

INFO - Diagnostic si Tratament

* Info

Reinders MK et al. – Treatment–failure gout (TFG) affects approximately 50,000 patients or about 1% of the overall population of patients with gout in the United States of America. The severity of TFG is manifested by frequent acute attacks of disabling arthritis, chronic deforming joint disease, destructive masses of urate crystals (tophi), progressive physical disability, and poor health–related quality of life. Pegloticase, a novel PEGylated urate oxidase (uricase) enzyme, has been resubmitted for US Food and Drug Administration approval. In a 6–month, placebo–controlled clinical trial, 8 mg of pegloticase for every 2 weeks induced a lytic decrease of serum urate concentrations, leading to dissolution of tophi in 40% of patients at final visit. Although long–term data are awaited, an anti–inflammatory strategy, eg, based on glucocorticosteroids, is needed to prevent pegloticase antibody formation leading to IRs and diminished or shortened efficacy, and might also prevent gout flares. According to the current clinical data, pegloticase might have an important role as a (bridging) treatment in sUr–responsive patients for tophi clearance in severe chronic refractory gout.



* info

Although the efficacy of clopidogrel plus aspirin for treating acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is well established, considerable uncertainty remains about dosing. Investigators for the manufacturer-sponsored CURRENT–OASIS 7 trial employed a 2×2 factorial design to examine the effects of doubling the standard loading dose and first-week maintenance dose of clopidogrel (from 300 to 600 mg and from 75 to 150 mg, respectively), and compared the effects of high-dose (300–325 mg/day) versus low-dose (75–100 mg/day) aspirin. All 25,086 patients (mean age, 61; 27% women) had ACS and were scheduled for coronary angiography with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) as indicated within 72 hours after randomization, and all received a loading aspirin dose of >300 mg. The primary 30-day outcome was a composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction (MI), and stroke. The study had 80% power to detect a 16% reduction in risk.





* info

Raymond A. Lorenz, Pharm.D.; Cherry W. Jackson, Pharm.D.; FASHP, Marianne Saitz, D.O., M.P.H.

Posted: 11/08/2010; Pharmacotherapy. 2010;30(9):942-951. © 2010 Pharmacotherapy Publication



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Therapeutic Goals in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
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Abstract and Introduction


Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common, chronic mental illness that has a significant burden on the patient's quality of life. Treatment for GAD routinely consists of monotherapy with a proven anxiolytic such as an antidepressant or benzodiazepine, but many patients do not respond fully to these drugs, and additional treatment may be needed. Therefore, we reviewed the safety and efficacy of atypical antipsychotics as adjunct therapy to standard GAD pharmacotherapy in patients deemed treatment resistant. We performed a literature search of the MEDLINE database for English-language articles published from January 1966–May 2009. Identified articles were evaluated, and only open-label trials and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included in the review. Relevant references from the articles were also evaluated. Only a few reports of large-scale RCTs that assessed an atypical antipsychotic for treatment-resistant GAD have been published. Articles were found for five of the eight currently available atypical antipsychotics, but not for asenapine, clozapine, and paliperidone. Several open-label trials and smaller RCTs support the need for further evaluation of aripiprazole and quetiapine for treatment-refractory GAD, although one quetiapine trial demonstrated negative results. There is disparate data for risperidone, with one open-label trial and one small RCT showing positive results and one large RCT showing negative results. One open-label trial of ziprasidone and one RCT of olanzapine both showed beneficial effects of the drugs. Adverse effects were specific to each agent, with weight gain being the most common, but many studies did not monitor systematically for lipid level, weight, or glucose level changes. Although data suggest efficacy regarding the use of atypical antipsychotics for augmentation of treatment-refractory GAD, more rigorous studies (large, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials) on the safety and efficacy of these agents are needed in order to recommend their use in patients with GAD.



