* Mesaj

In ciuda zvonurilor ,Doctoratele se continua pina la incheerea celor care le termina. Martea planuim si in ultima simbata ascultam fragnente de lucrari(referate). Asa ca APLR continua ca seminar lunar de psihiatrie, psihologie si filozofie cu cei care au nevoie de simt critic si progres in aceste domenii. Chiar daca la anul nu mai continui la ecologie, psihologii interesati pot pastra legatura cu noi. Revista continua.
                                                                                          prof. dr. Aurel Romila

Editorial Iunie 2011 - Profesor Dr. Aurel ROMILA


     Istoria ultimului veac a dus si la ideea ca oamenii se pot forma pe scurt. Un liceu aproximativ, scurt, eventual cu 2 ani in unul, facultate rapida, cu cursuri optionale, specializare fara cursuri, demonstratii, practica, facind rezidentiat cu alte studii tot rapide si apoi, pe fata sau pe ascuns, in slujba unor forte de al doilea plan care te numesc sef de domeniu! Asta duce la lupte, false ierarhii si multe ratari ale celor merituosi. Acestei realitati se opune APLR. E necesar ca noile serii sa stie bine acest fapt.

     Lumea, omul, psihicul nu sunt elemente simple ci sunt amestecuri si arta este  a proportiilor acestor componente. De aici si confuzia frecventa intre normal si nebun, valoare si non-valoare, arta si kitsch etc. Amestecul nu trebuie confundat cu perversitatea in care rautatea ia aspect de bunatate.

      Formarea cu etapele si rezultatele ei dau rezistenta antidepresiva si sensul.
Profesor Dr. Aurel ROMILA

Leac pentru spondiloza cervicala si lombara

Discopatia cervicala se vindeca total cu frunza de brusture
In randurile care urmeaza va prezint un tratament naturist cu ajutorul caruia m-am vindecat, dupa lungi suferinte, de discopatie cervicala. Se ia o frunza de brusture (captalan, lipan) lat. Petasites officinalis, care creste din primavara si pana toamna pe toate santurile, pe maluri de rauri si de paraie, pe sub umbra umeda, de paduri. Frunza proaspat culeasa se pune seara inainte de culcare sa stea 10-15 minute in spirt medicinal (albastru), pana cand se impregneaza bine. Se pune pe ceafa o panza subtire, peste care se aplica frunza bine scursa, peste ea se adauga o alta panza si se fixeaza bine pe ceafa. Se poate fixa si cu un batic legat la spate pentru ca frunza sa nu alunece. Se tine pana dimineata. Tratamentul nu trebuie sa depaseasca 4-6 zile la rand. Eu am facut acest tratament toamna, iar dupa prima noapte am putut sa-mi misc capul fara sa mai ametesc, iar frunza era subtire ca o foita de tigara. Noaptea am simtit cum efectiv ceva imi tragea boala din ceafa. Dupa sase zile eram ca nou-nascuta, nu mai aveam nici un fel de problema, nici ameteli, nici dureri. Au trecut de atunci zece ani si n-am mai avut nevoie sa merg nici macar la control medical. Acest tratament este bun si pentru spondiloza lombara si pentru reumatism. Am marea rugaminte sa publicati aceasta reteta deoarece este la indemana oricui. Nici nu va puteti inchipui cata lume sufera de spondiloza si cat de cumplite sunt efectele ei asupra starii sufletesti a bolnavului.

Continuarea mesajului despre bibliografie

La mesajul despre bibliografie un fost masterand spune ca nivelul e scazut. Cred ca se poate ridica in timp. Bibliotecile mari au tot ce trebuie.
De asemenea netul. Dumneavoastra aveti discernamintul sa puneti in bibliografie ce v-a invatat ceva. Abunda si in acest domeniu carti slabe.
Cind veti intilni pe acesti impostori o sa va amintiti ce v-am spus. Important sa invatati toata viata. Restul este o inevitabila confuzie de valori
care se gaseste peste tot. O sa vedeti ce concurenta veti intimpina si cum o sa va nege diversi, pretinsi stiutori.

