Inregistrare seminar APLR - 27.09.2014 - Formule in psihoterapie

Inregistrare seminar APLR - 27.09.2014 - Formule in psihoterapie

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SAMBATA 27 septembrie ora 10:00


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Atena Septembrie 2014
Sep 20, 2014
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Interesting Article from MDLinx

MDLinx  Psychiatry

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Antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria: Its meaning, association with typical vs. atypical medications and impact on adherence
Psychiatric Quarterly, 09/12/14
Emily Wu H, et al. – There is some evidence that dopamine blockade maybe involved in the pathogenesis of antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria. However, the limited methods of the currently available studies make it impossible to conclusively address the question of which class of antipsychotic (first- or second-generation) has a higher prevalence and severity of the syndrome.

  • Antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria is a relatively under-recognized and understudied effect of antipsychotic medication.
  • Although the term is encountered in clinical practice and in the literature, there is no consensus regarding its exact meaning.
  • This article is a narrative review of the literature on antipsychotic medication and dysphoria based on a pubmed database search.
  • The authors found that antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria is a term used to describe a negative and unpleasant affective state which seems to be more often associated with high potency first-generation antipsychotics and could potentially lead to medication non-adherence.
  • Though it is plausible to expect antipsychotic medication-induced dysphoria to be related to extrapyramidal symptoms, most especially akathisia, the nature of the association remains unspecified.

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Pofte demonice - de Barbara E. Hort

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Barbara E. Hort
Pofte demonice
Vampirul psihic din noi şi din ceilalţi
ISBN 978-606-719-055-7
Titlul original: Unholy Hungers. Encountering the Psychic Vampire in Ourselves and Others
Limba originală: engleză
Traducere de: Raluca Toth
Format: 130 x 200 mm, paperback cu clape
Nr. pagini: 328
Preţ: 35 (-20% reducere la comenzi online = 28 lei)
Vampirii sunt mai mult decât nişte creaturi de legendă. Ei există, umblă printre noi. Sunt acei indivizi care n-au avut niciodată parte de iubire şi care sunt însetaţi de putere şi recunoaştere. Sunt cei ce ştiu cum să ne golească de energia vitală, să ne atragă şi să profite de dorinţele noastre.
În fascinantul ei studiu despre acest sumbru arhetip psihologic, Barbara Hort ia în considerare atât miturile tradiţionale, cât şi variantele moderne ale poveştilor cu strigoi: de la celebrul roman Dracula (Bram Stoker) la thrillerul Tăcerea mieilor. Dintr-o perspectivă jungiană, cartea explică în ce fel se nasc vampirii psihici, cum ajungem să le cădem victime şi cum ne putem proteja de influenţa lor, conştientizându-ne proiecţiile şi oferind compasiune sufletelor rănite şi înfometate de putere.
O explorare pasionantă a arhetipului vampirului în mit, film, literatură şi în multele relaţii personale din societatea noastră narcisică. Acest studiu psihologic captivant se citeşte ca un roman; nu-ţi mai vine să-l laşi din mână.
Maureen Murdock, psihoterapeută jungiană
Vampirul, ca multe alte animale de pradă, se arată într-o varietate de aspecte atrăgătoare, iar pe unele dintre acestea le inventăm chiar noi prin intermediul dorinţelor noastre proiectate.
Barbara E. Hort este consilier-psiholog cu formare jungiană. Lucrează în privat în Portland, Oregon (SUA).


The 5-th Edition of the International Conference "Psychology and the realities of the contemporary world "
PSIWORLD 2014 - October 24 - 26, 2014, BUCHAREST, Romania

Dear Colleagues,
We are reminding you that the deadline for submitting your papers is  01 OCTOBER 2014!
The International Conference PSIWORLD 2014 – 5th Edition will be held in Bucharest, Romania, October 24 - 26, 2014.
Accepted full papers will be published by Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences by Elsevier, indexed by Science Direct, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (ISI Proceedings).
The Scientific Committee encourages researchers, faculty members, teachers, psychologists and students to submit papers to the Conference. The papers should be written in English, the official language of the event. All the submitted papers will be subject to a blind peer-review process. You can submit your paper, using Procedia SBS template (you can download it from the conference website). More details at .
HURRY UP!  The deadline for submitting your papers is 01 OCTOBER 2014!
Also, the publication fees are discounted 50% for the members of the organizing institutions: University of Bucharest - FPSE, "Titu Maiorescu" University, "Transilvania" University - Brasov, Romanian Academy - Institute of Psychology.
For more details please visit our Conference website: .
Best regards,
PSIWORLD 2014 Organizing Committee

UNESCO a decis: Valsul românului Eugen Doga, a patra capodoperă muzicală a secolului XX

Iata ca circula si informatii despre romanii meritorii!

UNESCO a decis: Valsul românului Eugen Doga, a patra capodoperă muzicală a secolului XX. 
link:  UNESCO a decis: Valsul românului Eugen Doga, a patra capodoperă muzicală a secolului XX
Autorul: Luciana Pop în Cultură
 8 iulie, 2014 13:02 16 comentarii
Este considerat cel mai mare compozitor român în viață, iar muzica sa a răsunat în importante săli de concerte din lume, a fost coloană sonoră a unor filme de succes sau a putut fi auzită în spectacole de teatru. Valsul care l-a făcut celebru a fost ales de ruși, în această iarnă, la ceremonia de deschidere a Jocurilor Olimpice de la Soci. Talentul incontestabil al lui Eugen Doga este recunoscut acum și de UNESCO, pentru care valsul inclus în coloana sonoră a filmului "Gingaşa şi tandra mea fiară" este numit a patra capodoperă muzicală a secolului XX.
În România comunistă, numele lui Eugen Doga a devenit cunoscut mai mult odată cu filmele "Lăutarii" și "Șatra", regizate de alt basarabean, Emil Loteanu,  însă creațiile sale însumează lucrări de balet, cvartete, melodii lirice, muzică pentru piese de teatru şi peste 200 de filme. Tot el a compus coloana sonoră a filmului de animație "Maria Mirabela", realizat de Ion Popescu Gopo.
Pentru producția "Gingaşa şi tandra fiară" a scris celebrul său vals, ale cărui acorduri s-au făcut auzite în toată lumea. Conform unei decizii speciale a UNESCO, "valsul lui Eugen Doga este recunoscut drept una dintre cele patru capodopere muzicale ale secolului XX, Ronald Reagan considerându-l drept cel mai bun vals al secolului respectiv", se arată într-un comunicat trimis de Centrul de Promovare şi Comunicare a FIE Iaşi.
Supranumit "Maestru în artă, Artist al Poporului şi Om al Mileniului", Eugen Doga, născut la 1 martie 1937 în satul Mocra din Transnistria, a adunat pe parcursul vieţii numeroase distincţii şi premii naţionale şi internaţionale, fiind înscris în lista celor 200 de personalităţi ale lumii.
Piesele sale se regăsesc într-un top internaţional realizat de site-ul History Rundown cu cele mai bune 200 de opere muzicale din toate timpurile. Astfel, în Top 200 Classical Music Pieces sunt incluse lucrările "Gramofon" pe poziţia a 83-a, iar "Dulcea şi tandra mea fiară" s-a clasat pe locul 94.
Eugen Doga este recunoscut la nivel internaţional, alături de George Enescu, ca unul dintre numele mari ale muzicii clasice.


Traim cu senzatia reconfortanta ca viata noastra este, asa cum ii spune si denumirea, a noastra. Ne imbatam entuziast cu ideea ca o traim cum vrem, facand numai ce ne place sau ce ne dorim. Totusi, daca analizam lucrurile mai cu atentie, vom ajunge la concluzia ca nu e deloc asa. Si ca viata noastra ne apartine intr-o mult mai mica masura decat pare. Continuare

New book from IPI eBooks-Samuel Slipp-Object relations-A Dynamic Bridge Between Individual and Family Therapy

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Object Relations

A Dynamic Bridge Between
Individual and Family Therapy 
Samuel Slipp, M.D.

The concepts presented here draw on the richness of psychoanalysis, with its emphasis on early development and conflict, and the dramatic findings of family therapy, which have concentrated on here-and-now interaction. A scientific basis for theory and treatment is presented that integrates these two approaches through the use of object relations theory.  This integration will prove beneficial to family therapy, to psychoanalysis and to psychiatry, but most of all to those suffering from the pain of emotional disorders. (318 pgs)

International Psychotherapy Institute
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M-am interesat la Rectorat si mi s-a spus ca pot continua doctoratura si pot primi noi doctoranzi la sesiunea de toamna din septembrie. Asa ca daca stiti amatori trimiteti-i marti la mine la spital. 

Cu multumiri,
prof.dr. Aurel Romila

Radio Targu-Mures - Colectia de Jazz: Muzica si Medicina cu Prof.Dr.Aurel Romila. Subiectul emisiunii: meloterapia

Colectia de Jazz: Muzica si Medicina, partea I
In editia de joi, 17 iulie, ascultati la Radio Targu-Mures, in cadrul programului "Pasaj Urban", de la ora 23.00, o Colectie de Jazz dedicata legaturii dintre muzic...
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Colectia de Jazz: Muzica si Medicina, partea a II-a
Joi, 24 iulie, la Radio Targu-Mures, in cadrul programului "Pasaj Urban", va reintalniti de la ora 23.00, la Colectia de Jazz, cu Prof.Dr.Aurel Romila. Subiectul em...
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International Conference on Schizophrenia- IConS VI: Chennai, India: A Grand Success:
Dear Colleagues,

The International Conference on Schizophrenia- IConS VI at Chennai, India, August 21-23, 2014 was a grand success. More than 500 delegates from nearly 50 countries participated. The theme was " Research informing clinical practice". The event organised by SCARF Chennai was co-sponsored by the World Psychiatric Association, the World Association of Social Psychiatry and the Indian Psychiatric Society. Prof Dinesh Bhugra (President-Elect, WPA), Prof Tom Craig (President, WASP), Prof TV Asokan (President- IPS) were among those who spoke at the inaugural function.

