Editorial Februarie 2011 - Profesor Dr. Aurel ROMILA



     Cuvintul acesta se foloseste rar, in sensul teologic de domeniu sacru supranatural; cred ca poate avea si un sens mai general acela de "a depasi", a face un salt la altceva. De pilda vezi ceva, percepi dar nu ramii la perceptie ci interpretezi, gindesti, legi de un cuvint, judeci, adica depasesti perceptia o transcenzi!
      Astfel psihiatria academica, in care ne-am format, a fost transcendentata, depasita de conceptia resocializarii, care pretinde dela tratamentul unui caz sa fie dus pina la o reintegrare sociala. Desigur ca acesta cerinta profesionala e greu de realizat si atunci mediocrii preferea solutia mai comoda a farmacoterapiei. Iata dece a aparut APLR-ul ca sa apere aceasta transcendere.
       Putini cunosc cuvintul inrudit cu transcendentul si anume transcedentalul. Am vazut ca uneori sensurile acestor doua cuvinte se confumda; ori transcedentalul a fost introdus de Kant cu sensul de aprioric, adica precede perceptia, claseaza experienta, o ordoneaza in timp si spatiu cit si in sistemul categoriilor gindirii. Devine prin urmare o conditie a unei experiente clar concepute, corect depasite, care clasifica perceptia. Deaceia transcendent si transcedental se inrudesc dar se si deosebesc. Filozofia lui Kant are si aceasta nemuritoare contributie.
     In psihologie gasim multe exemple de trancendere cum ar fi maturizarea adolescentului sau intelepciunea adultului.
     Poetul metaforizeaza adica depaseste banalul cu o forta transcedentala, adica cu sensuri noi, originale.

      Asaca, e bine sa folosim cu curaj aceste doua notiuni kantiene, care ne ajuta sa gindim mai inalt si sa avem descoperiri de noi sensuri semantice.


The Great Art Museums of the World 


1. Gallerie dell'Accademia , Venice, Italy

( or Click : http://web.tiscali.it/wwwart/accademia/english/ind_engl.htm )



2. Borghese Gallery, Rome, Italy

( or Click : http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/edefault.htm )



3.Brera Gallery (Accademia de Belle Arti di Brera), Milan, Italy 

( or Click : http://www.brera.beniculturali.it/ )




4.  British Museum, London, England

( or Click : http://www.britishmuseum.org/default.aspx )




5. Capitoline Museums, Rome, Italy

( or Click : http://www.museicapitolini.org/ )




6. Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

( or Click : http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/index.html )

( or Click : http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/08/hm88_0.html - Virtual Tour )




7. Louvre Museum, Paris, France

(or Click : http://www.louvre.fr/louvrea.htm )




8. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, USA 

( or http://www.metmuseum.org/ )




9. Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France

 Click : http://www.musee-orsay.fr/en/home.html 




10.  Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

  ( or Click : http://www.mfa.org/ )




11. Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei

Click : http://www.mnar.arts.ro/Home



12. National Gallery, London, England

Click :  http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/




13. National Gallery, Washington, DC, USA

( or Click : http://www.nga.gov/ )




14. National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

( or Click : http://www.npm.gov.tw/en/home.htm - English version )




15. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

( or Click : http://www.philamuseum.org/ )




16. Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain

Click : http://www.spanisharts.com/prado/prado.htm




17.  Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

( or Click : http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/index.jsp )




18. Smithsonian Institution Museums, Washington, DC, USA

      ( or Click :  http://www.si.edu/museums/ )




19. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

    Click : http://www.tretyakovgallery.ru/en/ 



20. Ufizzi Gallery , Firenze, Italy

( or Click : http://www.uffizi.firenze.it/ )



21. Vatican Museums, Rome, Italy  ( or Click : http://mv.vatican.va/3_EN/pages/MV_Home.html )

( or Click : http://www.christusrex.org/www1/vaticano/0-Musei.html )

The Sistine Chapel    ( or Click : http://www.christusrex.org/www1/sistine/0-Tour.html )

Rafaello Stanze and Loggia   ( or Click : http://www.christusrex.org/www1/stanzas/0-Raphael.html )

Vatican City (architecture)    ( or Click :  http://www.christusrex.org/www1/stanzas/0-Raphael.html )

(* Pagina in Lucru)


Foaia de Observatie

Legenda : F O are 5 axe

Axa I = starea prezenta a bolii mentale

Axa II = tipul de personalitate

Axa III = starea corpului

Axa IV = traumele psihice

Axa V = rezultatul actual al regresiunii



                       F O Multiaxiala

                                Foaie de Observatie psihiatrica

                               INTRODUCERE + TRECUT + PREZENT


Motivele internarii – internare voluntara sau obligatorie, anamneza familiala,

semiologie aparenta

Identitatea, adresa, telefoanele, valorile



                                             S T A R E A   T R E C U T A :

semnificatia pentru present : rezulta din combinarea

dezvoltarrii normale cu dezvoltarea patologica

DEZVOLTAREA : anamneza, axa II

Ereditate : originea familiala, geografica, etnica, biologica, politica, religioasa,