Medscape - articole noi Iunie

Medscape from WebMD - Email This

Telemedicine Intervention May Improve ICU Outcomes
Medscape Education Clinical Briefs, 2011-05-18

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1. 2010 AHA Guidelines: The ABCs of CPR Rearranged to "CAB" Medscape Education
2. IDSA Issues First Guidelines for Treatment of MRSA Medscape Education
3. The Last Hours of Living: Practical Advice for Clinicians MedscapeCME Nurses
4. New Guidelines for Exercise in Type 2 Diabetes Medscape Education
5. Updated USDA Dietary Guidelines Released Medscape Education

Medscape from WebMD - Email This

Psychiatric Diagnosis: Where's the Science?
Medscape Psychiatry, 2011-05-19

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1. A Matter of Respect and Dignity: Bullying in the Nursing Profession Medscape Nurses
2. Overhauling Nursing Education Medscape Nurses
3. Vitamin D Supplementation: An Update US Pharmacist
4. The 2010 AHA Guidelines: The 4 Cs of Cardiac Arrest Care Medscape Emergency Medicine
5. Propoxyphene Withdrawn From US Market Medscape Medical News

Medscape from WebMD - Email This

Advising Patients on Safe Travel Abroad
Medscape Public Health, 2011-05-06

Most Emailed Articles on Medscape
1. A Matter of Respect and Dignity: Bullying in the Nursing Profession Medscape Nurses
2. Overhauling Nursing Education Medscape Nurses
3. Vitamin D Supplementation: An Update US Pharmacist
4. The 2010 AHA Guidelines: The 4 Cs of Cardiac Arrest Care Medscape Emergency Medicine
5. Propoxyphene Withdrawn From US Market Medscape Medical News

Medscape from WebMD - Email This

Preventing Norovirus Transmission: New Guidelines Released
CDC Expert Commentary, 2011-05-09

Most Emailed Articles on Medscape
1. A Matter of Respect and Dignity: Bullying in the Nursing Profession Medscape Nurses
2. Overhauling Nursing Education Medscape Nurses
3. Vitamin D Supplementation: An Update US Pharmacist
4. The 2010 AHA Guidelines: The 4 Cs of Cardiac Arrest Care Medscape Emergency Medicine
5. Propoxyphene Withdrawn From US Market Medscape Medical News


Medscape from WebMD - Email This

Palliative Care Psychiatry: What Is It and Does It Work?
Medscape Psychiatry, 2011-05-10

Most Emailed Articles on Medscape
1. A Matter of Respect and Dignity: Bullying in the Nursing Profession Medscape Nurses
2. Overhauling Nursing Education Medscape Nurses
3. Vitamin D Supplementation: An Update US Pharmacist
4. The 2010 AHA Guidelines: The 4 Cs of Cardiac Arrest Care Medscape Emergency Medicine
5. Propoxyphene Withdrawn From US Market Medscape Medical News

Articole noi de la MedLinx

1.Your Article Summary

Second-Generation Antipsychotic Drugs and Extrapyramidal Side Effects: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Head-to-Head Comparisons
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 09/10/10
Rummel–Kluge C et al. – These meta–analysis demonstrates that there are differences between the SGAs in their ability to induce EPS that clinicians consider warrant treatment with antimuscarinic drugs. Even though the differences were relatively small, they might be important for individual patients and should be taken into account in drug choice.

Other articles in Psychiatry

>> Click here to see the complete list

Associated factors with antipsychotic use in assisted living facilities: a cross-sectional study of 4367 residents
Age and Aging, 03/24/11

Treatment Strategies for Dosing the Second Generation Antipsychotics
CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 03/18/11

Early response to antipsychotic therapy as a clinical marker of subsequent response in the treatment of patients with first-episode psychosis
Psychiatry Research, 04/05/11

2.Your Article Summary

Presynaptic Dopamine in Schizophrenia
CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 01/11/11
Miyake N et al. – Excessive striatal presynaptic dopamine is linked to the emergence of acute psychotic symptoms and to their response to treatment in schizophrenia. Understanding the etiology of this dysregulation and its consequences on the rest of the circuitry is important for future drug development..

Other articles in Psychiatry

>> Click here to see the complete list

Common variants in the BCL9 gene conferring risk of schizophrenia
Archives of General Psychiatry, 03/14/11

Evidence for an emotion maintenance deficit in schizophrenia
Psychiatry Research, 04/13/11

Sleep?wake cycles and cognitive functioning in schizophrenia
British Journal of Psychiatry, 04/11/11

3.Your Article Summary

The relationship between cognitive insight, clinical insight, and depression in patients with schizophrenia
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 04/27/11
Ugurlu GK et al. – A better understanding of the cognitive component of insight in schizophrenia with comorbid depression may contribute to develop more efficient cognitive strategies, thus improving patient outcome. However, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of exacerbating a sense of hopelessness and suicide risk during the interventions that improve cognitive insight.

Other articles in Psychiatry

>> Click here to see the complete list

The incidence and relative risk factors for developing cancer among patients with schizophrenia: A nine-year follow-up study
Schizophrenia Research, 04/21/11

Analysis of 94 Candidate Genes and 12 Endophenotypes for Schizophrenia From the Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia
American Journal of Psychiatry, 04/25/11

Association of Schizophrenia in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and Gray Matter Volumetric Deficits in the Superior Temporal Gyrus
American Journal of Psychiatry, 04/25/11

4.Your Article Summary

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Medication-Resistant Schizophrenia: A Review
FOCUS (The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry), 01/14/11
Rathod S et al. – Research meta–analyses have found that cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) is beneficial for persistent symptoms of schizophrenia. This review describes and updates the evidence base for this statement.

Other articles in Psychiatry

>> Click here to see the complete list

Common variants in the BCL9 gene conferring risk of schizophrenia
Archives of General Psychiatry, 03/14/11

Evidence for an emotion maintenance deficit in schizophrenia
Psychiatry Research, 04/13/11

Sleep?wake cycles and cognitive functioning in schizophrenia
British Journal of Psychiatry, 04/11/11

5.Your Article Summary

Spirituality and religiousness as predictive factors of outcome in schizophrenia and schizo-affective disorders
Psychiatry Research, 03/24/11
Mohr S et al. – Spirituality and religiousness have been shown to be highly prevalent in patients with schizophrenia. These study shows that helpful use of spirituality is predictive of a better outcome. Spirituality may facilitate recovery by providing resources for coping with symptoms. In some cases, however, spirituality and religiousness are a source of suffering. Helpful vs. harmful spiritual/religious coping appears to be of clinical significance.

Other articles in Psychiatry

>> Click here to see the complete list

The incidence and relative risk factors for developing cancer among patients with schizophrenia: A nine-year follow-up study
Schizophrenia Research, 04/21/11

Association of Schizophrenia in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and Gray Matter Volumetric Deficits in the Superior Temporal Gyrus
American Journal of Psychiatry, 04/22/11

Characteristics and predictors of long-term institutionalization in patients with schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Research, 04/20/11

6.Your Article Summary

Angiotensin receptor blockers and risk of myocardial infarction: meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of 147 020 patients from randomised trials
British Medical Journal, 05/06/11
Bangalore S et al. – This large and comprehensive analysis produced firm evidence to refute the hypothesis that angiotensin receptor blockers increase the risk of myocardial infarction (ruling out even a 0.3% absolute increase). Compared with controls, angiotensin receptor blockers reduce the risk of stroke, heart failure, and new onset diabetes. Methods
  • Systematic review of randomised controlled trials with meta–analysis and trial sequential analysis (TSA).
  • Pubmed, Embase, and CENTRAL searches for randomised clinical trials, until August 2010, of angiotensin receptor blockers compared with controls (placebo/active treatment) that enrolled at least 100 participants and had a follow–up of at least one year.
  • 37 randomised clinical trials included 147 020 participants and had a total follow–up of 485 166 patient years.
  • When compared with controls (placebo/active treatment), placebo, or active treatment, angiotensin receptor blockers were not associated with an increase in the risk of myocardial infarction (relative risk 0.99, 95% confidence interval 0.92 to 1.07), death, cardiovascular death, or angina pectoris.
  • Compared with controls, angiotensin receptor blockers were associated with a reduction in the risk of stroke (0.90, 0.84 to 0.98), heart failure (0.87, 0.81 to 0.93), and new onset diabetes (0.85, 0.78 to 0.93), with similar results when compared with placebo or with active treatment.
  • Based on trial sequential analysis, there is no evidence even for an average 5.0–7.5% (upper confidence interval 5–11%) relative increase in myocardial infarction (absolute increase of 0.3%), death, or cardiovascular death with firm evidence for relative risk reduction of stroke (at least 1%, average 10%) (compared with placebo only), heart failure (at least 5%, average 10%), and new onset diabetes (at least 4%, average 10%) with angiotensin receptor blockers compared with controls.