* info

The FDA approved a dose of dabigatran of 150 mg twice a day for use in patients with nonvalvular AF. In the pivotal RE-LY (Randomized Evaluation of Long-term Anticoagulant Therapy) study, this dose was found to be superior to warfarin for the prevention of stroke and systemic emboli



* info

The researchers found a 22% increased risk for hemorrhagic stroke and a 10% decreased risk for ischemic stroke with vitamin E supplementation, although the absolute effects are small



* inform.

November 5, 2010 (Hyattsville, Maryland) — New data indicate there has finally been progress in improving awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in the US, although much work still remains to be done [1].



* Anunt

November 11, 2010 — Postmenopausal women who use hormone replacement therapy face a 29% increased risk of ovarian cancer, according to a study .

Medscape Medical News

Fish Oil to Fend Off Psychosis: New Evidence
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2010-10-28




Should Heroin Be Prescribed to Chronic Heroin-Dependent Patients?
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2010-10-28




Striking New Stem Cell Data in MS and ALS
Medscape Neurology & Neurosurgery , 2010-11-02




No Link Between Atherosclerosis and Increased Depression Risk
Medscape Medical News , 2010-11-04



Coffee Boosts Stroke Risk, Study Finds
Medscape Medical News , 2010-11-05




AHA/ASA Releases Updated Secondary Stroke Prevention Guidelines
MedscapeCME Clinical Briefs , 2010-10-25

MDLinx - New Interesting Articles

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Olanzapine Dependence (>> click to go to the journal's website)
German Journal of Psychiatry, 04/14/10
Dhar R et al. – Olanzapine is the second–generation antipsychotic most frequently prescribed for treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder. Its side effects include sedation, weight gain, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. It is considered to be devoid of any abuse or dependence potential.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Asenapine for long-term treatment of bipolar disorder: A double-blind 40-week extension study
Journal of Affective Disorders, 10/07/10

Visceral and Subcutaneous Fat in Patients Treated With Olanzapine: A Case Series
Clinical Neuropharmacology, 10/05/10

An exploratory analysis of factors associated with weight change in a 16-week trial of oral vs. orally disintegrating olanzapine: the PLATYPUS study
International Journal of Clinical Practice, 10/01/10




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Questionable Antipsychotic Prescribing Remains Common, Despite Serious Risks (>> click to go to the journal's website)
JAMA, 04/28/10
Kuehn BM – Despite their association with serious cardiac and metabolic risks, atypical antipsychotics are widely used off–label with few data to support their efficacy, according to recent studies probing use of this class of drugs in the United States. Furthermore, physicians often do not follow through on precautions to reduce these risks.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Treatment with antipsychotics and the risk of diabetes in clinical practice
British Journal of Psychiatry, 10/06/10

Risk of Falls and Fractures in Older Adults Using Antipsychotic Agents: A Propensity-Matched Retrospective Cohort Study
Drugs & Aging, 10/14/10

Predictors of switching antipsychotic medications in the treatment of schizophrenia
BMC Psychiatry, 10/06/10




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Hyperprolactinemia associated with psychotropics - a review (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 05/10/10
Madhusoodanan S et al. – Clinicians need to be alert about the potential for hyperprolactinemia and its manifestations with these medications. Prolactin levels need to be monitored and other causes of hyperprolactinemia ruled out in suspected cases.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Risperidone-Induced Bulbar Palsy-like Syndrome
Dysphagia, 10/26/10

Galactorrhea After Aesthetic Breast Augmentation With Silicone Implants: Report of Two Cases and Management of Postoperative Galactorrhea
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 10/11/10

High levels of serum prolactin protect against diabetic retinopathy by increasing ocular vasoinhibins
Diabetes, 09/13/10




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Divalproex extended-release in acute bipolar II depression (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Journal of Affective Disorders, 06/02/10
Wang PW et al. – Divalproex–ER as monotherapy and adjunctive therapy was well tolerated and yielded an overall response rate of 54% in bipolar II depression. Based on the results of this pilot study, randomized, double–blind, placebo–controlled studies of divalproex–ER in bipolar II depression are warranted.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Genetic and environmental influences on focal brain density in bipolar disorder
Brain, 09/29/10