Educatie: nivelul dezvoltarii, etapele parcurse : scoala, armata, serviciile,

Familia, nevasta, copii, probleme

Existenta, avere, meserii, realizari,

Antecedente patologice: tcc, drog, boli cornice

Concluzie : nivelul inteligentei, armonia persoanei, ereditate patologica,

antecedente patologice

ISTORICUL BOLII ACTUALE – dezvoltarea patologica actuala






Necesitatea internarii actuale

Axa IV:trauma psihice, psihogenii, exogenii


                                                  S T A R E A P R E Z E N T A,

axa I si axa V

Combina semnificatia trecutului cu semnificatia


Axa I : Constiinta – sincronia

Constiinta activitatii,cognitivo-afective{continutul personalitatii)

Semnificatia comportamentului (aparenta personalitatii) :


-atitudinea: cochetarie, politete cooperare-ostilitate, comunicare, opozitie,


-limbaj, mutism, monolog

-starea generala de calm-agitatie, indiferenta, importanta sau decaderea

-sex, alimentatie, viata familiala, socio-profesionala

Reactii: fugi, rataciri, vagabondaj, perversiuni, antisocialitate, homicid, suicid,


Cimpul coonstiintei

Nivelele : elementar, operational, etic

Structura constiintei : triada cognitiv-afectiv-activitate

Functiile constiintei : actualizarea prezentului potentialului personalitatii,

reflectie fata

de automatismul inconstient al masinii imperative automat viscrale

(si cerebrale)

Deliberat, reflexive fat de spontaneitatea involuntara-inconstienta,


inconstientul ca relitatea obiectiva exterioara, realitatea

Imaginarul imaginatiei, proectia imaginarului oniric

Constientizeaza continutul personalitaii si inconstientulsi reflecta

realitatea exterioara

Functiile cunoasterii : atentia, perceptia, memoria, gindirea,


Cunoasterea pastrata,deteriorate, deformata, absenta, aberanta,

absurda, neclara,

coerenta, incoerenta, jargonafazica, salata, ocazionala sau de convingeri

Atentia baza cunoasterii, clara-confuza, orientarea temporo-spatiala,

atentie spontana vie sau stearsa. Atentie deconcentrare prin memoria

de fixare sau diacronica prin esecul aptitudinilor.

Atentie scazuta cu hiperactivitate (sindromul adhd)

Mica, imprastiata, dispersata,

Superficiala, distrata, obosita,

Afectiva, prostdispusa,

Tulburata de emotie,

Deformata de sentiment,

Dislocata de pasiuni,

Pervertita de interese ascunse,


Baza senzoriala. Perceptia clara prin evocare (memorie) si interpretare

(gindire) corecta.

Perceptie tulburata, iluzorie sau halucinatorie (adevarata), pseudo,

functionala, simulate,

disimulata deliranta ca iluzie de persoana – Capgras sau Vergoli,


Senzorialitate diacrona :

dedublare halucinatorie,


memoria de fixare si evocare sistematizata, buna sau in scadere,

cu lacune cu amnezii

antero-retrograde sau globale. Paramnezi iluzorii (ecmnezie, anecforie,


deja sau jamais vu.

Memorie afectiva, involuntara, iluzorie,

Halucinatorie, confabulanta, pseudologie fantastica (sindromul Munchausen),

Memorie diacrona,

Valori, fixari, civilizatie si cultura,

Confabulatii, halucinatii de memorie onirice, mnestice sau fantastice,

Perceptia afectiva, involuntara, iluzorie, deformanta,

Falsificatorie, deliranta, interpretative,

Intentional mincinoasa,


Gindirea normala ca ritm, coerenta si continut

(reality testings insight), rationala,

adevarata, dominanta,

Prevalenta moderata, critica, nemitomana,sincera,curajoasa,nedeliranta,


discriminatorie, perseverenta, luptatoare, eroica, incontestabila,


convingatoare, vioae, figurative, imaginative, colorata, vie, realista, bogata,

Gindirea patologica: presanta de neoprit-fuga de idei, bradipsihica,

prolixa, vaga, inexacta, icoerenta, disociata, cu greseli, confuzii, logica

sau absurda, schematica,

aforistica, memorabila, impresionanta, adinca, satisfacatoare,

de efect, ridicola, banala, plicticoasa, prezumtioasa, mareata sau

meschina, (ne)dezvoltata,

abstracta(concreta), comunicativa, accesibila, enigmatica, misterioasa,

interpretare corecta, justa, pertinenta, congruenta sau discordanta,

directa sau aluziva,

amenintatoare, delir de persecutueverosimil-fantastic, de mica,

amplitudine (prejudiciu), mare amplitudine, grandoare, pseudoparalitic,

autoacuzare, negare, imortalitate.