Other articles in Internal Medicine

>> Click here to see the complete list

Frequency and Predictors of Stent Thrombosis After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Circulation, 04/12/11

B-type Natriuretic Peptide in the Early Diagnosis and Risk Stratification of Acute Chest Pain
American Journal of Medicine, 05/02/11

A New Therapeutic Strategy for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke, 04/29/11

7.Your Article Summary

Second-generation antipsychotics and constipation: A review of the literature
European Psychiatry , 01/30/11
De Hert M et al. – Antipsychotics are the cornerstone in the management of psychotic disorders and schizophrenia. They are effective agents but also have a wide range of side effects. In the recent literature constipation as possible side effect has received little attention. A review of the literature concerning constipation associated with antipsychotics was performed. Overall constipation is a rarely studied or reported side effect of antipsychotic medication. Nevertheless constipation is a common side effect.

Other articles in Psychiatry

>> Click here to see the complete list

Lubiprostone for the Treatment of Adults with Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 05/02/11

Development of quality indicators based on a multidisciplinary, evidence-based guideline on pediatric constipation
European Journal of Pediatrics, 04/18/11

Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection (STARR) and Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS)- Impact on faecal incontinence and quality of life
Colorectal Disease, 04/18/11

8.Your Article Summary

Neuroanatomical Abnormalities That Predate the Onset of Psychosis: A Multicenter Study
Archives of General Psychiatry, 05/11/11
De Hert M et al. – Antipsychotics are the cornerstone in the management of psychotic disorders and schizophrenia. They are effective agents but also have a wide range of side effects. In the recent literature constipation as possible side effect has received little attention. A review of the literature concerning constipation associated with antipsychotics was performed. Overall constipation is a rarely studied or reported side effect of antipsychotic medication. Nevertheless constipation is a common side effect.

Other articles in Psychiatry

>> Click here to see the complete list

Lubiprostone for the Treatment of Adults with Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 05/02/11

Development of quality indicators based on a multidisciplinary, evidence-based guideline on pediatric constipation
European Journal of Pediatrics, 04/18/11

Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection (STARR) and Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS)- Impact on faecal incontinence and quality of life
Colorectal Disease, 04/18/11

9.Your Article Summary

Cognitive function and competitive employment in schizophrenia: Relative contribution of insight and psychopathology
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 04/07/11
Giugiario M et al. ? Taken together, these findings confirmed the importance of cognitive function in obtaining competitive employment. These results also highlighted the independent role of general psychopathology and awareness of illness on occupational functioning in schizophrenia. A greater attention must be given to the systematic investigation of insight and general psychopathology in light of an amelioration of vocational functioning in stable schizophrenia. Methods
  • Recruited 253 outpatients with stable schizophrenia and further divided sample into 2 groups of patients (unemployed and competitive employment subjects)
  • Clinical and neuropsychological assessments performed
  • All clinical variables significantly different between 2 groups of subjects subsequently analyzed using binary logistic regression
  • Assessed independent contribution to competitive employment in 2 patients? groups
  • On basis of regression results 2 mediation analyses performed
  • Verbal memory, general psychopathology, and awareness of mental illness significantly associated with competitive employment
  • Awareness of mental illness and general psychopathology had role in mediating verbal memory?competitive employment relationship

Other articles in Psychiatry

>> Click here to see the complete list

Psychopathology, coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome in schizophrenia spectrum patients with deficit versus non-deficit schizophrenia: Findings from the CLAMORS study
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 04/12/11

Schizoaffective disorder-an ongoing challenge for psychiatric nosology
European Psychiatry , 05/06/11

Testing the Psychosis Continuum: Differential Impact of Genetic and Nongenetic Risk Factors and Comorbid Psychopathology Across the Entire Spectrum of Psychosis
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 05/05/11

subiecte pentru examenul masteranzilor anul I

subiecte pentru examenul masteranzilor anul I
  1. Psihopatia paranoiaca
  2. psihopatia isterica
  3. psihopatia impulsiva
  4. psihopatia antisociala
  5. psihopatia hipertimica
  6. psihopatia distimica
  7. psihopatia astenica
  8. psihopatia psihastenica
  9. psihopatia schizoida
  10. psihopatia pasiv agresiva
  11. psihopatia polimorfa
  12. psihopatia organica
  13. psihopatia sexuala
  14. debilitatea mintala
  15. neurastenia
  16. nevrozele anxioase
  17. nevrozele isterice
  18. nevrozele alimentare
  19. nevrozele motorii
  20. schizofrenia paranoida
  21. schizofrenia catatonica
  22. schizofrenia defectuala
  23. psihoza bipolara
  24. ciclotimia
  25. paranoia
  26. parafrenia
  27. dementa vasculara
  28. dementa Alzheimer
  29. foaia de observatie psihiatrica
  30. normalitatea

bibliografie: DSM IV,PSIHIATRIE de Romila,F.O.din tezaurul revistei Psychiatry
11 mai 2011,prof.dr.A.Romila

Mesaj - prof. dr. Aurel Romila

Pentru doctoranzi si dizertanti( masteranzi ).
     Desi am facut aceste constatari mai de mult ,nu le-am comunicat inca. Este vorba de sfirsitul lucrarilor,adica de bibliografie, care de fapt ar trebui sa fie  inceputul. Sunt uimit ca nume neinsemnate apar si nume insemnate nu apar. Care trebuie sa fie criteriul? In primul rind sa fie cei care v-au invatat. Deci nu pot lipsi psihiatie, DSM IV, H.Ey, Kraepelin, Bleuler, Obregia, Popescu-Neveanu, Zlate, Golu, Kaplan.
     Voi intreba ce v-a dat cutare si cutare si daca sunt pusi de forma ,voi respinge referintele nejustificate in text.
     revedeti textele si puneti la sfirsitul paragrafului numele celui referat si numarul purtat in bibliografie. Daca sunt neclaritati scrieti-mi-le.

prof. dr. Aurel Romila

Momente vesele cu actori mari

Momente vesele cu actori mari, un text minunat

1. Toma Caragiu - Snobul (1969)
2. Dem Radu lescu si Jean Constantin - Numarul cu slibovitza
3. Nea Marin si zapada
4. Toma Caragiu - Iadul
5. Dem Radulescu si Sebastian Papaiani
6. Dem Radu lescu si Dan Condurache - O invitatie

Destindeti-va prin imagini

Destindeti-va prin imagini

1. Catalogul Pictorilor celebri si operele lor

        În ata?ament este un material deosebit: un  catalog de arta , cu 5000 de pictori celebri si 100000 de tablouri valoroase pentru tezaurul picturii  universale.

Un muzeu virtual. Click pe http://www.mystudios.com/artgallery

2. L'Art de France par Jean-Marie Pérouse de Montclos


3. 10 locuri din Romania in care sa te retragi la pensie


4. Poze uimitoare la microscop



Filme documentare

Filme documentare

1. Cel mai vechi film pe 35 mm!

Va transmit un mesaj care contine primul film pe 35 mm realizat in 1906, in San Francisco, cu ajutorul unei camere montata pe un suport in fata "tramvaiului".
Se pare ca pentru multi ani filmul a fost considerat a fi fost pierdut.
Impresioneaza "traficul" de atunci, unde erau de-a valma: tramvaie, masini, carute, trasuri, cai si calareti,  pietoni,  biciclisti.
Fiecare trecea pe unde vrea, cum vrea, cind vrea etc.
Sunt interesante de urmarit tinutele/vestimentatiile doamnelor si domnilor din imagini, tinutele politistilor sau ale vinzatorilor de ziare etc.  
Se precizeaza ca filmarile au fost facute doar cu 4 zile inainte de Marele Cutremur de Pamint din California, care a avut loc pe 18 aprilie 1906, iar pelicula a apucat sa fie trimisa la New York, pentru procesare. Asa, filmul a scapat si poate fi considerat un adevarat document istoric.   
    Great  historical film!