Bipolar disorder and metabolic syndrome: An international perspective
Journal of Affective Disorders, 10/07/10

Impairment of verbal learning and memory and executive function in unaffected siblings of probands with bipolar disorder
Bipolar Disorders, 10/01/10




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The Role of Ondansetron in the Treatment of Schizophrenia (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 06/04/10
Bennett AC et al. – Ondansetron may be effective as an adjunct to antipsychotics for the treatment of schizophrenia, specifically negative symptoms, as assessed with PANSS. Due to the variation in concurrent therapies and dosing regimens, it is difficult to establish an optimal dose from the reviewed trials. Further large, randomized, double–blind, active–controlled studies would be helpful in determining the role of ondansetron in the treatment of schizophrenia.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Examining the course and outcome of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and comorbid borderline personality disorder
Schizophrenia Research, 10/07/10

Analysis of HapMap tag-SNPs in dysbindin (DTNBP1) reveals evidence of consistent association with schizophrenia
European Psychiatry , 10/07/10

Suicidal attempts and increased right amygdala volume in schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Research, 10/07/10




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Treatment with antipsychotics and the risk of diabetes in clinical practice (>> click to go to the journal's website)
British Journal of Psychiatry, 10/06/10
Kessing LV et al. ? The objective of this study was to investigate and characterise the incidence of diabetes for people treated with antipsychotic medication in clinical practice. In clinical practice, treatment with first- and second-generation antipsychotics is associated with an increased risk of developing incident diabetes with large differences between individual drugs. The risk increases with the duration of treatment and with polypharmacy of antipsychotic drugs. Methods
  • Used linkage of registers of all prescribed antipsychotics, antidiabetics and diagnoses of diabetes in Denmark during period from 1996 to 2005 and identified all people treated with antipsychotics in Denmark and random sample of about 30% of total Danish population
  • 345,937 patients who purchased antipsychotics and 1,426,488 unexposed individuals included
  • 50,379 individuals subsequently developed incident diabetes
  • Compared with unexposed individuals, treatment with first- (rate ratio, RR = 1.53, 95% CI 1.49?1.56) as well as second-generation (RR = 1.32, 95% CI 1.22?1.42) antipsychotics associated with increased risk of subsequent incident diabetes
  • Rate of incident diabetes varied substantially between individual second-generation antipsychotic drugs (olanzapine, risperidone clozapine compared with unexposed individuals: low to moderate rate ratio between 1.17 and 1.57; ziprasidone and sertindol: 2 or more times increased rate ratio; amisulpride, quetiapine and aripiprazole: no significantly increased rate ratio)
  • For both first- and second-generation antipsychotics, incidence of diabetes increased with number of prescriptions
  • Incidence of diabetes increased with number of combined antipsychotic drugs

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Discovery of novel allosteric modulators of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 reveals chemical and functional diversity and in vivo activity in model behavioral models of anxiolytic and antipsychotic activity
Molecular Pharmacology, 10/14/10

Psychotropic medication use mediates the relationship between mood and anxiety disorders and obesity: Findings from a nationally representative sample
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 11/05/10

Risk of Hospitalization for Stroke Associated with Antipsychotic Use in the Elderly: A Self-Controlled Case Series
Drugs & Aging, 11/05/10




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The Clinical Course of Advanced Dementia (>> click to go to the journal's website)
New England Journal of Medicine, 10/16/09
Mitchell SL et al. – Pneumonia, febrile episodes, and eating problems are frequent complications in patients with advanced dementia, and these complications are associated with high 6–month mortality rates. Distressing symptoms and burdensome interventions are also common among such patients. Patients with health care proxies who have an understanding of the prognosis and clinical course are likely to receive less aggressive care near the end of life.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Focus on dementia
EurekAlert, 10/18/10

