Cum putem caracteriza psihiatria
Un amestec enorm de conceptii si
practica. Desigur o combinatie de psihofarmacologie cu psihoterapii nesistematice. Mult
amatorism, multa democratie si rezultate si bune si rele.
Criteriul utilitar le
scuza pe toate. Istoria disciplinelor arata o multime de formulari. La
conceptiile mitologice vechi, la orientali, la medievali gasim idei valoroase
asupra superioritatii omului in contrast cu modernii mult mai sceptici, mai
materialisti si mai coborati in placeri si neant. Cu cine tinem ?
Neofitul vrea sa le
stie pe toate si chiar are iluzia ca le stie: de fapt amesteca planurile si se
multumeste cu ce se poate.
In planul
superindividual turbulentele sunt si mai mari. Impostura merge la TV. Congresele
sunt dialog al surzilor. Religia este in ofensiva. Un nevrotic imi spunea de
curind ca face 3 masluri pe saptamana!
O sa mai revina
resocializarea? Sau vom ramane abisalo-behavioritici-cognitivisti-umanisti, cu
multe mesaje, pastile si congrese?
Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA
W H I C H W A Y?
How can we characterize contemporary psychiatry?
A huge mix of concepts and practice. Of course a combination of unsystematic psycho-pharmacology with psychotherapy. A lot of amateurism, more democracy and good and bad results.
Usefulness criterion excuse them all. History of disciplines shows a lot of wording. In the ancient mythological conceptions, from Orientals and Medieval we found valuable ideas on human superiority in contrast to much more skeptical moderns, more materialistic, lowered into pleasures and nothingness. Who do we keep?
Neophyte wants to know all and even has the illusion that they know: in fact mix plans and is satisfied with what can be done.
In super-individual layer the turbulence are even bigger. Imposture is going on TV. Congresses are a kind of dialogue of the deaf. Religion is offensive. A neurotic told me recently that he makes 3 unctions per week!
Will come back someday resocialization? Or will we will remain abyssal-behavioral-cognitive-humanists, with a lot of messages, pills and congresses?
In super-individual layer the turbulence are even bigger. Imposture is going on TV. Congresses are a kind of dialogue of the deaf. Religion is offensive. A neurotic told me recently that he makes 3 unctions per week!
Will come back someday resocialization? Or will we will remain abyssal-behavioral-cognitive-humanists, with a lot of messages, pills and congresses?
Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA