Editorial Martie 2015 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

A T E I S M     P S I H I A T R I C

Din pacate, lumea n-are o evolutie ascendenta catre Dumnezeu, ci are oscilatii intr-o lupta formidabila si tragica cu ateismul.
In psihiatrie, sensul specific pe care il acord termenului de ateism psihiatric este pur si simplu pretentia ca o practica oarba poate ocupa meseria psihiatiei. Ori psihiatria presupune stiinta teoretica extrasa din stiinte positive, dar si credinta metafizica in fiinta umana si in libertatea ei . Aceasta este tinta stiintei psihiatrice cu credinta in om, in psihoterapie .
De aceea, formarea noilor specialisti implica o mare responasabilitate. Nu e scuzabila neglijarea teoriei si inlocuirea cu firme si mii de denumiri care nu stau pe cunosterea adevarata a medicamentelor, a limitelor si a impletirii cu psihoterapia. Nu ducem lipsa de ambitiosi care pretind ca stiu carte sau fac pe marii taumaturgi. Si, in fond, au interese joase, ignoranta si, desigur, impertinent tupeu.
Dumnezeu vede si, desi pare ca are alte treburi, are grija de sensul istoriei si de aruncare la gunoi a acestor impostori in psihiatrie.

Prof. Dr. Aurel ROMILA

P S Y C H I A T R I C    A T H E I S M

Unfortunately, the world does not have an upward trend by God, but has oscillations in a tremendous and tragic struggle with atheism.
In psychiatry, the specific meaning that I give to psychiatric term psychiatric atheism is simply the claim that a blind practice can handle this job. Or psychiatry supposes theoretical science rooted on positive science but also metaphysical faith in human beings and its liberty. This is the target of psychiatric science with faith in man, in psychotherapy.
Therefore, training of the new specialists involves a great responsibility. It's not excusable theory neglecting and replacement with brands and thousands of names that are not based on true knowing of medicines, boundaries and weaving with psychotherapy. We do not lack of ambitious persons well trained or behave as great thaumaturge. And, in fact, they have low interest, ignorance and, of course, impertinent nerve.
God sees and although it seems to have other things to do, takes care of the sense of history and of the disposal of these impostors from psychiatry.

Prof. Dr. Aurel ROMILA

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