IPI Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy Course begins September 7

   Psychoanalytic Couple
 Therapy Course

In person or distance learning 
   begins September 7

Special Topics in the Theory, Technique,  

and Practice of Couple Therapy 
Wednesdays, 9:45-11:45 a.m. Eastern Time
Course Directors:  
David Scharff, MD and Carla Trusty-Smith, Ph.D., LMHC  

Participate in person at a local site or join this live web seminar from your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone

The Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy Course will focus on special topics and challenges in the practice of couple treatment, using presentations, case presentation and discussion, and advance readings. The course will feature presenters from the International Psychotherapy Institute and other colleagues from the U.S., Argentina, England, Greece, Israel, Italy and Spain. Participants may join the course at several established videoconference sites including Chevy Chase, MD, Indianapolis, IN, Long Island, NY, Salt Lake City, UT, and Tel Aviv, Israel, or may join this live videoconference individually via the internet by computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.  This year participants will be able to join the videoconference easily by downloading a free program and clicking on a simple link (for more information on connecting, contact info@theipi.org).  Register for one semester or both.  

FALL 2016 Semester Schedule - Seven two-hour sessions - 14 hours CE Credit
September 7     Altering Technique with Narcissistic Couples
             Carl Bagnini (Long Island, NY)
October 5          To Be or Not To Be Three?
             Jill Scharff (Washington, DC) 
October 26         Reckoning with the Unconscious in Later Life:  A Reappraisal
                          and Development of the Tavistock Model of Couple Functioning
                          Chris Vincent (Hayling Island, England) 

November 2       Is Neurobiology of Any Relevance to the Practice of Couple Psychotherapy?
              Chris Clulow (London) 
November 16    "Who's Cry is it for God's Sake?":
                          Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma to the Third Generation
                          Hanni Mann-Shalvi (Tel Aviv, Israel) 

November 30      Understanding, Assessing and Working with                         

                           Domestic Violence and Abuse in Couples
               Damian McCann (London) 
December 14      The Psychosomatic Partnership: Implications in Couple Sex Therapy
               Carla Trusty Smith (Indianapolis, IN), Presenter
               David Scharff (Washington, DC), Discussant

SPRING 2017 Semester - Eight two-hour sessions - 16 hours CE Credit

January 11         The Role of Blame in Couple Relationships:
                           An Oedipal Dimension
    Amita Sehgal (London)
January 25         Challenges of Sexual Life After Cancer   
    Lisa Anllo (Buffalo, NY)   
February 1          Concurrent Couple and Individual Treatment:
                           Collision, Collusion, or Effective combination?
    Janine Wanlass (Salt Lake City, UT)  
February 15        Collaborative Treatment Planning with Couples and Families:
                           Principles, Parameters and a Proposed Paradigm 
    Caroline Sehon (Washington, DC)
March 1               Intersubjective Work when Dealing Clinically with Couples  
     Elizabeth Palacios (Zaragoza, Spain) 
March 29              Fear of Sharing and Transpersonal Defenses
                            in Psychoanalytic Couple therapy 
     Anastasia Tsamparli (Rhodes, Greece)  
April 19               Second Chance:  Couple vs. Family
     Monica Vorchheimer (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 
May 3                  The Mystery, the Turbulence and the Passion of Infantile Phantasy       
                                    in the Couple:  Working with Donald Meltzer's Theories 
     Karen Proner (New York)

Registration Fee: $295 per semester
Participants register for the full semester of seven or eight sessions - not open to registration for individual sessions.
CE Credit:
Fall Semester 2016: 14 hours          Spring Semester 2017: 16 hours

To Register: 
Click here to Register online. You can also click here  to download a registration form.  Participants may register to participate in person at one of our local sites, or by weblink on their computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. 

Contact us for more information on participating by weblink, or for information about any of our programs, including objectives, target audience, instructional level of the activity, schedule, cost, refund/cancellation policy, instructor credentials and CE credit.

International Psychotherapy Institute, 6612 Kennedy Drive, Chevy Chase, MD 20815

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