Anticholinergic drug use and risk for dementia: target for dementia prevention
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 11/03/10

High normal fasting blood glucose is associated with dementia in Chinese elderly
Alzheimer's & Dementia , 11/03/10



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The relational turn in psychoanalysis: revolution or regression (>> click to go to the journal's website)
European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling & Health, 11/03/10
Carmeli Z et al. – The authors discuss the Relational turn in psychoanalysis that has supposedly taken place in the course of the past 25 years. They spell out the foundational claims of the Relational group and its view that it has revolutionized psychoanalysis by bringing its relational potential to fruition. After clarifying these Relational views, the authors explain why they think that the change introduced is misguided and not as revolutionary as it appears. The authors argue that counter to its self–perception, the relational group in fact reverts to a pre–analytic conception of the person and to an authoritarian stance in relation to the patient.

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Predictors of switching antipsychotic medications in the treatment of schizophrenia (>> click to go to the journal's website)
BMC Psychiatry, 10/06/10
Nyhuis AW et al. – Switching antipsychotics appears to be prevalent in the naturalistic treatment of schizophrenia and can be predicted by a small and distinct set of variables. Interestingly, worsening of anxiety and depressive symptoms and of akathisia following 2 weeks of treatment were among the more robust predictors of subsequent switching of antipsychotics.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Gabapentin adjunctive to risperidone or olanzapine in partially responsive schizophrenia: an open-label pilot study
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11/02/10

Comparative mortality associated with ziprasidone and olanzapine in real-world use among 18,154 patients with schizophrenia: The ziprasidone observational study of cardiac outcomes (zodiac)
American Journal of Psychiatry, 11/03/10

Incidence and Costs of Cardiometabolic Conditions in Patients with Schizophrenia Treated with Antipsychotic Medications
Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 11/02/10



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Topiramate for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence: Comparison with Naltrexone (>> click to go to the journal's website)
European Addiction Research, 10/28/10
Florez G et al. – Topiramate at a mean dose of 200 mg/day was better than naltrexone at a mean dose of 50 mg/day at reducing alcohol intake and cravings throughout the study.

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An Assessment of the Demographic and Clinical Correlates of the Dimensions of Alcohol Use Behaviour
Alcohol and Alcoholism , 09/30/10

Discrepancy between how children perceive their own alcohol risk and how they perceive alcohol risk for other children longitudinally predicts alcohol use
Addictive Behaviours, 10/04/10

Increase in Alcohol Intake, Reduced Flexibility of Alcohol Drinking, and Evidence of Signs of Alcohol Intoxication in Sardinian Alcohol-Preferring model Exposed to Intermittent Access to 20% Alcohol
Alcoholism, 09/29/10

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Schizophrenia and Psychosis: Current Status and Future Directions (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 11/02/10
Tarrier N – Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is an empirically based psychological treatment, which has a strong evidence base in a range of psychological disorders and, more recently, has also been applied to more serious disorders such as schizophrenia and psychoses (CBTp).

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Levomepromazine for schizophrenia
Cochrane Reviews, 10/26/10

Paternal age at birth of first child and risk of schizophrenia
American Journal of Psychiatry, 10/20/10

Peripheral oxytocin is associated with reduced symptom severity in schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Research, 10/19/10





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Effect of a Motivational Intervention on Exercise Behavior in Persons with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Community Mental Health Journal, 11/29/10
Beebe LH et al. – Ninety seven outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) were randomly assigned to the Walk, Address Sensations, Learn About Exercise, Cue Exercise Behavior for SSDs (WALC–S), a motivational intervention designed to increase exercise in SSDs (n = 48), or a time and attention control group (TAC, n = 49). This study is among the first to examine interventions designed to enhance exercise motivation in SSDs.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Paternal age at birth of first child and risk of schizophrenia
American Journal of Psychiatry, 10/20/10

