Addictive Behaviors: Alert 30 January-06 February

New articles available on ScienceDirect
Volume 78, Pages 1-230, March 2018 Addictive Behaviors
Volume 78, Pages 1-230, March 2018

Editorial Board   
Page ii
The role of distress tolerance in the relationship between cognitive schemas and alcohol problems among college students    Original Research Article
Pages 1-8
Raluca M. Simons, Rebecca E. Sistad, Jeffrey S. Simons, Jamie Hansen
Decreased pain tolerance before surgery and increased postoperative narcotic requirements in abstinent tobacco smokers    Original Research Article
Pages 9-14
Ling Shen, Kai Wei, Qianbo Chen, Haibo Qiu, Yong Tao, Qiang Yao, Jinchao Song, Chengjian Li, Liang Zhao, Yantao Liu, Zhijie Lu
A detailed examination of the longitudinal associations between individual and team sports and alcohol use    Original Research Article
Pages 15-21
Anne-Sophie Denault, François Poulin
An examination of heavy drinking, depressed mood, drinking related constructs, and consequences among high-risk college students using a person-centered approach    Original Research Article
Pages 22-29
Irene M. Geisner, Kimberly Mallett, Lindsey Varvil-Weld, Sarah Ackerman, Bradley M. Trager, Rob Turrisi
An ecological momentary intervention for smoking cessation: The associations of just-in-time, tailored messages with lapse risk factors    Original Research Article
Pages 30-35
Emily T. Hébert, Elise M. Stevens, Summer G. Frank, Darla E. Kendzor, David W. Wetter, Michael J. Zvolensky, Julia D. Buckner, Michael S. Businelle
Prospective prediction of arrests for driving under the influence from relationship patterns with family and friends in adolescence    Original Research Article
Pages 36-42
William E. Pelham, Thomas J. Dishion
Trends in self-efficacy to quit and smoking urges among homeless smokers participating in a smoking cessation RCT    Original Research Article
Pages 43-50
Erika Ashley Pinsker, Deborah Jane Hennrikus, Darin J. Erickson, Kathleen Thiede Call, Jean Lois Forster, Kolawole Stephen Okuyemi
Social media e-cigarette exposure and e-cigarette expectancies and use among young adults    Original Research Article
Pages 51-58
Pallav Pokhrel, Pebbles Fagan, Thaddeus A. Herzog, Linnea Laestadius, Wayne Buente, Crissy T. Kawamoto, Hye-Ryeon Lee, Jennifer B. Unger
Tobacco and alcohol use disorders: Evaluating multimorbidity    Original Research Article
Pages 59-66
R. Ross MacLean, Mehmet Sofuoglu, Robert Rosenheck
Development and initial testing of the brief adolescent smoking curiosity scale (ASCOS)    Original Research Article
Pages 67-73
Georges E. Khalil, Karen S. Calabro, Alexander V. Prokhorov
E-cigarette marketing exposure and combustible tobacco use among adolescents in the United States    Original Research Article
Pages 74-79
Rehab Auf, Mary Jo Trepka, Moaz Selim, Ziyad Ben Taleb, Mario De La Rosa, Miguel Ángel Cano
Polysubstance use profiles among electronic dance music party attendees in New York City and their relation to use of new psychoactive substances    Original Research Article
Pages 85-93
Fermín Fernández-Calderón, Charles M. Cleland, Joseph J. Palamar
The impact of a brief cessation induction intervention for waterpipe tobacco smoking: A pilot randomized clinical trial    Original Research Article
Pages 94-100
Eleanor L.S. Leavens, Ellen Meier, Alayna P. Tackett, Mary Beth Miller, Noor N. Tahirkheli, Emma I. Brett, Dana M. Carroll, Leslie M. Driskill, Michael P. Anderson, Theodore L. Wagener
Industry interests in gambling research: Lessons learned from other forms of hazardous consumption    Original Research Article
Pages 101-106
S. Cowlishaw, S.L. Thomas
The association between adolescent cannabis use and anxiety: A parallel process analysis    Original Research Article
Pages 107-113
Jacqueline Duperrouzel, Samuel W. Hawes, Catalina Lopez-Quintero, Ileana Pacheco-Colón, Jonathan Comer, Raul Gonzalez
Examining characteristics associated with quitting smoking during pregnancy and relapse postpartum    Original Research Article
Pages 114-119
Farnaaz Kia, Nicole Tosun, Samantha Carlson, Sharon Allen
Social discomfort moderates the relationship between drinking in response to negative affect and solitary drinking in underage drinkers    Original Research Article
Pages 124-130
Carillon Skrzynski, Kasey G. Creswell, Rachel L. Bachrach, Tammy Chung