The large presence of young delegates and the much interested participation made the conference a unique event. The eminent faculty included Mitchell Weiss, Craig Morgan, Dinesh Bhugra, Tom Craig, Mohan Isaac, SK Chaturvedi, Chris Underhill, KS Jacob, Eric Chen,BN Gangadhar, Graham Thornicroft, R Raguram, Ajit Avasthi, NN Raju and many others.

Our heartiest congratulations to R Thara, R Padmavathi and their committed and hardworking team at SCARF!
Best wishes,

Roy Abraham Kallivayalil
Chairman, WPA Section on Preventive Psychiatry,
Past President, Indian Psychiatric Society (2012-13)

The British Journal of Psychiatry Future Table of Contents for 1 October 2014; Vol. 205, No. 4

The British Journal of Psychiatry
BJP -- Future Table of Contents Alert
A new future TOC for The British Journal of Psychiatry is available online for the issue:
October 2014; Vol. 205, No. 4
This Future Table of Contents is available online at:
These articles have been accepted for this issue. Change is possible before publication.

Does the stigma of mental illness contribute to suicidality?
N. Rusch, A. Zlati, G. Black and G. Thornicroft
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)

Review articles
Excess of non-right-handedness in schizophrenia: meta-analysis of gender effects and potential biases in handedness assessment
M. Hirnstein and K. Hugdahl
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
Psychotherapy for subclinical depression: meta-analysis
P. Cuijpers, S. L. Koole, A. van Dijke, M. Roca, J. Li and C. F. Reynolds III
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)

Psychiatric resilience: longitudinal twin study
A. B. Amstadter, J. M. Myers and K. S. Kendler
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
Invited commentary on... Psychiatric resilience: longitudinal twin study
J. Wertz and C. M. Pariante
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
Suicide rates in children aged 10-14 years worldwide: changes in the past two decades
K. Kolves and D. De Leo
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
Childhood family income, adolescent violent criminality and substance misuse: quasi-experimental total population study
A. Sariaslan, H. Larsson, B. D'Onofrio, N. Langstrom and P. Lichtenstein
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
Clinical and social factors associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder medication use: population-based longitudinal study
C. Galera, J.-B. Pingault, G. Michel, M. P. Bouvard, M. Melchior, B. Falissard, M. Boivin, R. E. Tremblay and S. M. Cote
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
Pathways of care of women in secure hospitals: which women go where and why
A. Bartlett, N. Somers, M. Fiander and M. A. Harty
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
Internet-delivered exposure-based cognitive-behavioural therapy and behavioural stress management for severe health anxiety: randomised controlled trial
E. Hedman, E. Axelsson, A. Gorling, C. Ritzman, M. Ronnheden, S. El Alaoui, E. Andersson, M. Lekander and B. Ljotsson
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
White matter integrity and late-life depression in community-dwelling individuals: diffusion tensor imaging study using tract-based spatial statistics
S. Reppermund, L. Zhuang, W. Wen, M. J. Slacin, J. N. Trollor, H. Brodaty and P. S. Sachdev
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)
Diffusion tensor imaging predictors of treatment outcomes in major depressive disorder
M. S. Korgaonkar, L. M. Williams, Y. J. Song, T. Usherwood and S. M. Grieve
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)

Short report
Misuse of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs in the UK
V. Kapil, J. L. Green, C. Le Lait, D. M. Wood and P. I. Dargan
The British Journal of Psychiatry 2014 205 (4)

The British Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents for September 2014; Vol. 205, No. 3

The British Journal of Psychiatry

Highlights of This Issue

Highlights of this issue
Sukhwinder S. Shergill
BJP September 2014 205:A11; doi:10.1192/bjp.205.3.A11


Psychopathology as the basic science of psychiatry
Giovanni Stanghellini and Matthew R. Broome
BJP September 2014 205:169-170; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.138974


The psychiatric ward as a therapeutic space: systematic review
Constantina Papoulias, Emese Csipke, Diana Rose, Susie McKellar, and Til Wykes
BJP September 2014 205:171-176; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.144873