2. Un site romanesc cu filme documentare


3. E. Tolle - atentia interioara


4. O singura constiinta


5.  Un mesaj extraordinar - o doamna care a supravietuit unui avort provocat


Meloterapie - iunie

1. Se cânta "Hristos a înviat!" într-un loc mai putin obisnuit pentru asemenea cântare
În araba si greaca...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0ZS9o6NLnM&feature=player_embedded

2. Un cor virtual: Eric Whitacre - Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir 2.0, 'Sleep'

Click : http://youtu.be/6WhWDCw3Mng

3. interpreteaza baletul regizat de Franco Zeffirelli la Balshoi actul III din Traviata de Verdi


4. Un cantec extraordinar, in mai multe interpretari
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsCp5LG_zNE The Celtic Woman
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhc7MEYY-Ho Nana Mouscouri
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJg5Op5W7yw&feature=related Mahalia Jackson


Daily OM

Finding Answers Within
You Have All the Answers Within You
When you realize that you always have the answers within yourself, you can stop searching outside of yourself.

Many of us seek the answers to life's questions by looking outside of ourselves and trying to glean advice from the people around us. But as each of us is unique, with our own personal histories, our own sense of right and wrong, and our own way of experiencing the world that defines our realities, looking to others for our answers is only partially helpful. The answers to our personal questions can be most often found by looking within. When you realize that you always have access to the part of you that always knows what you need and is meant to act as your inner compass, you can stop searching outside of yourself. If you can learn to hear, trust, and embrace the wisdom that lives within you, you will be able to confidently navigate your life.

Trusting your inner wisdom may be awkward at first, particularly if you grew up around people who taught you to look to others for answers. We each have exclusive access to our inner knowing. All we have to do is remember how to listen. Remember to be patient as you relearn how to hear, receive, and follow your own guidance. If you are unsure about whether following your inner wisdom will prove reliable, you may want to think of a time when you did trust your own knowing and everything worked out. Recall how the answers came to you, how they felt in your body as you considered them, and what happened when you acted upon this guidance. Now, recall a time when you didn't trust yourself and the results didn't work out as you had hoped. Trusting your own guidance can help you avoid going against what you instinctively know is right for you.

When you second guess yourself and go against what you know to be your truth, you can easily go off course because you are no longer following your inner compass. By looking inside yourself for the answers to your life's questions, you are consulting your best guide. Only you can know the how's and why's of your life. The answers that you seek can be found when you start answering your own questions.

Empowered Forgiveness
If we can remember that our response to others is important, we can realize that trust and forgiveness go hand in hand.

In life there will always be times when we are affected by the actions of another person. When this happens, we often receive an apology. More often than not we say, "It's alright," or " It's okay," and by saying this we are allowing, accepting, and giving permission for the behavior to happen again. When we say "thank you," or "I accept your apology," we are forced to sit in our feelings rather than ignore them.

There are many of us who feel that it is easier to brush off how we really feel than to express our discomfort with something that has happened to us. While this may initially seem like the best thing to do, what it really does is put us into an unending pattern of behavior; since we are not honest with another person, we continue the cycle of letting them overstep our emotional limits time and time again. By doing this we place ourselves in the position of victim. We can put an end to this karmic chain by first acknowledging to the other person that we accept their request for forgiveness; often a simple "thank you" is enough. To truly create a greater sense of harmony in our relationship, however, we need to gently, and with compassion, express our innermost concerns about what has transpired. By taking a deep breath and calling upon the deepest parts of our spirit, we can usually find the right words to say and verbalize them in a way that lets the other person recognize ! the consequences of what they have done.

If we can remember that our response to others is important, we can begin to realize that trust and forgiveness go hand in hand. And when we react in a way that engenders a greater amount of honesty and candor, we will establish a more positive and empowering way of being and interacting others.

Daily Zen: West Mountain Evening Talks


West Mountain Evening Talks

           Muso Soseki                           

The Master said, “Bukko Zenji’s advice to his disciple Bukkoku goes:  ‘I doubt that many students in Japan will attain satori in their lifetimes.  Some students in this country tend to admire intellectual understanding instead of trying to attain satori.  It is a pity that students with great capacity waste their whole lives reading widely in the native and foreign classics, cultivating the art of composition, and in that way leaving no time for coming to see clearly into their Original Nature. There are students of another kind who do not have this wide knowledge and culture, but think it is best to sit in zazen absentmindedly, never making any real effort to seek the Way.  People like this will never reach satori, either, however long they remain in the world.’