Who is watching user-generated alcohol posts on social media?    Original Research Article
Pages 131-137
Eilin K. Erevik, Ståle Pallesen, Cecilie S. Andreassen, Øystein Vedaa, Torbjørn Torsheim
Characteristics of prospectively identified negative alcohol-related events among college students    Original Research Article
Pages 138-144
Matthew K. Meisel, Shannon R. Kenney, Nancy P. Barnett
Trends and key correlates of prescription opioid injection misuse in the United States    Original Research Article
Pages 145-152
Christopher M. Jones
Testing competing models of injunctive and descriptive norms for proximal and distal reference groups on alcohol attitudes and behavior    Original Research Article
Pages 153-159
Andrew Lac, Candice D. Donaldson
Thinking while drinking: Fear of negative evaluation predicts drinking behaviors of students with social anxiety    Original Research Article
Pages 160-165
Margo C. Villarosa-Hurlocker, Robert B. Whitley, Daniel W. Capron, Michael B. Madson
Depression symptoms and reasons for gambling sequentially mediate the associations between insecure attachment styles and problem gambling    Original Research Article
Pages 166-172
Matthew T. Keough, Trinda L. Penniston, Natalie Vilhena-Churchill, R. Michael Bagby, Lena C. Quilty
Parachuting psychoactive substances: Pharmacokinetic clues for harm reduction    Original Research Article
Pages 173-177
Amélie Daveluy, Hélène Géniaux, Marie Baumevieille, Louis Létinier, Marie-Noëlle Matta, Aurélie Lazès-Charmetant, Françoise Haramburu, Pascale Guéroult
Understanding sexual assault risk perception in college: Associations among sexual assault history, drinking to cope, and alcohol use    Original Research Article
Pages 178-186
Elizabeth C. Neilson, Elizabeth R. Bird, Isha W. Metzger, William H. George, Jeanette Norris, Amanda K. Gilmore
Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and substance use among young adults: A latent class analysis    Original Research Article
Pages 187-192
Sunny H. Shin, Shelby Elaine McDonald, David Conley
Young adult e-cigarette use outcome expectancies: Validity of a revised scale and a short scale    Original Research Article
Pages 193-199
Pallav Pokhrel, Tony H. Lam, Ian Pagano, Crissy T. Kawamoto, Thaddeus A. Herzog
The effects of alcohol hangover on future drinking behavior and the development of alcohol problems    Original Research Article
Pages 209-215
Kelly E. Courtney, Matthew Worley, Norma Castro, Susan F. Tapert
Negative affectivity as a mechanism underlying perceived distress tolerance and cannabis use problems, barriers to cessation, and self-efficacy for quitting among urban cannabis users    Original Research Article
Pages 216-222
Kara Manning, Daniel J. Paulus, Julianna B.D. Hogan, Julia D. Buckner, Samantha G. Farris, Michael J. Zvolensky
The Cigarette Dependence Scale and Heaviness of Smoking Index as predictors of smoking cessation after 10 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy and at 6-month follow-up    Original Research Article
Pages 223-227
Laurie Zawertailo, Sabrina Voci, Peter Selby
Prevalence and motives for drugged driving among emerging adults presenting to an emergency department   
Pages 80-84
Erin E. Bonar, Brooke J. Arterberry, Alan K. Davis, Rebecca M. Cunningham, Frederic C. Blow, R. Lorraine Collins, Maureen A. Walton
Exposure to tobacco websites: Associations with cigarette and e-cigarette use and susceptibility among adolescents   
Pages 120-123
Jennifer B. Unger, Lauren Bartsch
Butt Why? Exploring factors associated with cigarette scavenging behaviors among adult smokers enrolling in a clinical trial for smoking cessation   
Pages 200-204
Ryan Lantini, Marie A. Sillice, Joseph L. Fava, Ernestine Jennings, Rochelle K. Rosen, Santina M. Horowitz, Bruce M. Becker, Beth C. Bock
A randomized, controlled pilot study of warm handoff versus fax referral for hospital-initiated smoking cessation among people living with HIV/AIDS   
Pages 205-208
Laura M. Mussulman, Babalola Faseru, Sharon Fitzgerald, Niaman Nazir, Vivek Patel, Kimber P. Richter
The intersection between response inhibition and substance use among adolescents   
Pages 228-230
Kristine Rømer Thomsen, Tine Blom Osterland, Morten Hesse, Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing

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