Imaginatia originala, pastisata, clisee, stereotipa, lirica, dramatica,

epica, sentimentala, pasionala, comica, tragica, figurative, metaforica,

metonimica, alegorica, parabolica, libera sau manierista, autentica

sau kitsch, emfatica, bombastica, pseudologic-fantastica,

analogica, izomorfa, extrapolate, abstractizata-concretizata, visatoare

-prozaica, zboara

- se tiraste, pluteste in extaz, simbolica, parabola-pericopa, model,

ideal, comparatia.


Gandire diacronica ( inteligenta)

Conflict, imaturitate, dezechilibrata, patetica, dezorganizata,

Deficit bugetar,

False prioritati,

Afectivitatea (baza constiintei de sine-egoului, discernamintului

valorilor, Weltanschaungului)

Forme : Holotimica sincronica 1.dispozitia 2.emotii Catatimica

diacronica 3.sentimente 4.pasiuni



2.valori temperamentale(talent)caracteriale,Vointa. Credinte si convingeri**

3.caracteristici : tare-slab; satisfacut-frustrat, complexat. Autentic-pervers

Structura:afectivitatea constiintei

Afectivitatea personalitatii, caracterului, temperamentului

Functiile afective: altruism-egoism; amoral-moral; anarchic-disciplinat;


Apatie-entuziasm; apolinic-dionisiac; armonieDizarmonie,


Rigiditate=flexibilitate; consecventa-volatilitate;




Afectivitate Diacrona :

Tocire, indiferenta, pervertire,

Sentimente false, simulate, dissimulate,

Pasiuni perverse, dependente, patimi,

Regresiuni sexuale, infantilizari,



Multa (ambitie), putina, perversa (razbunare),

Vointa de lupta (Kampf), vointa de a invinge (mergi la victorie)

Vointa antidepresiva, antiastenica, impulsive,

Vointa de sistem (para, colectionarii, de joc-castig)

Vointa de a aparea-hy, vreau sa fiu mare(adult sau para)

Vreau proprietate, avere, Geltungsucht (valoare, interesant, sa fiu, sa par, sa salvez

aparentele, sa domin, sa conduc (boss) sa intimidez, sa sperii, sa pun la punct.

Ego dizarmonic, psihotic, derelizat, depersonalizat,

Dreptate, procesomanie, revendicari,

Credinta : se poate – imposibil; indoiala – convingere; apreciere, respectare, falsificare,

inselare; dezamagire, speranta; visare-dezamagire



Forme; limbaj si corporal, semnificant

Continut cognitivo-afectiv, semnificat

Sincrona:dela stupor la agitatie

Diacrona;limba,aptitudinile fizice si intelectuale, voluntare

si automate

Expresia matura temperamentala caracteriala, organizata

sau ratata,

Distractia sau economia,vicii sau virtuti,constanta

sau instabilitatea.

Activitate diacrona : deprinderi, obiceiuri, meserii

Tulburari de comportament:minte,fura,vagabondeaza

A. inferioare : fizice, biologice, psihologice

A. superioare; sociale, politico-economice, artistice, stiintifice,

filozofice, religioase

a.esentiale inteligenta vointa

b.utila sau antisociala

Functiile activitatii : cu sau fara discernamint, agresiva

sau pasnica, verbala sau gestica, corporala sau psihica,

libera sau dependenta, negentropica sau entropica, revolutionara

sau evolutionara


Stricata, tulburata, urgenta, resuscitate, incurcatura,


Comercial-senzational, superficial,

Personalitate Normala


           PERSONALITATEA = aptitudini = --------------------------------- = Ego, constiinta de sine 



DIACRONA = constiinta de sine, ego-ul + simtul realitatii (reality testing)

Gestalt, Holism


Adaptarea la real-disocierea

Constiinta de boala

sensul Weltanschaungului

dominare, importanta sau sfidare

conceptii, convingeri, viziuni: monism-dualism psihoneurobiologie,

nativism genetic,

conditionare empirica, subiectivism analitic de profunzime si

behaviorism obiectivist superficial determinism corporal sexual

si libertate spirituala, psihosociologie in politica,

filozofie, religie, obiceiuri, mentalitati si arhetipuri prejudecati si idoli

Aptitudini dezvoltate sau retardate, mediocre sau geniale,

Inteligenta logica + inteligenta emotionala

                    Inteligenta emotionala ( intuitia esentei-Wesenschau)

Patologic =------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              Inteligenta logica


Temperament aparat operativ, ritm, dinamism, vitalitate,

puternic, vital sau astenic, las

Caracter orientare tridimensionala, axiologica-instinctuala,

Weltanschaung, patern, stil, pervaziv "coloana vertebrala",

valoare, armonic-dizarmonic, echilibrat sau ambitios,

hipertrofic, orgolios-atrofiat, umilit.