“When my teacher, Bukkoku, told me this, I said, ‘Apart from those who are born with the capacity for immediately perceiving the truth, which of the two you have described is superior?’  My teacher answered, ‘Even students with little ability can attain satori in this life.  If they continue diligently in their zazen until the last day of the last year of their lives, a single word will be enough for them to attain satori a thousand times over.  On the other hand, those who rely on their learning will not only waste their lives in this world, but in their next lives too they will fall into a world that they would rather avoid.’”

A monk said to the Master, "Those who use their scholarship to seem superior to others are beyond consideration. But why do you criticize those Zen students who have studied the Zen classics and so give off the light of wisdom?”

The Master answered, “Second-rate and third-rate students cannot go back to their Original Home.  So out of pity for them the Patriarchs built temporary inns for them, which are like the classics you mention.  In a sense these inns are good to have. Everyone needs sermons on the sutras at the sutra inns, sermons on the precepts at the precept inns, commentary on the records of Zen at the commentary inns.  So there is no reason to rule out Zen preaching entirely.

“But a priest once said, ‘Bodhidharma came to China from India.  And without relying on words and letters he pointed straight to the mind and brought students to realize satori!’ And he went on, ‘If looking into the true self is merely a matter of words, the whole of Buddhist scripture is nothing but words.  Then what is the meaning of Bodhidharma’s coming to China?’ Huang-po says, ‘If any of you students wishes to be a Buddha, there is no need at all to make a study of any Dharma whatsoever.  Just learn non-inquiry and non-attachment.  There is no mind that is born unless you seek for something.  There is no mind that dies unless you are attached to something.  To be without birth or death is Buddhahood.  The eighty-four thousand gates to the Dharma are there only to attract the students’ attention.’  This is only a teaching of ours, who are followers of Bodhidharma.  All the teachings of the Great Vehicle follow the same path.

“The Lotus Sutra says, ‘Once at the Void-King’s palace a craving for enlightenment awoke in me and in Ananda at the same time.  He set about acquiring wide learning, whereas I devoted all my energies to practice.  That is why I have attained enlightenment.’  The Surangama Sutra says, ‘When he saw the Buddha, Ananda cried out in grief, lamenting the fact that he could acquire no Dharma power because he had devoted himself from the beginning to seeking knowledge only.’

“The Sutra on Perfect Enlightenment says, ‘Whatever they may desire, students with no enlightenment who do not practice have no chance of attaining satori.  They devote themselves to acquiring more knowledge, and in so doing simply make it harder than ever for themselves to see their true natures.’  No one, even though he were to emit the light of wisdom  as a result of reading many books, could compare his leaning with Ananda’s.  It is much better to find the Buddha’s way to enlightenment than to rely on scholarship. I am reluctant to speak of the sayings of the Patriarchs and to lecture on the sutras.  Because what I really want is to make my students understand that the core of the teachings of the Buddha and the Patriarchs is never found in words and letters.”

The monk inquired further:  “Zen masters welcome students of the first kind, and guide them with words and with direct presentations of the mind, and they think most highly of those who have mastered both.  So it is only natural that some gifted students try to master mind and words at the same time. Do you say they are wrong?”

The Master answered, “One of our forerunners once said, ‘Students who have had no glimpse of enlightenment would do better to study mind first rather than words.  Those who have attained some enlightenment should study words first and then mind.  You have called mind and words into question, but you know nothing of their real workings.’  Another master said, ‘Words polish mind and mind polishes words. It’s best when you can use them freely, just as you please.’  Do you really understand what he is saying?  You must realize that the original state of satori has nothing to do with either of them, but that mind and words are separated simply as a means for teaching novices.  Beginning students try to understand their teachers’ words by analyzing them, and as a result they block their own way and lose the pointer that was guiding them toward satori.  That is why the master said, ‘Students who have had no glimpse of enlightenment would do better to study mind first rather than words.’ 

“On the other hand, someone who has attained enlightenment but not mastered words will not be recognized as a master and will not be able to teach and guide students. So one may have a high regard for a perfect command of both mind and words without directing beginners to study mind and words at the same time.”

Muso Soseki (1275-1351)

Excerpted from  Sun at Midnight – Poems and Sermons of Muso Soseki translated by W.S. Merwin and Soiku Shigematsu


Depending on how long one has practiced, at some point we all realize the dead end of intellectual understanding.  That doesn’t mean there is no value in “words and letters.”  What is criticized above is the substitution of meditation time with what can become the distraction of reading one more teacher’s instructions, one more sutra, and how about that new school of Zen?  We find endless ways to distract ourselves everyday.  Endless  ways to tell ourselves daily life has become meditation, so no need to sit anymore….We also finds endless ways to fool ourselves and others.

Huang po’s comment is most succinct and clear:  ‘If any of you students wishes to be a Buddha, there is no need at all to make a study of any Dharma whatsoever.  Just learn non-inquiry and non-attachment.  There is no mind that is born unless you seek for something.  There is no mind that dies unless you are attached to something.  To be without birth or death is Buddhahood.  The eighty-four thousand gates to the Dharma are there only to attract the students’ attention.’ 

It’s easy to see how all these teachings are methods to get our attention; however,  there is the very real work of putting some of it into practice.  Non-attachment does not just drop out of the sky on you….  If we remember all the poems, stories, and teachings are the fingers pointing to the moon, we can continue to pursue practice with “great effort, no goal.”

And to continue the illusion Muso mentioned above, these days we have the Inn of Daily Zen to provide a little inspiration from time to time.

May your Practice be Pure!



The British Journal of Psychiatry Future Table of Contents for 1 July 2011; Vol. 199, No. 1

BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert

A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:
July 2011; Vol. 199, No. 1

This Future Table of Contents is available online at: http://bjp.rcpsych.org/future/199.1.shtml

These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.


Transforming mental health services
D. Kingdon
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Detection of bipolar disorder
A. H. Young and H. MacPherson
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

The case for early intervention in anorexia nervosa: theoretical exploration of maintaining factors
J. Treasure and G. Russell
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Cross-cultural attitudes to help-seeking among individuals who are suicidal: new perspectives for policy-makers
A. Pitman and D. P. J. Osborn
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Special article
The four dimensions: a model for the social aetiology of psychosis
J. Shah, R. Mizrahi and K. McKenzie
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Review article
Long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in complex mental disorders: update of a meta-analysis
F. Leichsenring and S. Rabung
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Mental well-being and mental illness: findings from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey for England 2007
S. Weich, T. Brugha, M. King, S. McManus, P. Bebbington, R. Jenkins, C. Cooper, O. McBride and S. Stewart-Brown
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Childhood sexual abuse and psychosis: data from a cross-sectional national psychiatric survey in England
P. Bebbington, S. Jones, E. Kuipers, M. King, C. Cooper, T. Brugha, H. Meltzer, S. McManus and R. Jenkins
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Childhood abuse, the BDNF-Val66Met polymorphism and adult psychotic-like experiences
S. Alemany, B. Arias, M. Aguilera, H. Villa, J. Moya, M. I. Ibanez, H. Vossen, C. Gasto, G. Ortet and L. Fananas
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

War exposure, 5-HTTLPR genotype and lifetime risk of depression
S. Artero, J. Touchon, A.-M. Dupuy, A. Malafosse and K. Ritchie
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Unrecognised bipolar disorder in primary care patients with depression
D. J. Smith, E. Griffiths, M. Kelly, K. Hood, N. Craddock and S. A. Simpson
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Valproate v. Lithium in the treatment of bipolar disorder in clinical practice: observational nationwide register-based cohort study
L. V. Kessing, G. Hellmund, J. R. Geddes, G. M. Goodwin and P. K. Anderson
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Treatment of suicidal people around the world
R. Bruffaerts, K. Demyttenaere, I. Hwang, W.-T. Chiu, N. Sampson, R. C. Kessler, J. Alonso, G. Borges, G. de Girolamo, R. de Graaf, S. Florescu, O. Gureje, C. Hu, E. G. Karam, N. Kawakami, S. Kostyuchenko, V. Kovess-Masfety, S. Lee, D. Levinson, H. Matschinger, J. Posada-Villa, R. Sagar, J. M. Scott, D. J. Stein, T. Tomov, M. C. Viana and M. K. Nock
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Impact of crisis resolution and home treatment teams on psychiatric
R. Jacobs and E. Barrenho
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

Short report
Psychiatric morbidity in prisoners with intellectual disabilities: analysis of prison survey data for England and Wales
A. Hassiotis, D. Gazizova, L. Akinlonu, P. Bebbington, H. Meltzer and A. Strydom
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2011 199 (1)

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