Discharges to prison from medium secure psychiatric units in England and Wales
Michael Doyle, Jeremy Coid, Laura Archer-Power, Lindsay Dewa, Alice Hunter-Didrichsen, Rachel Stevenson, Verity Wainwright, Costas Kallis, Simone Ullrich, and Jenny Shaw
BJP September 2014 205:177-182; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.136622

Cancer incidence in people with affective disorder: nationwide cohort study in Taiwan, 1997-2010
Yen-Ni Hung, Shu-Yu Yang, Ming-Chyi Huang, For-Wey Lung, Shih-Ku Lin, Kuan-Yu Chen, Chian-Jue Kuo, and Ying-Yeh Chen
BJP September 2014 205:183-188; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.144741

Behavioural and psychiatric symptoms in people with dementia admitted to the acute hospital: prospective cohort study
Elizabeth L. Sampson, Nicola White, Baptiste Leurent, Sharon Scott, Kathryn Lord, Jeff Round, and Louise Jones
BJP September 2014 205:189-196; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.130948

Mental and physical illness in caregivers: results from an English national survey sample
Lindsay Smith, Juliana Onwumere, Tom Craig, Sally McManus, Paul Bebbington, and Elizabeth Kuipers
BJP September 2014 205:197-203; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.125369

Functional connectivity and grey matter volume of the striatum in schizophrenia
Kathrin Koch, Oana Georgiana Rus, Tim Jonas Reeß, Claudia Schachtzabel, Gerd Wagner, C. Christoph Schultz, Christian Sorg, and Ralf G. M. Schlösser
BJP September 2014 205:204-213; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.138099

Starting lithium prophylaxis early v. late in bipolar disorder
Lars Vedel Kessing, Eleni Vradi, and Per Kragh Andersen
BJP September 2014 205:214-220; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.142802

Suspicious young minds: paranoia and mistrust in 8- to 14-year-olds in the UK and Hong Kong
Keri K. Wong, Daniel Freeman, and Claire Hughes
BJP September 2014 205:221-229; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.135467

Impact of the diagnostic changes to post-traumatic stress disorder for DSM-5 and the proposed changes to ICD-11
Meaghan L. O'Donnell, Nathan Alkemade, Angela Nickerson, Mark Creamer, Alexander C. McFarlane, Derrick Silove, Richard A. Bryant, and David Forbes
BJP September 2014 205:230-235; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.135285

Using generic preference-based measures in mental health: psychometric validity of the EQ-5D and SF-6D
Brendan Mulhern, Clara Mukuria, Michael Barkham, Martin Knapp, Sarah Byford, Djøra Soeteman, and John Brazier
BJP September 2014 205:236-243; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.112.122283


ANK3 gene expression in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
Katrine Verena Wirgenes, Martin Tesli, Elin Inderhaug, Lavinia Athanasiu, Ingrid Agartz, Ingrid Melle, Timothy Hughes, Ole Andreas Andreassen, and Srdjan Djurovic
BJP September 2014 205:244-245; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.145433

Economic suicides in the Great Recession in Europe and North America
Aaron Reeves, Martin McKee, and David Stuckler
BJP September 2014 205:246-247; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.144766


The clinical implications of church attendance and suicide
Rob Poole
BJP September 2014 205:248; doi:10.1192/bjp.205.3.248

Author's reply
Christopher C. H. Cook
BJP September 2014 205:248-249; doi:10.1192/bjp.205.3.248a


R. Uher and I. Weaver
BJP September 2014 205:249; doi:10.1192/bjp.205.3.249


Anxiety: A Short History
Tom C. Russ
BJP September 2014 205:250; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.144659

Components of Emotional Meaning: A Sourcebook
Roland Littlewood
BJP September 2014 205:250-251; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.144634

Responses to Terrorism: Can Psychosocial Approaches Break the Cycle of Violence?
Martin Deahl
BJP September 2014 205:251; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.150458

Child Temperament: New Thinking About the Boundary between Traits and Illness
Lisa Burke
BJP September 2014 205:251-252; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.144683


Derek K. Tracy, Dan W. Joyce, and Sukhwinder S. Shergill
BJP September 2014 205:254-255; doi:10.1192/bjp.205.3.254


On Bereavement: Studies of Grief in Adult Life by Colin Murray Parkes - reflection
Jan Oyebode
BJP September 2014 205:213; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.143131

To L.H.B. (1894-1915) - poem
Katherine Mansfield
BJP September 2014 205:220; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.148296

Arjuna and Job: depression relieved by submission to gods - psychiatry and sacred texts
John Scott Price and Russell Gardner, Jr
BJP September 2014 205:229; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.141911

The temperance movement - in 100 words
Iain D. Smith
BJP September 2014 205:255; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.138404


From the Editor's desk
Kamaldeep Bhui
BJP September 2014 205:256; doi:10.1192/bjp.205.3.256