Dinamica constient-inconstient

Mecanismele de aparare : refularea (repression) proectia,

supraevaluarea, egoismul,

narcisismul, mitomania, sublimarea, deplasarea, exagerarea,

manierismul, expresia,

afectarea, simularea, disimularea, suprasimularea.

Conflict interior sau exterior

Personalitatea infantile, adolescenta, matura, deteriorata, dementa,

dependenta familiala, sociala.

Periculozitate, antisocialitate, supraveghere.

Globalitatea, holismul, Gestaltul

Unitas multiplex, unitate dedublata contradictoriu (ego-sine)

Talent, geniu, meserie, cariera, opera, legenda

Atitudine, morala, etica

Personalitate Patologica

Personalitate nedezvoltata global :

- prostia comuna

- intelect de limita

-- semidoct

-- debilul mintal

-- idiotul

Nedezvoltare partiala :

- amoralul ( moral insanity Prichard)

- dizarmonicul puternic : antisocialul, impulsivul,

epileptoidul, paranoicul,

istericul, hipomaniacal, narcisicul,

- dizarmonicul slab : instabil, astenic, psihasenic


persecutatul interpretativ, hipohondru, schizotimul,


evitantul, ezitantul, pasiv-agresivul, polimorful, complexatul

de boala, complexatul endocrin ( lunganul, piticul, slabul,

obezul, intersexualul, impotentul)

- perversul sexual : fetisistul, exhibitionistul, sado-masochistul,


ninfomania, pedofilia, zoofilia, necrofilia, gerontofilia,

arghirofilia, megalomania

- deteriorarea cognitiva, afectiva, praxica; tcc, toxica, involutiva.

Regresiunea nevrotica : neurastenica, psihastenica, isterica, motorie,

Regresiunea psihotica : psihoza bipolara, schizofrenia afectiva, schizofrenia,

paranoia si parafrenia.

Regresiunea dementiala : post tcc, post psihotica, post toxica, sifilis,

sida, vasculara, mixta, atrofica, boala Alzheimer.

Existenta fantastica, onirica, halucinator-deliranta, gratia revelatiei,

Fantastica, ininteligibila, dorinta absurda,

Alienanta, originala, bizara, nebuna, impotriva tuturor, nearistotelica,

nehegeliana, breaking news, poetica, inspirationala, intuitiv-emotionala,

entuziasta, mozartiana, compozitoare, revolutionatra, mutanta, exceptionala,

extrema, terifianta, magica, diabolica, Precocsgephul (Rumke), alta lume

(eigene welt), pubertar, dixit, excatedra-exdivinul, geniul vizionar(rimbaud),

Supranatural, neobisnuit, psihotic, cu ego transformat, pseudoparanoic,

putere suprafireasca, sensibil-nesimtit, cold-blood, trairi incomprehensibile,

autentice, nefabricate psihopatic,

Intre nebunia schizo-dementiala si paranoia,



Personalitate Normala = p -- P

de la biologie la psihologie

de la psihologie la psihosociologie

 de la individ la grup, de la instinct la valoare, de la natura la cultura, de la rol la statut,

de la psihogeneza la economie si politica,

de la persoana la meserie, vocatie, cariera, opera,

de la comportament la motivatie,

de la macroscopie la microscopie,

de la comportament prin deprinderi, obiceiuri, conceptie la aptitudini(skills),

de la aptitudini la temperament si caracter,

de la caracter la valoare,

Ego normal este antipsihopatic, antinevrotic, antipsihotic, antidemential,

Are, Este, Realizeaza, Urca ( nu rateaza, nu pierde, nu decade)

n Sensul Weltanschaung-ului ( mentalitate, conceptie, convingere, viziune, plan, strategie, visul ) duce la

Gestalt, holism, armonie, dominare, importanta, control, adaptare la real ( nu disociere, nu dizarmonie, insight,

constiinta bolii )

n Personalitatea este diacrona = constiinta de sine, controlul ego-ului asupra realitatii interne si externe,

asupra sinelui,

                                          Inteligenta logica                                               Caracter

Aptitudini = ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =  ----------------------

                       Inteligenta emotionala ( intuitia esentei-Wesenchau)         Tmperament


Dinamica constient – inconstient, ego – sine,

Mecanismele de aparare ale ego-ului fata de sine :

Refulare ( repression),





Exagerare, afectare, simulare, disimulare, suprastimulare,


Stil, expresie, manierism,

Conflict interior sau exterior,

Periculozitate, antisocialitate, supraveghere,

Atitudine morala, etica,

Personalitate infantila, adolescenta, matura,

Unitas multiplex,

Unitate dedublata contradictorie (ego – sine),



Personaltatea patologica = regresiunea la boala mintala = ---------------------------


A rata, a pierde, a decade,

Personalitate nedezvoltata global :

- prostia comuna

- intelect de limita

-- semidoct

-- debilul mintal

-- idiotul

Nedezvoltare partiala :

- amoralul ( moral insanity Prichard)

- dizarmonicul puternic : antisocialul, impulsivul,

epileptoidul, paranoicul,

istericul, hipomaniacal, narcisicul,

- dizarmonicul slab : instabil, astenic, psihastenic


persecutatul interpretativ, hipohondru, schizotimul,


evitantul, ezitantul, pasiv-agresivul, polimorful, complxatul

de boala, complexatul endocrin ( lunganul, piticul, slabul,

obezul, intersexualul, impotentul)

perversul sexual : fetisistul, exhibitionistul, sado



ninfomania, pedofilia, zoofilia, necrofilia, gerontofilia,

arghirofilia, megalomania

- deteriorarea cognitiva, afectiva, praxica; tcc, toxica,

- involutiva.

Regresiunea nevrotica : neurastenica, psihastenica, isterica, motorie,

Regresiunea psihotica : psihoza bipolara, schizofrenia afectiva, schizofrenia,

paranoia si parafrenia.

Regresiunea dementiala : post tcc, post psihotica, post toxica, sifilis,

sida, vasculara, mixta, atrofica, boala Alzheimer.

Existenta fantastica, onirica, halucinator-deliranta, gratia revelatiei,

Fantastica, ininteligibila, dorinta absurda,

Alienanta, originala, bizara, nebuna, impotriva tuturor, nearistotelica,

nehegeliana, breaking news, poetica, inspirationala, intuitiv-emotionala,

entuziasta, mozartiana, compozitoare, revolutionatra, mutanta,

exceptionala, extrema, terifianta, magica, diabolica,

Precocsgephul (Rumke), alta lume (eigene welt), pubertar, dixit,

excatedra-exdivinul, geniul vizionar(rimbaud), Supranatural, neobisnuit,

psihotic, cu ego transformat, pseudoparanoic,

putere suprafireasca, sensibil-nesimtit, cold-blood, trairi,

incomprehensibile, autentice, nefabricate psihopatic,

Intre nebunia schizo-dementiala si paranoia,


Semilogia cunoasterii :


Atentie cu hiperactivitate,

Mica, imprastiata, dispersata,


Distrata, obosita,

Afectiva, prostdispusa,

Tulburata de emotie,

Deformata de sentiment,

Dislocata de pasiuni,

Pervertita de interese ascunse,


Perceptia :

Afectiva, involuntara, inconstienta,

Iluzorie, deformanta,

Falsificatorie, deliranta, interpretative,

Intentionata, mincinoasa,



Afectiva, involuntara, iluzorie,

Halucinanta, confabulatii,





Deficit buegtarm


Necontrolata, dezechilibrata,


Periculoasa, impulsive,


False prioritati,


-- Florida, pseudologie fantastica ( sindromul Munchausen),

-- Bantuita


-- Patologia diacronica, cu stil pervaziv cu pattern de ego dizarmonic,

-- Psihotic,

-- Derealizat, depersonalizat,

-- Pasional, revendicativ,

-- Sensibil la persecutie











                                                                           boala prezenta + personalitatea

                                            I + II                                premorbida

 starea prezenta = axa = ------------  =  V  =  ------------------------------------------- = regresiune

                                           III + IV                        corp + trauma psihica

 Sociologia, economia, politica, ca etiopatogenie (psihogeneza) a psihiatriei, a bolii mintale care

