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Editor: James M. LeBreton, The Pennsylvania State University
Impact Factor: 4.727
Ranked: Psychology, Applied 2 out of 79 | Management 9 out of 192
Source:2016 Release of Journal Citation Reports, Source: 2015 Web of Science Data
Enjoy free access to the latest must-reads from Organizational Research Methods
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Research Design for Mixed Methods: A Triangulation-based Framework and Roadmap by Scott F. Turner, Laura B. Cardinal, and Richard M. Burton
Storytelling Diamond: An Antenarrative Integration of the Six Facets of Storytelling in Organization Research Design by Grace Ann Rosile, David M. Boje, Donna M. Carlon, Alexis Downs, and Rohny Saylors
Advancing Multilevel Research Design: Capturing the Dynamics of Emergence by Steve W. J. Kozlowski, Georgia T. Chao, James A. Grand, Michael T. Braun, and Goran Kuljanin
Best-Practice Recommendations for Defining, Identifying, and Handling Outliers by Herman Aguinis, Ryan K. Gottfredson, and Harry Joo
*Free access is valid until August 31, 2016. You may already have free access via a library or other subscription.
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