Thyroid gland and cerebella lesions: New risk factors for sudden cardiac death in schizophrenia
Medical Hypotheses, 11/12/10

Lower Mortality Among Stroke Patients With Schizophrenia: A Nationwide Population-Based Study
Psychosomatic Medicine, 11/04/10




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Nutritional and herbal supplements for anxiety and anxiety-related disorders: systematic review (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Nutrition Journal, 10/08/10
Lakhan SE et al. – Based on the available evidence, it appears that nutritional and herbal supplementation is an effective method for treating anxiety and anxiety–related conditions without the risk of serious side effects. There is the possibility that any positive effects seen could be due to a placebo effect, which may have a significant psychological impact on participants with mental disorders. However, based on this systematic review, strong evidence exists for the use of herbal supplements containing extracts of passionflower or kava and combinations of L–lysine and L–arginine as treatments for anxiety symptoms and disorders.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Smelling Chemosensory Signals of Males in Anxious Versus Nonanxious Condition Increases State Anxiety of Female Subjects
Chemical Senses, 10/12/10

Psychotropic medication use mediates the relationship between mood and anxiety disorders and obesity: Findings from a nationally representative sample
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 11/05/10

Shame- and guilt-proneness: Relationships with anxiety disorder symptoms in a clinical sample
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 11/03/10




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Soft drinks, sweetened beverages and risk of pancreatic cancer (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Cancer Causes and Control, 11/16/10
Gallus S et al. – Soft drinks usually contain sugar and caffeine that might influence pancreatic carcinogenesis. Authors considered the association between carbonated drink consumption and pancreatic cancer risk in an Italian case?control study conducted in 1991?2008 on 326 pancreatic cancer cases and 652 matched controls. Authors also combined the results from all the studies on soft drinks or sweetened beverages and pancreatic cancer published before June 2010, using a meta–analytic approach. The pooled RRs for heavy drinkers were 1.08 for case?control, 1.21 for cohort, and 1.16 for all studies. Soft drink consumption is not materially related to pancreatic cancer risk.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Transthyretin, identified by proteomics, is overabundant in pancreatic juice from pancreatic carcinoma and originates from pancreatic islets
Diagnostic Cytopathology, 11/01/10

Role of Rac1-dependent NADPH oxidase in the growth of pancreatic cancer
Cancer Gene Therapy, 11/10/10

CXCL12?CXCR4 signalling axis confers gemcitabine resistance to pancreatic cancer cells: A novel target for therapy
British Journal of Cancer, 11/09/10





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Long-term effect of aspirin on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality: 20-year follow-up of five randomised trials (>> click to go to the journal's website)
The Lancet, 11/19/10
Rothwell PM et al. – Aspirin taken for several years at doses of at least 75 mg daily reduced long–term incidence and mortality due to colorectal cancer. Benefit was greatest for cancers of the proximal colon, which are not otherwise prevented effectively by screening with sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Higher bone mineral density is associated with a decreased risk of colorectal adenomas
International Journal of Cancer, 11/01/10

Increased risk of adenomas in individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer: results of a meta-analysis
Cancer Causes and Control, 11/17/10

Oral contraceptives, reproductive history and risk of colorectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
British Journal of Cancer, 11/17/10





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Topiramate for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence: Comparison with Naltrexone (>> click to go to the journal's website)
European Addiction Research, 10/28/10
Florez G et al. – Topiramate at a mean dose of 200 mg/day was better than naltrexone at a mean dose of 50 mg/day at reducing alcohol intake and cravings throughout the study.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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An Assessment of the Demographic and Clinical Correlates of the Dimensions of Alcohol Use Behaviour
Alcohol and Alcoholism , 09/30/10

Discrepancy between how children perceive their own alcohol risk and how they perceive alcohol risk for other children longitudinally predicts alcohol use
Addictive Behaviours, 10/04/10