deformeaza rolul persoanei si creaza un statut nosologic,

De la fapte la fictiuni,

De la comercial la emotional,

De la activitate la story si de la story la stire,

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Thomas, Fiona E. Matthews the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function
and Ageing Study The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 109-114
Neuropsychological changes and treatment response in severe depression Katie
M. Douglas, Richard J. Porter, Robert G. Knight, and Paul Maruff The British
Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 115-122
Quantifying the effect of early retirement on the wealth of individuals with
depression or other mental illness Deborah J. Schofield, Rupendra N.
Shrestha, Richard Percival, Simon J. Kelly, Megan E. Passey, and Emily J.
Callander The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 123-128
Life stress, 5-HTTLPR and mental disorder: findings from a 30-year
longitudinal study David M. Fergusson, L. John Horwood, Allison L. Miller,
and Martin A. Kennedy The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 129-135
Coming home may hurt: risk factors for mental ill health in US reservists
after deployment in Iraq Lyndon A. Riviere, Athena Kendall-Robbins, Dennis
McGurk, Carl A. Castro, and Charles W. Hoge The British Journal of
Psychiatry 2011;198 136-142
Mental health of the non-heterosexual population of England Apu Chakraborty,
Sally McManus, Terry S. Brugha, Paul Bebbington, and Michael King The
British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 143-148
Overcrowding in psychiatric wards and physical assaults on staff:
data-linked longitudinal study Marianna Virtanen, Jussi Vahtera, G. David
Batty, Katinka Tuisku, Jaana Pentti, Tuula Oksanen, Paula Salo, Kirsi Ahola,
and Mika Kivimäki The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 149-155
Continuing lack of evidence for the psychotic subtyping of PTSD Elisa
Brietzke, André Zugman, Elson Asevedo, Rodrigo Mansur, and Graccielle
Rodrigues da Cunham The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 156
Authors reply: Brandon A. Gaudiano and Mark Zimmerman The British Journal
of Psychiatry 2011;198 156
Is transference-focused psychotherapy really efficacious for borderline
personality disorder? Nikolaus Kleindienst, Bertram Krumm, and Martin Bohus The
British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 156-157
Author s reply: Stephan Doering The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198
Ziprasidone and the relative risk of diabetes Douglas Vanderburg, Denis
Keohane, Onur N. Karayal, and Elizabeth Pappadopulos The British Journal of
Psychiatry 2011;198 157-158
Authors reply: Lars Vedel Kessing and Per Kragh Andersen The British
Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 158
Correction The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 159
*Book reviews*
Contemporary Directions in Psychopathology: Scientific Foundations of the
DSM-V and ICD-11 David Goldberg The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198
Psychotherapy Is Worth It: A Comprehensive Review of the
Cost-Effectiveness Frank
Margison The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 160-161
Psychiatry: An Evidence-Based Text Floriana Coccia The British Journal of
Psychiatry 2011;198 161
Chronotherapeutics for Affective Disorders: A Clinician s Manual for Light
and Wake Therapy John M. Eagles The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198
Oxford Textbook of Women and Mental Health Fiona L. Mason The British
Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 162
Schizophrenia: Who Cares? Leonard Fagin The British Journal of Psychiatry
2011;198 162-163
Behavioural Activation for Depression: A Clinician s Guide Linda Gask The
British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 163
Supportive Care for the Person with Dementia Jan R. Oyebode The British
Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 163-164
There used to be surgeons too . . . - extra Shabbir Amanullah The British
Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 87
Gérard de Nerval - the man who walked lobsters - fallen stars Raymond
Cavanaugh, Jr The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 108
Morbid jealousy may have been recognised in the Old Testament - psychiatry
in the Old Testament George Stein The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198
Versions of a poem by Hesse - poems by doctors Adam Polnay The British
Journal of Psychiatry 2011;198 155
*From the Editor's desk*
From the Editor s desk Peter Tyrer The British Journal of Psychiatry
2011;198 166
*BJP Online -- Highlights of the Current Issue*
February 2011; Vol. 198, No. 2
The complete Table of Contents for the current issue is available online at:
The following content is available online at:
Highlights of this issue * Kimberlie Dean *
*Depression: neuropathology, neuropsychology and the impact of early
In a community-derived sample of individuals without dementia as assessed
during life, Tsopelas *et al* (pp.
) examined the relationship between the presence of late-life depression and
a range of neuropathological correlates. Depression was associated with the
presence of subcortical Lewy bodies, neuronal loss in the hippocampus and
some subcortical regions, but not with cerebrovascular or Alzheimer
pathology. Douglas *et al* (pp.
examined neuropsychological changes in relation to treatment response in a
sample of in-patients with severe depression and found that, despite
significant impairment at baseline, most measures failed to differentiate
treatment responders from non-responders at either 10-14 days or 6 weeks.
The only positive findings were for simple reaction time, verbal working
memory and recognition of angry facial expressions when measured at 6 weeks.
The authors concluded that their findings cannot support the hypothesis that
neuropsychological tasks identify early changes in individuals with severe
depression who will go on to respond to treatment. Schofield *et al* (pp.
123-128 <
http://bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/content/full/198/2/123>) found that
individuals in Australia who retire early owing to depression or other
mental illness are disadvantaged in terms of wealth accumulation compared
with those of the same age, gender and education who remain within the
labour force without ill health. They also found that the former are more
likely to have wealth in the form of cash assets rather than high-growth
asset investments. The authors comment on the impact of such disadvantage
for future living standards, health status, quality of life and the
consequences for the state in terms of financial burden.
*The impact of stressful life events and conflict deployment on mental
The role of the serotonin transporter gene in moderating the association
between stressful life events and risk of depression has recently been
called into question by the negative findings of two systematic reviews.
Fergusson *et al* (pp.
) utilised data from a 30-year New Zealand birth cohort, the Christchurch
Health and Development Study, to test the hypothesis again and found no
evidence to support a gene x environment interaction between the s alleles
of 5-HTTLPR and increased responsivity to life stressors, after
considering four
mental health outcomes observed at four ages using 13 measures of
life-course stress. Reservists deployed to both the Iraq and Afghanistan
conflicts have been found to be at greater risk for developing mental health
problems than their regular soldier counterparts. In a US study by Riviere *et
al* (pp. 136-142 <
unique post-deployment social and material concerns were found to be
associated with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For
example, job loss was associated with depression and PTSD at 12 months
post-deployment (at 3 months also for depression), and the negative effect
of employment absence on co-workers was found to be associated with PTSD at
both time points.
*Aggression: treatment with mood stabilisers and risk of assault on
in-patient staff*
In a systematic review and meta-analysis by Jones *et al* (pp.
the pooled analysis indicated a significant reduction in the
frequency/severity of repetitive or impulsive aggressive behaviour among
those treated with mood stabilisers *v*. placebo in adults without
intellectual disability, organic brain disorder or psychosis. However, the
authors also found evidence of substantial heterogeneity among studies and
when the analysis included only those studies assessed as having a low risk
of bias, no significant effect on aggression was found. In a data-linked
longitudinal study of 13 acute psychiatric hospitals in Finland, Virtanen *et
al* (pp. 149-155 <
found that
ward overcrowding was associated with an increased risk of violence towards
staff but not of violence towards ward property. The authors also found a
high prevalence of overcrowding, with 46% of hospital staff working in wards
with a more than 10% excess bed occupancy rate.
*Population studies of mental health and access to services*
Using data from the UK Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007, Chakraborty
*et al* (pp. 143-148 <
found that those who self-identified as non-heterosexual were more likely to
report a range of mental health problems and were more likely to have had
primary or community care contact for mental health reasons during the
previous year. In addition, discrimination on the grounds of sexual
orientation was found to predict some neurotic disorder outcomes. Using data
from another population-based survey conducted in 2007, this time in
Australia, Harris *et al* (pp.
examined the impact of the Better Access programme, a publicly funded
initiative designed to improve access to psychological services for
individuals with affective and anxiety disorders. In contrast to concerns
raised about the programme, the authors found no evidence that Better Access is
over-servicing individuals without need or contributing to social
inequalities in mental healthcare.

Schizophrenia Bulletin


Catatonic Schizophrenia: A Cohort Prospective Study
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 09/09/10
Kleinhaus K et al. – Patients with catatonic schizophrenia show a somewhat different profile of risk factors from those with other types of schizophrenia in this cohort and are more likely to attempt suicide. This lends some support to the hypothesis that catatonic schizophrenia may have a distinct etiology.




Prediction of a single psychotic episode: A 7.5-year, prospective study in first-episode psychosis
Schizophrenia Research, 12/09/10
Alvarez–Jimenez M et al. – Early treatment (within two months of onset of psychotic symptoms) and social support significantly reduce vulnerability to subsequent psychotic episodes. Future studies need to investigate the interplay between biological factors (i.e. sensitized dopaminergic system), environmental variables (i.e. exposure to trauma, stigma and discrimination), and psychological attributes (i.e. cognitive schemata) in order to elucidate the processes underlying the vulnerability to recurrent psychotic episodes.






Presynaptic Regulation of Dopamine Transmission in Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 09/20/10
Lyon GJ et al. – Recent studies suggest that patients with schizophrenia, including those never exposed to antipsychotic drugs, maintain high presynaptic Dopamine Transmission accumulation in the striatum. New laboratory approaches are elucidating mechanisms that control the level of presynaptic DA stores, thus contributing to fundamental understanding of the basic pathophysiologic mechanism in schizophrenia.






Bupropion for Depression in Schizophrenia
Clinical Neuropharmacology, 10/04/10
Englisch S et al. – The authors report on a consecutive series of depressed patients with psychotic spectrum lifetime diagnoses who received bupropion extended release for a period of 6 weeks in addition to stable doses of antipsychotic agents. All patients experienced significant improvements of their major depressive episodes. Psychotic positive symptoms remained stably absent, whereas both negative symptoms and global psychopathology considerably improved. The treatment was generally well tolerated; however, subtle electroencephalographic deteriorations were observed. This case series suggests safe and effective antidepressive treatment with bupropion in patients with schizophrenic disorders, if stable antipsychotic medication and electroencephalographic–monitoring are provided.




Predictors of recovery from psychosis: Analyses of clinical and social factors associated with recovery among patients with first-episode psychosis after 5years
Schizophrenia Research, 12/01/10
Albert N et al. – These findings suggest that a stable social life with normal social functioning has a predictive value for good outcome. These measures might be influenced by negative symptoms, but in the multivariate analysis with negative symptoms included they have an independent effect.





Lurasidone for schizophrenia
Current Psychiatry, 01/07/11
Lincoln J et al. – Although the drug?s exact mechanism of action is not known, it is thought that lurasidone?s antipsychotic properties are related to its antagonism at serotonin 2A (5–HT2A) and dopamine D2 receptors. Lurasidone is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It reaches maximum concentration (Cmax) in 1 to 3 hours. Cmax doubles when lurasidone is administered with food, but absorption is independent of the meal's fat content.4 After absorption, the drug is highly bound (99%) to serum proteins. The elimination half–life is 18 hours and steady–state concentration is reached within 7 days.1 Lurasidone is eliminated predominantly through cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 metabolism in the liver.