Increase in Alcohol Intake, Reduced Flexibility of Alcohol Drinking, and Evidence of Signs of Alcohol Intoxication in Sardinian Alcohol-Preferring model Exposed to Intermittent Access to 20% Alcohol
Alcoholism, 09/29/10




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Milnacipran: a unique antidepressant? (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 08/27/10
Kasper S et al. – Milnacipran, one of the pioneer serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), was designed from theoretic considerations to be more effective than SSRIs and better tolerated than Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and with a simple pharmacokinetic profile. Milnacipran has the most balanced potency ratio for reuptake inhibition of the two neurotransmitters compared with other SNRIs (1:1.6 for milnacipran, 1:10 for duloxetine, and 1:30 for venlafaxine), and in some studies milnacipran has been shown to inhibit norepinephrine uptake with greater potency than serotonin (2.2:1). Clinical studies have shown that milnacipran has efficacy comparable with the TCAs and is superior to SSRIs in severe depression. In addition, milnacipran is well tolerated, with a low potential for pharmacokinetic drug?drug interactions. Milnacipran is a first–line therapy suitable for most depressed patients. It is frequently successful when other treatments fail for reasons of efficacy or tolerability.

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Other articles in Psychiatry

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Antidepressant use and colorectal cancer risk: A Danish population-based case control study
British Journal of Cancer, 10/06/10

Augmentation of venlafaxine and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors with zolpidem improves sleep and quality of life in breast cancer patients with hot flashes: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Menopause, 10/27/10

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Suppression of HIV Infectivity and Replication
Psychosomatic Medicine, 10/20/10




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Treatment of Chronic Migraine (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Current Pain and Headache Reports, 11/22/10
Diener HS et al. – Chronic migraine is defined in different ways. The most commonly used definition is headache on more than 15 days per month in patients with migraine. Chronic migraine is difficult to treat and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Only two pharmacological treatments have been shown to be effective in placebo–controlled randomized trials: topiramate and local injection of botulinum toxin. Both therapies are effective in patients with chronic migraine with and without medication overuse. Many other substances have been investigated in chronic daily headache. All trials were underpowered and, therefore, recommendations concerning possible efficacy are not possible.

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Other articles in Internal Medicine

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Chronic Migraine: Epidemiology and Disease Burden
Current Pain and Headache Reports, 11/19/10

Behavioral treatment programme contributes to normalization of contingent negative variation in children with migraine
Cephalalgia, 11/16/10

Allergy and Immunotherapy: Are They Related to Migraine Headache
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 11/12/10





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Efficacy of music therapy treatment based on cycles of sessions: A randomised controlled trial (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Aging and Mental Health, 11/22/10
Raglio A et al. – The analysis of single Neuropsychiatry Inventory (NPI) items shows that delusions, agitation and apathy significantly improved in the experimental, but not in the control group. This study suggests the effectiveness of music therapy (MT) approach with working cycles in reducing behavioural disorders of severely demented patients.

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Your Article Summary

Efficacy of music therapy treatment based on cycles of sessions: A randomised controlled trial (>> click to go to the journal's website)
Aging and Mental Health, 11/22/10
Raglio A et al. – The analysis of single Neuropsychiatry Inventory (NPI) items shows that delusions, agitation and apathy significantly improved in the experimental, but not in the control group. This study suggests the effectiveness of music therapy (MT) approach with working cycles in reducing behavioural disorders of severely demented patients.

Receive more summaries like this by joining MDLinx. We provide free daily digests of top journal articles in your field. >> Click here to choose your specialties.

Other articles in Internal Medicine

>> Click here to see the complete list

Music therapy in the context of palliative care in Tanzania
International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 10/29/10

Hormone Therapy Increases Risk Of Ovarian Cancer
Ivanhoe, 11/11/10

Home-based music therapy - a systematic overview of settings and conditions for an innovative service in healthcare
BMC Health Services Research, 11/04/10