Atypical antipsychotics for delirium: A reasonable alternative to haloperidol
Current Psychiatry, 01/07/11
Spiegel DR et al. – In addition to recommending identifying and addressing the underlying acute illness, American Psychiatric Association guidelines suggest prescribing psychotropic medications to treat delirium symptoms. Antipsychotics are considered first–line pharmacotherapy because they have been shown to lower hospital mortality rates8 and improve delirium symptoms even before underlying medical etiologies are treated. Haloperidol is the mainstay of delirium treatment.




Clozapine and blood dyscrasia
Psychiatric Bulletin, 01/07/11
Latif Z et al. – Clozapine is an effective antipsychotic medication but is associated with agranulocytosis, neutropenia and leucopenia. The reintroduction of clozapine improved management of treatment–resistant schizophrenia, yet resulted in a paradoxical situation whereby the risk of blood dyscrasias is rigorously managed but other adverse effects (e.g. seizures, cardiovascular complications) are less well monitored. Monitoring of weight, lipids, plasma glucose and other metabolic parameters is recommended.






Risperidone nonadherence and return of positive symptoms in the early course of schizophrenia
American Journal of Psychiatry, 01/12/11
Subotnik KL et al. ? This study examined the effect of medication nonadherence on the return of positive symptoms among recent-onset schizophrenia patients. Even brief periods of partial nonadherence lead to greater risk of relapse than what is commonly assumed. Patients in the early phase of schizophrenia should be cautioned about the possible consequences of partial or relatively brief periods of antipsychotic medication nonadherence. Methods
  • 3 sets of operational criteria for medication nonadherence with differing levels of severity compared for their ability to predict relapse
  • Explicit operational criteria provided with hope that they will be adopted by others
  • Psychotic symptoms were prospectively rated on frequent basis, and systematic criteria applied using computer scoring program to identify periods of psychotic symptom return
  • Specialized statistical survival analysis method, optimal for examining risk periods and outcomes that can recur during the follow-up assessment
  • Medication nonadherence robustly predicted return of psychotic symptoms during early phase of schizophrenia (HR=3.7?28.5, depending on severity of nonadherence)





Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Medication-Resistant Schizophrenia: A Review
FOCUS (The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry), 01/14/11

Rathod S et al. – Research meta–analyses have found that cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) is beneficial for persistent symptoms of schizophrenia. This review describes and updates the evidence base for this statement.





Prefrontal cortical deficits and impaired cognition-emotion interactions in schizophrenia
American Journal of Psychiatry, 01/14/11
Ursu S et al. ? These results suggest that schizophrenia is characterized by a failure of prefrontal circuitry supporting the link between emotion and goal-directed behavior and that the failure of this mechanism may contribute to defi cits in processes related to emotion-cognition interaction. Methods
  • Slow event-related functional MRI paradigm
  • Examined brain activity of 23 schizophrenia patients and 24 healthy comparison subjects during trials in which they viewed affective picture and, after delay, reported their emotional experience while viewing it
  • Self-reports of emotional experience differed from those of healthy subjects when they rated their experience on dimensions inconsistent with stimulus valence but not when dimension was consistent with it
  • In the presence of emotional stimuli, brain activity in the patients was similar to that of the comparison subjects
  • During delay, patients showed decreased activation in network of brain structures, including dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and other prefrontal, limbic, and paralimbic areas
  • Delay-related response of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to pleasant stimuli correlated negatively with an anhedonia measure





Neurocognition, insight into illness and subjective quality-of-life in schizophrenia: What is their relationship
Schizophrenia Research, 01/28/11
Kurtz MM et al. – These findings suggest that neurocognition and insight into illness have inverse relationships to Subjective quality–of–life (SQOL) and that elementary neurocognition does not influence SQOL through its link with illness insight.






Dose-dependent galactorrhea with quetiapine
Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 01/20/11
Sethi S et al. – Quetiapine is an atypical antipsychotic agent with minimal propensity to induce hyperprolactinemia in standard therapeutic dosages. Despite that quetiapine is considered to be a prolactin–sparing atypical antipsychotic, hyperprolactinemia with related side effects may rarely be encountered in susceptible individuals.






Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Comorbid Anxiety Symptoms With Mirtazapine
Clinical Neuropharmacology, 01/28/11
Spiegel DR et al. – Presented here is a case report of a 66–year–old woman with a history of panic disorder and major depression and a 1–year history of Irritable Bowel Syndrome–mixed type, which she reported to be "worsened by panic attacks." On the basis that mirtazapine is a potent 5–HT3 receptor antagonist and has demonstrated pain relief from somatic symptoms, the authors treated their patient with mirtazapine, which seems to have decreased her diarrhea and constipation symptoms, and her psychopathological symptoms.